Address: 2000 Town Ctr Ste 1900, Southfield, MI 48075-1152
Phone: 2487921316

TELEHEALTH STUDIOS PLLC (NPI# 1417580457) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1417580457
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name TELEHEALTH STUDIOS
Practice Address 2000 Town Ctr Ste 1900
MI 48075-1152
Mailing Address Po Box 781
MI 48037-0781
Practice Telephone 2487921316
Mailing Telephone 2487921316
Enumeration Date 2020-02-18
Last Update Date 2020-02-19
Authorized Official Name DR. DENISE HENRY (CEO)
Authorized Official Telephone 2487921316
Is Organization Subpart Y
Parent Organization Name TELEHEALTH STUDIOS PLLC


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
N 213EP1101X Podiatrist
Specialization: Primary Podiatric Medicine
Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Service Providers
N 213ES0000X Podiatrist
Specialization: Sports Medicine
Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Service Providers
N 2083P0901X Preventive Medicine
Specialization: Public Health & General Preventive Medicine
Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
N 208100000X Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
N 103TC1900X Psychologist
Specialization: Counseling
Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers
N 207N00000X Dermatology Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
N 207R00000X Internal Medicine Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Y 174H00000X Health Educator Other Service Providers

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Telehealth Studios Other Name - Individual/Organization

Office Location

Street Address 2000 TOWN CTR STE 1900
State MI
Zip Code 48075-1152

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1588780456 Ageless Athletes Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier 2000 Town Ctr Ste 1900, Southfield, MI 48075-1152 2007-03-22
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1033633300 Change Your Destiny Counseling LLC Counselor 2000 Town Ctr Ste 1900, Southfield, MI 48075-1152 2017-07-28
1710107701 Joyce Denise Bradford Podiatrist 2000 Town Ctr Ste 1900, Southfield, MI 48075-1152 2007-05-01

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1851900054 K&b Medical Wigs, LLC Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies 16250 Northland Dr. Ste 221, Southfield, MI 48075 2020-07-24
1790300390 Julian Jeberaeel Radiology 2250 Providence, Southfield, MI 48075 2020-06-10
1265056410 Husein Yusuf Husein Podiatrist Ascension Providence Hospital Southfield Campus, 16001 W. Nine Mile Rd. Depaul 2nd Floor, Southfield, Mi, MI 48075 2020-06-03
1952945420 Paris Straughter Nurse Practitioner 18438 Onyx St, Southfield, MI 48075 2019-10-29
1811467657 Medicine Man Medical, Pllc Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 25130 Southfield Road, Suite #210, Southfield, MI 48075 2018-12-04
1447725528 Rommel Ramos Perez Physical Therapist 26017 Greenfield Rd., Southfield, MI 48075 2018-10-04
1073009627 Jacqueline Venora Goodgame Licensed Practical Nurse 4000 Town Ctr, Southfield, MI 48075 2018-07-06
1043712532 Hollie Marie Maltese Physical Therapy Assistant 22255 Greenfiled 118, Southfield, MI 48075 2018-03-01
1932601481 Katie Marie Mccormack Occupational Therapist 16001 West Nine Mile Rd., Southfield, MI 48075 2018-03-01
1801304241 Absolute Hc LLC Physical Therapist 23461 Greenfield Rd Ste 200b, Southfield, MI 48075 2018-01-19
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 174H00000X
Grouping Other Service Providers
Classification Health Educator

Taxonomy Definition

Health educators work in a variety of settings providing education to individuals or groups of individuals on healthy behaviors, wellness, and health-related topics with the goal of preventing diseases and health problems. Health educators generally require a bachelor’s degree and may receive additional training, such as through mentoring, internships, or volunteer work.
Notes: Source: National Uniform Claim Committee, 2009 [7/1/2009: definition added]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1215592241 Ashley Page Health Educator 26901 Beaumont Blvd Ste 3d, Southfield, MI 48033-3849 2019-05-06
1952968190 Nicole Frantz Ellis Health Educator 26901 Beaumont Blvd, Southfield, MI 48033-3849 2019-05-23
1679138200 Charlene Diehl Health Educator 26901 Beaumont Blvd, Southfield, MI 48033-3849 2019-05-09
1831754464 Lisa Modzel Health Educator 26901 Beaumont Blvd, Southfield, MI 48033-3849 2019-05-09
1750946570 Ebonite Guyton Health Educator 26901 Beaumont Blvd, Southfield, MI 48033-3849 2019-05-07
1205491156 Lynell Edwards Health Educator 26901 Beaumont Blvd, Southfield, MI 48033-3849 2019-05-07
1306401252 Karen Firosz Health Educator 26901 Beaumont Blvd, Southfield, MI 48033-3849 2019-05-07
1144885179 Kathy English Health Educator 26901 Beaumont Blvd Ste 3d, Southfield, MI 48033-3849 2019-05-06
1336704352 Kimberly Batko Health Educator 26901 Beaumont Blvd Ste 3d, Southfield, MI 48033-3849 2019-05-06
1609431667 Alicia Jackson Health Educator 26901 Beaumont Blvd, Southfield, MI 48033-3849 2019-05-06
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Zip Code 48075

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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