Address: 1300 Mercer Ave, Decatur, IN 46733-2407
Phone: 2607242145

ADAMS COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (NPI# 1356476154) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1356476154
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name ADAMS WOODCREST
Practice Address 1300 Mercer Ave
IN 46733-2407
Practice Telephone 2607242145
Practice Fax Number 2607283867
Mailing Telephone 2607242145
Mailing Fax Number 2607283867
Enumeration Date 2007-02-22
Last Update Date 2013-03-06
Authorized Official Telephone 2607242145
Authorized Official Credential CPA
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
N 314000000X Skilled Nursing Facility 070005562 IN Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities
Y 313M00000X Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 070005562 IN Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
IN 100290130A 05

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
adams Woodcrest Doing Business As Name - Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1891031480 Adams County Memorial Hospital Skilled Nursing Facility 1350 West Main Street, Berne, IN 46711-1794 2012-12-31
1134493281 Adams County Memorial Hospital Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 9802 Coldwater Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46825 2012-03-06
1982729604 Adams County Memorial Hospital Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 6996 S Us 421, Versailles, IN 47042-9390 2007-03-20
1760519268 Adams County Memorial Hospital Skilled Nursing Facility 12011 Whittern Rd, Monroeville, IN 46773-9126 2007-02-28
1477699460 Adams County Memorial Hospital Skilled Nursing Facility 200 West Fourth Dtreet, Oaktown, IN 47561-8081 2007-01-29
1235205816 Adams County Memorial Hospital Skilled Nursing Facility 520 W 9th Street, Jasper, IN 47546-2711 2006-11-27
1659454148 Adams County Memorial Hospital Skilled Nursing Facility 9325 N. Crawford Streeet, Knightsville, IN 47857-0170 2006-10-20
1366531907 Adams County Memorial Hospital Assisted Living Facility 400 Caylor Boulevard, Bluffton, IN 46714-8805 2006-10-12
1821185356 Adams County Memorial Hospital Skilled Nursing Facility 17475 Dugdale Dr, South Bend, IN 46635-1545 2006-10-06
1609977628 Adams County Memorial Hospital Skilled Nursing Facility 2400 College Avenue, Goshen, IN 46528 2006-09-25

Other Data Sources

Entity Type Entity Name Entity Address
System for Award Management (SAM) Entities ADAMS COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1100 Mercer Ave, Decatur, IN 46733-2303

Office Location

Street Address 1300 MERCER AVE
State IN
Zip Code 46733-2407

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1386287183 Sarah Cearns Social Worker 1300 Mercer Ave, Decatur, IN 46733-2407 2019-10-24
1881192987 Adams County Memorial Hospital Clinic/Center 1300 Mercer Ave, Decatur, IN 46733-2407 2018-01-24

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1659742617 Adams County Auditor Public Health or Welfare 313 W. Jefferson St., Room # 320, Decatur, IN 46733 2015-10-15
1184908386 Logan D Anderson Pharmacist 123 N. 13th St, Decatur, IN 46733 2011-10-06
1992091797 Leah D Keller Social Worker 815 High St Ste C, Decatur, IN 46733 2011-06-21
1144559493 Preble Volunteer Firefighting Association, Inc. Ambulance 6242 N 400 W, Decatur, IN 46733 2009-12-16
1689703530 Blake A Taylor Dentist 234 N First St, Decatur, IN 46733 2007-03-05
1124163563 Decatur Dental Services,, Inc. Dentist Decatur, 6496 N Piqua Road, Decatur, IN 46733 2007-02-21
1215002597 Kelly S Ulman Dentist 6496 N Piqua Rd, Decatur, IN 46733 2006-11-21
1841362712 James E Taylor Dds and Associates Family Dentistry Dentist 234 N 1st St, Decatur, IN 46733 2006-11-15
1598844946 Michael Alan Harshman Optometrist 815 South 13th St., Decatur, IN 46733 2006-11-06
1376043752 Adams County Memorial Hospital Clinic/Center 1100 Mercer Ave, Decatur, IN 46733 2018-02-13
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 313M00000X
Grouping Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities
Classification Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility

Taxonomy Definition

An institution (or a distinct part of an institution) which- (1) is primarily engaged in providing to residents- (A) skilled nursing care and related services for residents who require medical or nursing care, (B) rehabilitation services for the rehabilitation of injured, disabled, or sick persons, or, on a regular basis, health-related care and services to individuals who because of their mental or physical condition require care and services (above the level of room and board) which can be made available to them only through institutional facilities, and is not primarily for the care and treatment of mental diseases; (2) has in effect a transfer agreement with one or more hospitals.
Notes: Source: Paraphrased from Section 1919 (a) of the Social Security Act.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1568493930 Sunny Hills Inc Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 201 E Thompson St, Decatur, TX 76234-2736 2006-07-05
1841229788 Strategic Care of Decatur, LLC Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 201 E Thompson, Decatur, TX 76234 2006-07-02
1063459329 Petersen Health & Wellness, LLC Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 136 S Dipper Ln, Decatur, IL 62522-1841 2006-06-02
1811391691 Atlanta Va Medical Center Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 1670 Clairmont Rd, Decatur, GA 30033-4004 2014-10-22
1265477863 Atlanta Va Medical Center Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 1670 Clairmont Rd, Decatur, GA 30033-4004 2006-06-18

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1871040659 Stephanie Hentrup Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 621 E 20th St, Ferdinand, IN 47532-9220 2016-09-08
1912354630 Denise Chambery Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 5707 W 122nd Pl, Crown Point, IN 46307-8778 2016-05-23
1124494760 Maplemanor Christian Home, Inc. Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 643 W Utica St, Sellersburg, IN 47172-1163 2015-08-18
1174868822 Daviess County Hospital Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 120 East Miller Drive, Bloomington, IN 47407-6538 2012-12-06
1134493281 Adams County Memorial Hospital Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 9802 Coldwater Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46825 2012-03-06
1447481049 Larry Wayne Sims Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 1236 Lincoln Ave, Evansville, IN 47714-1056 2009-07-30
1720253313 Davis Elderly Care, LLC Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 5139 S Hanover Saluda Rd, Hanover, IN 47243-9212 2008-04-24
1750585766 Gosport Care, Inc. Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 27 S. 7th St., Gosport, IN 47433-0099 2007-06-13
1790986792 Evansville Protestant Home Inc. Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 3701 Washington Ave, Evansville, IN 47714-0544 2007-05-29
1881816148 Pulaski Memorial Hospital Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 505 North Gavin Street, Muncie, IN 47303 2007-05-03
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Zip Code 46733

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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