Address: 9515 Webster Way, Westminster, CO 80021-4801
Phone: 3032333363

DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES RESOURCE CENTER (NPI# 1447793195) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1447793195
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name COLUMBINE GROUP HOME
Practice Address 9515 Webster Way
CO 80021-4801
Mailing Address 11177 W 8th Ave
Suite 300
CO 80215-5575
Practice Telephone 3032333363
Mailing Telephone 3032333363
Enumeration Date 2016-11-29
Last Update Date 2016-11-29
Authorized Official Telephone 3034626511
Authorized Official Credential CPA, CGMA
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 320900000X Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities Residential Treatment Facilities

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Columbine Group Home Other Name - Individual/Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1861936015 Developmental Disabilities Resource Center Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 727 Miller Ct, Lakewood, CO 80215-5703 2016-12-07
1417491663 Developmental Disabilities Resource Center Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 2275 Nelson Pl, Lakewood, CO 80215-1340 2016-12-07
1649714957 Developmental Disabilities Resource Center Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 5741 W Cedar Ave, Lakewood, CO 80226-2306 2016-12-06
1285177931 Developmental Disabilities Resource Center Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 2205 Upham St, Lakewood, CO 80214-5833 2016-11-29
1174066815 Developmental Disabilities Resource Center Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 7564 W 83rd Ave, Arvada, CO 80003-1609 2016-11-29
1821531559 Developmental Disabilities Resource Center Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 2352 S Braun Way, Lakewood, CO 80228-4702 2016-11-29
1861935512 Developmental Disabilities Resource Center Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 2510 S Flower St, Lakewood, CO 80237 2016-11-29
1831632579 Developmental Disabilities Resource Center Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 2655 S Lamar Way, Lakewood, CO 80227-4034 2016-11-29
1760925499 Developmental Disabilities Resource Center Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 7198 W Cedar Ave, Lakewood, CO 80226-7327 2016-11-29
1851834592 Developmental Disabilities Resource Center Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 3900 Independence Ct, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-4110 2016-11-29

Other Data Sources

Entity Type Entity Name Entity Address
Colorado Business Entities DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES RESOURCE CENTER 11177 W 8th Ave, Lakewood, CO 80215

Office Location

Street Address 9515 WEBSTER WAY
State CO
Zip Code 80021-4801

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1346475209 Christine Marie Maren Family Medicine 8181 Arista Pl Unit 100, Broomfield, CO 80021 2009-05-21
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 320900000X
Grouping Residential Treatment Facilities
Classification Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities

Taxonomy Definition

A home-like residential facility providing habilitation, support and monitoring services to individuals diagnosed with mental retardation and/or developmental disabilities.
Notes: [7/1/2003: new]

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1699326231 A.w. Holdings of Maryland, Inc. Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 4598 Old Hanover Rd, Westminster, MD 21158-1600 2019-09-25
1972153005 A.w. Holdings of Maryland, Inc. Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 1382 Alison Ct, Westminster, MD 21158-2741 2019-09-20

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1982203535 Special Care Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 2776 S Dunkirk Ct, Aurora, CO 80013-4744 2020-10-23
1083220750 Liberty Residential LLC Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 923 S Telluride St, Aurora, CO 80017-3346 2020-09-18
1386254019 Grace Mountain LLC Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 6030 Blue Ridge Dr Apt H, Highlands Ranch, CO 80130-3630 2020-08-07
1598381766 Hand and Heart Host Homes Agency Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 391 S Simms St, Lakewood, CO 80228-2905 2020-06-23
1750907135 Bianca Alish Lott Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 17827 E Mexico Dr, Aurora, CO 80017-5378 2020-06-22
1790300705 Haset Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 855 S Kalispell Cir Unit 205, Aurora, CO 80017-2098 2020-06-15
1619599826 Metro Hearts Host Homes Inc. Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 1192 Sandpiper Ln, Brighton, CO 80601-7391 2020-05-11
1588283550 Roots, Limited Liability Co. Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 436 Purple Plum Ct, Fruita, CO 81521-6205 2020-04-10
1235760497 Garden Neighbors, LLC Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 2773 W Long Dr, Littleton, CO 80120-5531 2020-01-27
1386284461 Integrated Life Choices Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 7800 S Elati St Ste 111, Littleton, CO 80120-4400 2020-01-07
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Zip Code 80021

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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