Address: 11200 Lariat Way, Dodge City, KS 67801-7328
Phone: 6202250276

YOUTHVILLE (NPI# 1457562902) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1457562902
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name YOUTHVILLE
Practice Address 11200 Lariat Way
Dodge City
KS 67801-7328
Mailing Address 900 W Broadway St
KS 67114-2037
Practice Telephone 6202250276
Practice Fax Number 6202251854
Mailing Telephone 3162831950
Mailing Fax Number 3162839540
Enumeration Date 2007-05-25
Last Update Date 2020-08-22
Authorized Official Telephone 6202250276
Authorized Official Credential MASTERS DEGREE
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 323P00000X Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 850 KS Residential Treatment Facilities

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1619117397 Youthville Foster Care Agency 4505 E 47th St S, Wichita, KS 67210-1651 2009-02-20

Other Data Sources

Entity Type Entity Name Entity Address
System for Award Management (SAM) Entities YOUTHVILLE 900 W Broadway St, Newton, KS 67114-2004

Office Location

Street Address 11200 LARIAT WAY
State KS
Zip Code 67801-7328

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1093847410 Vickie Diane Brass Counselor 11200 Lariat Way, Dodge City, KS 67801-7328 2007-03-12
1871973586 United Methodist Western Kansas Mexican American Ministries, Inc. Clinic/Center 11200 Lariat Way, Dodge City, KS 67801-7328 2015-06-08
1366707408 Jamey L Brannon Counselor 11200 Lariat Way, Dodge City, KS 67801-7328 2012-07-04
1285813477 Donald W Marshall Counselor 11200 Lariat Way, Dodge City, KS 67801-7328 2007-10-24
1497957898 Frank Benito Sumaya Social Worker 11200 Lariat Way, Dodge City, KS 67801-7328 2007-06-05
1508075532 Leatha J Benson Social Worker 11200 Lariat Way, Dodge City, KS 67801-7328 2007-05-22
1720208887 United Methodist Youthville Inc Community/Behavioral Health 11200 Lariat Way, Dodge City, KS 67801-7328 2007-04-30
1003931445 Raymond Eugene Wilkerson Social Worker 11200 Lariat Way, Dodge City, KS 67801-7328 2007-03-21
1245355361 Charles Lucas Stephens Psychologist 11200 Lariat Way, Dodge City, KS 67801-7328 2007-03-20
1336263052 Emberhope, Inc Case Management 11200 Lariat Way, Dodge City, KS 67801-7328 2007-03-19
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1598294589 Jeremy L Luthi Physical Therapist 2200 Summerlon Circle, Suite D, Dodge City, KS 67801 2017-06-05
1851796635 Larry Martin Pharmacist 1700 N 14th, Dodge City, KS 67801 2014-10-23
1588934038 Janet R Giefer Occupational Therapy Assistant 510 W Frontview, Dodge City, KS 67801 2011-12-30
1982855565 Sandra M Herder Nurse Practitioner 100 Ross Blvd Suite 2a, Dodge City, KS 67801 2008-10-01
1689820300 Gloria Andrade Counselor 207 W Spruce, Dodge City, KS 67801 2008-08-13
1396957213 F Rodney Copeland Optometrist 2405 Central, Dodge City, KS 67801 2007-05-04
1881710879 Kathleen Joan Warner-long Counselor 506 Avenue L, Dodge City, KS 67801 2007-03-21
1396884961 Kansas Soldiers Home Skilled Nursing Facility 201 Custer, Fort Dodge, KS 67801 2007-02-06
1083774954 Sherron S Mcreynolds Registered Nurse 101 Plaza Terrace, Dodge City, KS 67801 2006-12-11
1477621159 Dodge City Dental Care Dentist 2300 N 14th Street, Suite 202, Dodge City, KS 67801 2006-12-01
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 323P00000X
Grouping Residential Treatment Facilities
Classification Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility

Taxonomy Definition

A residential treatment facility (RTF) is a facility or distinct part of a facility that provides to children and adolescents, a total, twenty-four hour, therapeutically planned group living and learning situation where distinct and individualized psychotherapeutic interventions can take place. Residential treatment is a specific level of care to be differentiated from acute, intermediate, and long-term hospital care, when the least restrictive environment is maintained to allow for normalization of the patient’s surroundings. The RTF must be both physically and programmatically distinct if it is a part or subunit of a larger treatment program. An RTF is organized and professionally staffed to provide residential treatment of mental disorders to children and adolescents who have sufficient intellectual potential to respond to active treatment (that is, for whom it can reasonably be assumed that treatment of the mental disorder will result in an improved ability to function outside the RTF) for whom outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization or protected and structured environment is medically or psychologically necessary
Notes: Source: Champus Policy manual, Volume II, p. 6010.47M dated 9/12/94. Revision: Definition title revised 7/1/03

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1710172473 Sequel of Kansas, LLC Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 2050 W. 11th St N, Wichita, KS 67203 2007-09-06
1013137397 Lemon Tree Enterprises, LLC Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 2050 W 11th St N, Wichita, KS 67203 2007-04-27
1992828362 The Sweet Life At Shawnee Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 11400 W 65th St, Shawnee, KS 66203-5555 2007-04-09
1639225667 Judge James V Riddel Boys Ranch Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 25331 W 39th St S, Goddard, KS 67052-9244 2007-01-25
1174598395 Lemontree Enterprises, LLC Dba Liberty Juvenile Services & Treatment Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 2050 W 11th Street N, Wichita, KS 67203 2006-02-21
1225379324 Riverside Academy Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 2050 W 11th St N, Wichita, KS 67203-3006 2013-03-14
1992060347 Lakemary Center Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 100 Lakemary Dr, Paola, KS 66071-1855 2012-07-11
1871899559 Marillac Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 8000 W 127th St, Overland Park, KS 66213-2714 2011-01-28
1316269368 Kvc Wheatland Psychiatric Hospital Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 205 E 7th St, Hays, KS 67601-4907 2010-02-18
1922252071 Kvc Hospitals Inc Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 4300 Brenner Dr, Kansas City, KS 66104-1163 2008-11-14
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Zip Code 67801

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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