Address: 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265
Phone: 5735821234

EAST CENTRAL MISSOURI BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES, INC (NPI# 1356404636) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1356404636
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name ARTHUR CENTER
Practice Address 340 Kelley Pkwy
MO 65265
Mailing Address 340 Kelley Pkwy
MO 65265-3811
Practice Telephone 5735821234
Practice Fax Number 5735811981
Mailing Telephone 5735821234
Mailing Fax Number 5735811981
Enumeration Date 2006-12-18
Last Update Date 2019-09-30
Authorized Official Name TERRY MACKEY (PRESIDENT)
Authorized Official Telephone 5735821234
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 103TR0400X Psychologist
Specialization: Rehabilitation
5726-7685 MO Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
MO 876173212 05

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Arthur Center Doing Business As Name - Organization
Options Umlimited Other Name - Individual/Organization

Provider Secondary Practice Location

Address Telephone Number Fax Number
581 Commons Dr, Mexcio, MO 652652719 5735821234 5735811981

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1376164699 East Central Missouri Behavioral Health Services, Inc Clinic/Center 896 S Sturgeon St, Montgomery City, MO 63361-2716 2020-04-27
1144293549 East Central Missouri Behavioral Health Services, Inc Clinic/Center 340 Kelley Parkway, Mexico, MO 65265-2719 2006-02-08
1801243639 East Central Missouri Behavioral Health Services, Inc Psychiatry & Neurology 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2016-05-23
1316319205 East Central Missouri Behavioral Health Services, Inc Clinic/Center 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2015-10-30
1104980267 East Central Missouri Behavioral Health Services, Inc Psychologist 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2006-12-21
1457415515 East Central Missouri Behavioral Health Services, Inc Psychologist 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265 2006-12-21

Office Location

Street Address 340 KELLEY PKWY
State MO
Zip Code 65265

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1134125552 Cynthia Mae Mackey Social Worker 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2005-06-21
1912517749 David H Kang Dentist 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2020-08-06
1437771789 Amy N Fuemmeler Counselor 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2020-05-09
1013559517 Kristen Ann Fishback Social Worker 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2019-10-16
1861034381 Kimberly Mae Kirklin Social Worker 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2019-10-16
1851942619 Kelsey Kingsborough Nurse Practitioner 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2019-09-24
1619538923 Ailene Invencion Dentist 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2019-06-26
1851853923 Sandra Ann Willis Social Worker 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2019-04-05
1962969667 Haley Elizabeth Auwarter Counselor 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2019-02-28
1568953057 Lab One LLC Clinical Medical Laboratory 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2018-05-21
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1700448685 Joanna Zidick Mcclarey Specialist/Technologist Rehabilitation Services, 711 E Jackson, Mexico, MO 65265 2019-07-01
1053858050 Glenna Wilson Social Worker 2462 Southern Hls, Mexico, MO 65265 2017-01-27
1457601759 Bruce Warren Garrett Dentist 626 Summit, Mexico, MO 65265 2012-09-13
1063775997 Brandon Jay Glasgow Physical Therapist 2759 A S Clark, Mexico, MO 65265 2012-06-15
1407044548 Missouri Central Physical Therapy, LLC Specialist 2759 A South Clark, Mexico, MO 65265 2007-10-12
1194925628 Curators of The University of Missouri Orthopaedic Surgery 515 East Promenade, Mexico, MO 65265 2007-07-23
1740496199 Scott Simmons Family Medicine 1000 Webster Street, Mexico, MO 65265 2007-05-15
1083741664 Finck & Associates, Inc. Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 17079 Audrain County Road 929, Mexico, MO 65265 2007-02-28
1417005893 Matthew Eugene Hart Emergency Medicine 620 E Monroe Street, Mexico, MO 65265 2007-01-08
1144392051 Corrine M Floyd Massage Therapist 713 East Jackson, Mexico, MO 65265 2006-11-15
Find all providers in zip 65265

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 103TR0400X
Grouping Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers
Classification Psychologist
Specialization Rehabilitation

Taxonomy Definition

Definition to come...

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1104980267 East Central Missouri Behavioral Health Services, Inc Psychologist 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2006-12-21
1457415515 East Central Missouri Behavioral Health Services, Inc Psychologist 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265 2006-12-21
1376607432 East Central Missouri Behavioral Health Serives, Inc Psychologist 340 Kelley Pkwy, Mexico, MO 65265-3811 2006-12-21

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1013912484 Bonnie B. Walbran Psychologist 859 Edlin Dr, Saint Louis, MO 63122-1615 2005-06-14
1578199238 State of Missouri Psychologist 1706 E Elm St, Jefferson City, MO 65101-4130 2020-03-13
1447886288 State of Missouri Psychologist 1706 E Elm St, Jefferson City, MO 65101 2020-03-12
1568811354 Danasty Marie Lewis Psychologist 3001 Warrior Lane, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 2016-06-13


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Zip Code 65265

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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