Address: 4474 23rd Ave S, Ste M, Fargo, ND 58104-8795
Phone: 7012813900

DAVITA DAKOTA DIALYSIS CENTER LLC (NPI# 1356532550) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1356532550
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name FARGO DIALYSIS CENTER
Practice Address 4474 23rd Ave S
Ste M
ND 58104-8795
Mailing Address 5200 Virginia Way
L&c Dept
TN 37027-7569
Practice Telephone 7012813900
Practice Fax Number 7012822635
Mailing Telephone 6153416814
Mailing Fax Number 8002938405
Enumeration Date 2007-08-05
Last Update Date 2019-01-02
Authorized Official Telephone 2537334500
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 261QE0700X Clinic/Center
Specialization: End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment
Ambulatory Health Care Facilities

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
ND 1453372 05

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Fargo Dialysis Center Doing Business As Name - Organization

Office Location

Street Address 4474 23RD AVE S
State ND
Zip Code 58104-8795

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1780247023 Keith Kirimi Ndege Physical Therapy Assistant 5225 23rd Ave South, Fargo, ND 58104 2019-04-22
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 261QE0700X
Grouping Ambulatory Health Care Facilities
Classification Clinic/Center
Specialization End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment

Taxonomy Definition

Definition to come...

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1821154253 Sanford Medical Center Fargo Clinic/Center 2801 University Dr S, Fargo, ND 58103-6029 2006-12-29

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1609035997 Renal Treatment Centers West Inc Clinic/Center 413 South 7th St, Oakes, ND 58474-1920 2008-06-03
1396828547 Sanford Bismarck Clinic/Center #10 N River Rd, Fort Yates, ND 58538 2006-10-23
1083625354 Three Affiliated Tribes Kidney Dialysis Unit Clinic/Center 9281 Highway 23, New Town, ND 58763-9407 2006-08-11
1003809948 Kidney Institute of North Dakota, LLC Clinic/Center 1451 - 44th Avenue South Suite 112-d, Grand Forks, ND 58201-4055 2005-08-25
1740822899 Bio-medical Applications of Minnesota Inc Clinic/Center 1200 S Columbia Rd, Grand Forks, ND 58201-4036 2019-10-10
1447892591 Bio-medical Applications of Minnesota Inc Clinic/Center 1031 7th St Ne, Devils Lake, ND 58301-2719 2019-10-10
1417143710 Aurora Dialysis, LLC Clinic/Center 1451 44th Ave S, Suite 104d, Grand Forks, ND 58201-3434 2007-09-20
1972667673 St. Alexius Medical Center Clinic/Center 900 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501-4520 2006-12-20
1376605600 St. Alexius Medical Center Clinic/Center 1301 15th Ave W, Williston, ND 58801-3821 2006-12-14
1861553844 St. Alexius Medical Center Clinic/Center 2500 Fairway St, Dickinson, ND 58601-2639 2006-12-13
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Zip Code 58104

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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