Address: 445 Dixie Lee Ln, Stone Mountain, GA 30083-4203
Phone: 4047817000

LATECHIA HOGUE (NPI# 1477811636) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1477811636
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name LATECHIA HOGUE
Practice Address 445 Dixie Lee Ln
Stone Mountain
GA 30083-4203
Mailing Address 3459 Jackson Dr
GA 30032-3035
Practice Telephone 4047817000
Mailing Telephone 4047617000
Enumeration Date 2012-04-25
Last Update Date 2012-04-25
Authorized Official Telephone 4047817000
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 251B00000X Case Management Agencies

Office Location

Street Address 445 DIXIE LEE LN
State GA
Zip Code 30083-4203

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1356609945 Latechia Hogue Case Manager/Care Coordinator 445 Dixie Lee Ln, Stone Mountain, GA 30083-4203 2012-05-02

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1396191086 Suzanne Carter Chore Provider 1036 Allgood Rd, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 2016-05-11
1437520087 Meaza Dada Pharmacist 1043 Thornwoode Lane, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 2015-10-08
1427436500 Raeanne Elizabeth Gialanella Occupational Therapist 5839 Memorial Drive, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 2015-05-11
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1144625922 Granville Theodore Freeman IIi Counselor 5000 Brittany Drive, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 2014-10-23
1588974208 Terri R Collins Counselor 1020 Strap Hinge Trail, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 2010-10-15
1104064815 Vistas Medical Center,pc Clinic/Center 5329 Memorial Dr Ste A, Stone Mountain, GEORGIA 30083 2009-02-03
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 251B00000X
Grouping Agencies
Classification Case Management

Taxonomy Definition

An organization that is responsible for providing case management services. The agency provides services which assist an individual in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and/or other services. Case management services may be used to locate, coordinate, and monitor necessary appropriate services. It may be used to encourage the use of cost-effective medical care by referrals to appropriate providers and to discourage over utilization of costly services. Case management may also serve to provide necessary coordination of non-medical services such as vocational rehabilitation, education, employment, when the services provided enable the individual to function at the highest level.
Notes: Source: CMS State Medicaid Manual Section 4442.3 [7/1/2006: definition modified]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1699374934 Primary Health Care Resource Service, Lp Case Management 5405 Memorial Dr Ste 101, Stone Mountain, GA 30083-3234 2020-10-19
1134770704 All In Coordination Care LLC Case Management 5159 Rockbridge Dr, Stone Mountain, GA 30087-4219 2019-09-25
1760040919 Nasra Mohamed Mirreh Case Management 4058 Creek Station Ln, Stone Mountain, GA 30083-7003 2019-06-03
1629495858 Alvin Henderson Case Management 5654 Summer Meadow Pass, Stone Mountain, GA 30087-6014 2014-03-26
1023368263 Helen L Ross Case Management 647 Bralorne Dr, Stone Mountain, GA 30087-4604 2012-09-14
1699393215 Brown & Walker Consultants Case Management 693 Watson Reef, Stone Mountain, GA 30087-6117 2020-07-09
1255838421 Children First Quality Service Case Management 5345 Cumberland Way, Stone Mountain, GA 30087-4212 2018-04-12
1225460173 Kamkare LLC Case Management 708 Hairston Crossing Ct, Stone Mountain, GA 30083-3431 2013-08-02
1134460850 Visions of Hope Counseling Case Management 5300 Memorial Dr, Stone Mountain, GA 30083-3148 2013-03-05
1194059717 Alternative Healthcare Solutions, Inc Case Management 5300 Memorial Dr, Suite 201 E & F, Stone Mountain, GA 30083-3148 2009-09-29
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Zip Code 30083

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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