Address: 240 W 73rd St, New York, NY 10023-2700
Phone: 2123624742

SONALI LAL PHYSICIAN PC (NPI# 1376922542) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1376922542
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 240 W 73rd St
New York
NY 10023-2700
Practice Telephone 2123624742
Practice Fax Number 2127875275
Mailing Telephone 2123624742
Mailing Fax Number 2127875275
Enumeration Date 2015-05-21
Last Update Date 2015-05-21
Authorized Official Name SONALI LAL (OWNER)
Authorized Official Telephone 2123624742
Authorized Official Credential MD
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 2081S0010X Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Specialization: Sports Medicine
240678 NY Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
NY MEDICARE NPI 1942572912 01

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1942572912 Sonali Lal Physician PC Rehabilitation Practitioner 180 Riverside Blvd, Apt 16a, New York, NY 10069-0801 2012-02-06

Office Location

Street Address 240 W 73RD ST
State NY
Zip Code 10023-2700

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1467497701 Sanford Michael Green Podiatrist 240 W 73rd St, New York, NY 10023-2700 2006-06-19
1982234548 Arielle Jackson Physical Therapist 240 W 73rd St, New York, NY 10023-2700 2020-01-23
1386295152 Marcel Yakobov Physical Therapist 240 W 73rd St, New York, NY 10023-2700 2019-09-24
1902457815 Natalia Marie Rodriguez Physical Therapist 240 W 73rd St, New York, NY 10023-2700 2019-09-23
1952968968 Sl Physician PC Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 240 W 73rd St, New York, NY 10023-2700 2019-05-24
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1205329000 Danielle Mekahel Physician Assistant 240 W 73rd St, New York, NY 10023 2018-06-07
1669717880 Amelia A Rivera Physical Therapist 240 W 73rd St, New York, NY 10023-2700 2012-11-28
1629208426 Williams and Okin Chiropactic, P.C. Chiropractor 240 W 73rd St, Lobby Level, New York, NY 10023-2700 2009-07-15
1538189642 Sonali Lal Rehabilitation Practitioner 240 W 73rd St, 1 Floor, New York, NY 10023-2700 2006-07-20
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1396353215 Marian Lisa Stern Psychologist 6 West 74th Street, Ny, NY 10023 2020-07-16
1720605652 Elizabeth Bentley Social Worker Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 33 W 60th St. 4th Floor New York, New York, NY 10023 2020-06-26
1164058236 Dawn Fitzgerald Registered Nurse 315 West 70th Street, Suite 1b, New York, NY 10023 2020-03-20
1841849817 David Charles Tannenbaum Social Worker 10 West 74th 1b, Nyc, NY 10023 2019-09-11
1447811211 United Social Services of The Society for Ethical Culture, Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 2 West 64th St., Room 505, New York, NY 10023 2019-06-24
1043875198 Linda M Stolarz Social Worker 140 W 71st, Apt 3 E, New York, NY 10023 2019-05-03
1336609825 Laurie Faye Schwartz Counselor 20 W 64 St, Apt 21a, New York, NY 10023 2019-03-21
1891252706 Marcia Hochman Social Worker The Hallowell Center, 117 West 72nd St. 3rd Floor, Ny, NY 10023 2019-02-27
1629545843 Roni-sue Allen Marriage & Family Therapist 1841 Broadway Suite 325, New York, NY 10023 2018-10-25
1346757291 Jang Sook Min Acupuncturist 134 W 72nd St, New York, NY 10023 2018-01-01
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 2081S0010X
Grouping Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Classification Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Specialization Sports Medicine

Taxonomy Definition

A physician who specializes in Sports Medicine is responsible for continuous care related to the enhancement of health and fitness as well as the prevention of injury and illness. The specialist possesses knowledge and experience in the promotion of wellness and the prevention of injury from many areas of medicine such as exercise physiology, biomechanics, nutrition, psychology, physical rehabilitation, epidemiology, physical evaluation and injuries. It is the goal of a Sports Medicine specialist to improve the healthcare of the individual engaged in physical exercise.
Notes: Source: American Board of Medical Specialties, 2009. [7/1/2009: definition added]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1417593336 Andrew Stephen Ward Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 295 Madison Ave Rm 1026, New York, NY 10017-7725 2019-11-26
1184147449 Brooklyn Spine and Sports Medicine P.C. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 415 Grand New York Street, Apt E1707, New York, NY 10002 2017-07-19
1215341748 Emily Nell Fatakhov Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 3 E 101st St Lbby 1, New York, NY 10029-6528 2014-06-12
1558594929 Faruk Razzak Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 150 E 58th St Fl 14, New York, NY 10155-0002 2009-09-01
1285758029 Jason Moss Fritzhand Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 1776 Broadway Fl 5, New York, NY 10019-2002 2007-03-19
1265540348 Nadya G Swedan Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 1065 Park Ave, Second Floor, New York, NY 10128-1001 2006-08-28
1154310316 Neal Adam Mesnick Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 5 W 16th St, New York, NY 10011-6307 2005-10-19
1912909490 Todd R Schlifstein Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 201 E 69th St, Suite 2c, New York, NY 10021-5471 2005-08-13
1003818584 Gerard P Varlotta Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 20 E 46th St Rm 304, New York, NY 10017-9286 2005-08-13
1609877703 Jeffrey M Gross Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 32 Union Sq E, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10003-3209 2005-08-10
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Zip Code 10023

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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