Address: 10 Shelton Mcmurphey Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401-4928
Phone: 5414852711

OSLC DEVELOPMENTS, INC. - CLINIC (NPI# 1326433012) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1326433012
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 10 Shelton Mcmurphey Blvd
OR 97401-4928
Practice Telephone 5414852711
Practice Fax Number 8889750250
Mailing Telephone 5414852711
Mailing Fax Number 8889750250
Enumeration Date 2015-03-31
Last Update Date 2017-02-15
Authorized Official Name MR. RICHARD VARNUM (COO)
Authorized Official Telephone 5414852711
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
N 261QR0405X Clinic/Center
Specialization: Rehabilitation, Substance Use Disorder
Ambulatory Health Care Facilities
Y 261QM0801X Clinic/Center
Specialization: Mental Health (Including Community Mental Health Center)
Ambulatory Health Care Facilities

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
OR 500685076 05
OR 500720089 05
OR 500698004 05

Office Location

State OR
Zip Code 97401-4928

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1457432940 Laura Rains Social Worker 10 Shelton Mcmurphey Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401-4928 2006-10-18
1558971895 Terry Jean Williams Counselor 10 Shelton Mcmurphey Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401-4928 2020-08-02
1134754831 Emily Irene Pompan Counselor 10 Shelton Mcmurphey Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401-4928 2020-03-03
1689218885 Jessie Yael Shattan Jansen Counselor 10 Shelton Mcmurphey Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401-4928 2019-10-30
1336782630 Mackenzie Solton Counselor 10 Shelton Mcmurphey Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401-4928 2019-10-21
1902448350 April Marie Georgi Counselor 10 Shelton Mcmurphey Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401-4928 2019-10-16
1346893294 John Michael Ford Counselor 10 Shelton Mcmurphey Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401-4928 2019-07-19
1649832056 Ashli Juditt Sheidow Counselor 10 Shelton Mcmurphey Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401-4928 2019-07-05
1588223143 Sheila Lopez Counselor 10 Shelton Mcmurphey Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401-4928 2019-06-07
1649740317 Jessica Lee Hughitt Counselor 10 Shelton Mcmurphey Blvd, Eugene, OR 97401 2018-11-26
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1427681709 Sarah Voigt Counselor 2149 Centennial Plaza Suite #4, Eugene, OR 97401 2020-02-14
1801426242 Therapeutic Associates, Inc. Physical Therapist 760 Charnelton St., Suite 760, Eugene, OR 97401 2020-01-24
1225676232 Aaron James Barber Massage Therapist 1375 Pearl St, Eugene, Or 97401, Eugene, OR 97401 2019-12-20
1851957047 Altru Home Care LLC Nursing Care 1345 Olive St., Eugene, OR 97401 2019-05-14
1881155208 Herron Jordanna Spence Speech-Language Pathologist 385 West 2nd Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 2019-03-28
1750855094 Brandon Marshall Counselor 1158 High St Ste 202, Eugene, OR 97401 2019-01-21
1881172591 Kayla Nicole O'brien Nurse Practitioner Country Club In Eugene, 520 Country Club Road, Eugene, OR 97401 2018-08-03
1962992180 Shannon Jensen Smyth Counselor Va Eugene Downtown Clinic, 211 E. 7th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 2018-05-14
1902305956 Christine Noel Gray Peer Specialist 499 W. 4th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 2018-02-06
1821507344 Anjuli Chitkara Psychologist 1679 Willamette Street, Eugene, OR 97401 2017-09-27
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 261QM0801X
Grouping Ambulatory Health Care Facilities
Classification Clinic/Center
Specialization Mental Health (Including Community Mental Health Center)

Taxonomy Definition

Definition to come...

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1124637236 Inner Light Counseling & Bodywork LLC Clinic/Center 2520 Chaucer Ct, Eugene, OR 97405-1217 2020-07-24
1326661448 Kgk Therapeutic Services Clinic/Center 1138 Jefferson St, Eugene, OR 97402-5246 2020-05-22
1336786730 Sarah Kaufman Counseling Clinic/Center 492 E 13th Ave Ste 210, Eugene, OR 97401-4268 2019-12-04
1851565493 Oregon Health and Science University Clinic/Center 944 W 5th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402-5106 2008-04-15
1508470915 Dan Schmitt Therapy Clinic/Center 541 Willamette St Ste 301, Eugene, OR 97401-2692 2020-09-02
1235740929 Phoenix Rising Therapy, LLC Clinic/Center 180 W 12th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401-3435 2020-08-14
1073139903 Shine Counseling, LLC Clinic/Center 826 Virgil Ave, Eugene, OR 97404-2731 2020-06-16
1801424262 A Healing Place, LLC Clinic/Center 1400 High St, Eugene, OR 97401-4192 2020-03-31
1720612963 Rebecca S Fuller Ma, Lpc Clinic/Center 132 E Broadway Ste 301, Eugene, OR 97401-3154 2020-02-26
1619500469 Annelise Heitman LLC Clinic/Center 328 W Broadway, Eugene, OR 97401-2826 2020-02-20
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Zip Code 97401

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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