Address: 8670 210th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044-7000
Phone: 9522322011

INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT # 194 (NPI# 1346351350) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1346351350
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 8670 210th St W
MN 55044-7000
Practice Telephone 9522322011
Practice Fax Number 9524696054
Mailing Telephone 9522322011
Mailing Fax Number 9524696054
Enumeration Date 2006-08-31
Last Update Date 2008-07-30
Authorized Official Telephone 9522921591
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 251300000X Local Education Agency (LEA) MN Agencies

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
MN 704435600 05

Office Location

Street Address 8670 210TH ST W
State MN
Zip Code 55044-7000

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1669079042 Kayla M Pavelka Behavior Technician 8670 210th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044-7000 2020-10-08
1285249391 Travis T Mord Behavior Technician 8670 210th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044-7000 2020-09-15
1548875412 Anna C Dike Counselor 8670 210th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044-7000 2020-09-09
1902411879 Steven A Bacon Behavior Technician 8670 210th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044-7000 2020-09-09
1467066068 Molly A Sartor Counselor 8670 210th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044-7000 2020-09-02
1306456355 Jacob T Pitchford Behavior Technician 8670 210th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044-7000 2020-08-05
1750990735 Abgail G Mord Behavior Technician 8670 210th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044-7000 2020-07-27
1760009021 Jamie J Cole Behavior Technician 8670 210th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044-7000 2020-07-02
1073130613 Samuel K Murphy Behavior Technician 8670 210th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044-7000 2020-06-30
1124654470 Emily Carberg Counselor 8670 210th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044-7000 2020-03-19
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1518528397 Fairview Pharmacy Services LLC Non-Pharmacy Dispensing Site Fairview Lakeville Clinic Mtm, 18580 Joplin Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 2019-06-24
1164922373 Invigorate Chiropractic, Pa Chiropractor 18449 Orchard Trail, Lakeville, MN 55044 2018-02-14
1275046344 Kevin Schultz Chiropractor 18449 Orchard Tr, Lakeville, MN 55044 2017-11-13
1518487263 Katarina Klementina Foster Dentist 16138 Pilot Knob Rd, Lakeville, MN 55044 2017-06-23
1275069676 Alison Marie Weaver Physical Therapist 17599 Kenwood Trl Ste 200, Lakeville, MN 55044 2017-05-04
1184177479 Megan Erickson Physical Therapist 21034 Heron Way Ste 102, Lakeville, MN 55044 2016-08-03
1669827523 Kristine Louise Duhamel Nurse Practitioner 18275 Kenrick Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044 2016-04-28
1003281536 Heather Leann Wegner Counselor 16233 Kenyon Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 2015-12-09
1982081295 Dana Bungert Specialist/Technologist 11060 Upper 167th St W, Lakeville, MN 55044 2015-05-06
1265834931 Kayla Schulz Counselor 7535 165th St West, Lakeville, MN 55044 2014-09-24
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 251300000X
Grouping Agencies
Classification Local Education Agency (LEA)

Taxonomy Definition

The term local education agency means a public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within a State to either provide administrative control or direction of, or perform a service function for public schools serving individuals ages 0 - 21 in a state, city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision including a combination of school districts or counties recognized in a State as an administrative agency for its public schools. An LEA may provide, or employ professional who provide, services to children included in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), such services may include, but are not limited to, such medical services as physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
Notes: Source: Portions of IDEA Regulations Part B (34 CFR Part 300.18, Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities) [1/1/2006: new]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1679803316 Union-north United School Corp Local Education Agency (LEA) 22601 Tyler Rd, Lakeville, IN 46536-9733 2009-12-31

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1649870056 Great Oaks Academy Local Education Agency (LEA) 6300 212th St W, Farmington, MN 55024-8903 2020-10-27
1417562117 The Journeys School Inc Local Education Agency (LEA) 775 Lexington Pkwy N, Saint Paul, MN 55104-1436 2020-09-10
1891303145 Skyline Math and Science Academy Local Education Agency (LEA) 2600 26th Ave S Ste 100, Minneapolis, MN 55406-4527 2020-07-22
1447878210 Minnesota Internship Center Local Education Agency (LEA) 511 Groveland Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403-3223 2020-07-08
1902443286 Modern Montessori Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) 111 Dean Ave W, Champlin, MN 55316-1343 2019-12-05
1235601121 St Croix River Education District Local Education Agency (LEA) 425 South Dana Ave, Rush City, MN 55069 2018-12-18
1174094601 Gateway Stem Academy Local Education Agency (LEA) 12119 16th Ave S, Burnsville, MN 55337-2982 2018-12-10
1396210761 Phoenix Academy of Art and Science Local Education Agency (LEA) 38460 Lincoln Trl Ste 1, North Branch, MN 55056-5834 2018-10-11
1538649421 Career Pathways Local Education Agency (LEA) 1355 Pierce Butler Rte, Saint Paul, MN 55104-1359 2018-08-20
1316452436 Universal Academy Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) 2919 26th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55406-2611 2017-12-12
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Zip Code 55044

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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