Address: 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870
Phone: 3042945610

SETH E KENNEDY (NPI# 1346847183) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1346847183
Entity Type Individual
Practice Address 3750 Mountaineer Highway
WV 25870
Mailing Address Po Box 835
WV 25882-0835
Practice Telephone 3042945610
Practice Fax Number 3042942040
Mailing Telephone 3042945610
Mailing Fax Number 3042942040
Enumeration Date 2020-10-05
Last Update Date 2020-10-06
Gender Code F
Is Sole Proprietor N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 3747P1801X Technician
Specialization: Personal Care Attendant
Nursing Service Related Providers

Office Location

State WV
Zip Code 25870

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1184231193 Tammy Carol Burks Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-09-24
1235738048 Hollie N Massie Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-22
1043819881 Millie M Hatfield Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-22
1881293181 Armanda T Green Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-19
1235737636 Angel N Downing Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-16
1548868185 Tracy R Dotson Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-15
1730787425 Cassandra L Hall Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-14
1790383487 Crystal G Zornes Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-14
1518565209 Pamela D Lockhart Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-14
1922606623 Leslie N Mullens Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-14
Find all providers in the same location

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1225441165 Integrated Resources, Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 3776 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870-0000 2014-06-09
1316350259 Integrated Resources, Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 3776 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870-0000 2014-06-09
1669698700 Integrated Resources, Inc. Home Health Route 54, Maben, WV 25870-0002 2007-04-17
1972785137 Integrated Resources, Inc. Community/Behavioral Health Route 54, Maben, WV 25870-0002 2007-11-29

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 3747P1801X
Grouping Nursing Service Related Providers
Classification Technician
Specialization Personal Care Attendant

Taxonomy Definition

An individual who provides assistance with eating, bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, activities of daily living as specified in the plan of care. Services which are incidental to the care furnished, or essential to the health and welfare of the individual may also be provided. Personal care providers must meet state defined training and certification standards
Notes: [7/1/2003: definition added]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1184231193 Tammy Carol Burks Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-09-24
1235738048 Hollie N Massie Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-22
1043819881 Millie M Hatfield Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-22
1881293181 Armanda T Green Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-19
1235737636 Angel N Downing Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-16
1548868185 Tracy R Dotson Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-15
1730787425 Cassandra L Hall Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-14
1790383487 Crystal G Zornes Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-14
1518565209 Pamela D Lockhart Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-14
1922606623 Leslie N Mullens Technician 3750 Mountaineer Highway, Maben, WV 25870 2020-10-14
Find all providers in MABEN


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Zip Code 25870

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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