Address: 106 Gover St, Somerset, KY 42501-3332
Phone: 6066798331

SOMERSET MANOR L L C (NPI# 1326037938) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1326037938
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name SOMERSET MANOR L L C
Practice Address 106 Gover St
KY 42501-3332
Mailing Address 300 Provider Ct
Suite 100
KY 40475-8488
Practice Telephone 6066798331
Practice Fax Number 6066796670
Mailing Telephone 8596230898
Mailing Fax Number 8596230843
Enumeration Date 2005-10-17
Last Update Date 2010-12-29
Authorized Official Telephone 8596230898
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 314000000X Skilled Nursing Facility 100524 KY Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
KY 7100141120 05
KY 12500286 05
KY 90160763 05

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Somerset Nursing and Rehabilitation Facility Doing Business As Name - Organization

Office Location

Street Address 106 GOVER ST
State KY
Zip Code 42501-3332

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1932672987 Holly R Belcher Occupational Therapist 106 Gover St, Somerset, KY 42501-3332 2019-01-02
1205315918 Heather Leann Gregory Occupational Therapist 106 Gover St, Somerset, KY 42501-3332 2018-08-13
1245731652 Michael Ross Bruner Occupational Therapy Assistant 106 Gover St, Somerset, KY 42501-3332 2018-02-22
1386161222 Corey Moore Physical Therapist 106 Gover St, Somerset, KY 42501-3332 2017-08-22
1053835322 Sarah Elizabeth Mccandless Physical Therapist 106 Gover St, Somerset, KY 42501-3332 2017-07-28
1780116988 Sarah Taylor Occupational Therapist 106 Gover St, Somerset, KY 42501-3332 2017-03-28
1689111916 Emily Hankins Speech-Language Pathologist 106 Gover St, Somerset, KY 42501-3332 2017-01-25
1558813196 Somerset Operations, LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 106 Gover St, Somerset, KY 42501-3332 2016-10-31
1295188100 Rebecca Newton Speech-Language Pathologist 106 Gover St, Somerset, KY 42501-3332 2016-07-14
1053767798 Terrell Joseph Muse Physical Therapist 106 Gover St, Somerset, KY 42501-3332 2016-05-12
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1336703149 Allison N. Simpson Psychologist 2411 South Highway 27, Somerset, KY 42501 2019-04-26
1043790983 Lakeside Primary Care, Psc Nurse Practitioner 6470 S Hwy 27, Somerset, KY 42501 2018-08-20
1649763046 Amber R Messamore Nurse Practitioner 200 Belmont Avenue, Somerset, KY 42501 2018-06-11
1174052534 Gina Marie West Case Manager/Care Coordinator 100 Hardin Lane Suite 3, Somerset, KY 42501 2017-06-08
1790216935 Jackie Bruecken Hearing Instrument Specialist 3311 S. Highway 27, Somerset, KY 42501 2017-03-21
1609326404 Adam Michael Prather Physical Therapist 2835 South Highway Us 27, Suite 286b, Somerset, KY 42501 2016-10-05
1568910909 Kiosk Medicine Kentucky LLC Nurse Practitioner 90 Stonegate Ctr, Somerset, KY 42501 2016-09-14
1336591510 Lake Cumberland Community Action Agency, Inc. Respite Care 255 S. Maple Street, Somerset, KY 42501 2016-07-12
1508214677 Aaron Atwood Counselor 3810 S Highway 27 Ste 4, Somerset, KY 42501 2016-05-31
1598136897 Elizabeth Miller Occupational Therapist 303 Second Street, Somerset, KY 42501 2015-10-13
Find all providers in zip 42501

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 314000000X
Grouping Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities
Classification Skilled Nursing Facility

Taxonomy Definition

(1) A skilled nursing facility is a facility or distinct part of an institution whose primary function is to provide medical, continuous nursing, and other health and social services to patients who are not in an acute phase of illness requiring services in a hospital, but who require primary restorative or skilled nursing services on an inpatient basis above the level of intermediate or custodial care in order to reach a degree of body functioning to permit self care in essential daily living. It meets any licensing or certification standards et forth by the jurisdiction where it is located. A skilled nursing facility may be a freestanding facility or part of a hospital that has been certified by Medicare to admit patients requiring subacute care and rehabilitation; (2) Provides non-acute medical and skilled nursing care services, therapy and social services under the supervision of a licensed registered nurse on a 24-hour basis.
Notes: Source: (1) "Glossary of terms used in managed care" Developed by the Managed Care Assembly (MCA) of Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), MGM Journal, September/October 1995, p. 64; (2) AHA Guide, 1996 Annual Survey.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1114309119 Somerset Woods Rehabilitation and Nursing Center LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 780 Old New Brunswick Road, Somerset, NJ 08873 2015-06-25
1609190545 James Rodney Edwards Skilled Nursing Facility 140 Harris Rd, Somerset, KY 42503-4916 2010-03-22
1316114861 Cpl (willow Creek) LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 1165 Easton Ave, Somerset, NJ 08873-1613 2008-05-14
1518039023 Extendicare Homes, Inc. Skilled Nursing Facility 200 Norfleet Dr, Somerset, KY 42501-1952 2006-11-14
1134158918 Cpl (willow Creek) LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 1165 Easton Avenue, Somerset, NJ 08873-1613 2006-07-02
1639108871 Thi of Ohio At Somerset LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 411 S Columbus St, Somerset, OH 43783-9415 2006-07-01
1033145529 Hanging Rock Ltc, LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 555 Bourne Ave, Somerset, KY 42501-1915 2006-06-25
1477598803 Somerset Ridge Limited Partnership Skilled Nursing Facility 455 Brayton Ave, Somerset, MA 02726-2642 2006-06-19
1992793509 Clifton Geriatric Center Skilled Nursing Facility 500 Wilbur Ave, Somerset, MA 02725-2051 2005-10-07
1427057918 Regency Heritage Nursing & Rehabilitation Center LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 380 Demott Lane, Somerset, NJ 08873-2762 2005-07-18
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Zip Code 42501

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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