Address: 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322
Phone: 6077346151

NYSARC INC., CHEMUNG COUNTY CHAPTER (NPI# 1306901608) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1306901608
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 711 Sullivan St
NY 14901-2322
Practice Telephone 6077346151
Practice Fax Number 6077342943
Mailing Telephone 6077346151
Mailing Fax Number 6077342943
Enumeration Date 2006-12-27
Last Update Date 2008-03-27
Authorized Official Telephone 6077346151
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 261QD1600X Clinic/Center
Specialization: Developmental Disabilities
Ambulatory Health Care Facilities

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
NY 02857183 05

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1629240312 Nysarc Inc., Chemung County Chapter Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2008-04-02
1619149317 Nysarc Inc., Chemung County Chapter Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2008-04-02

Office Location

Street Address 711 SULLIVAN ST
State NY
Zip Code 14901-2322

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1174146401 Chemung-schuyler Counties Chapter, Nysarc, Inc. Clinic/Center 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2020-05-21
1245895291 Ashlee Danielle Harvey Social Worker 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2019-05-06
1891267126 Susan Elizabeth Shaver Social Worker 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901 2018-12-27
1871924183 Angela Frycek Registered Nurse 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2013-12-12
1710296421 Chemung Arc Day Training, Developmentally Disabled Services 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2010-09-29
1528299492 Beverly Boughton Social Worker 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2009-07-27
1679702450 Tanya M Ettenberger Registered Nurse 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2009-07-14
1679716021 Lisa Marie Caswell Social Worker 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2009-04-15
1922256890 Julie Ann Karns Registered Nurse 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2008-09-04
1629240312 Nysarc Inc., Chemung County Chapter Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2008-04-02
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1447818182 Davida Reane Moss Case Manager/Care Coordinator 310 Pensyvania Avenue, Elmira, NY 14901 2019-05-29
1316504889 Jessica Leigh Badilla Counselor 1013 Water St, Elmira, NY 14901 2019-05-21
1427508811 Cynthia Ann Sullivan Counselor 1019 E. Water Street, Elmira, NY 14901 2016-10-10
1508313362 Kim Burlew Case Manager/Care Coordinator 1019 W. Water Street Family Services of Chemung County, Elmire, NY 14901 2016-09-08
1396195095 State of New York Comptrollers Office Clinic/Center 164 Sullivan Street, Elmira, NY 14901 2016-06-14
1285089581 Tasha R Miller Licensed Practical Nurse 426 Woodawn Ct, Elmira, NY 14901 2016-04-25
1750628111 Kelly E Bartle-bush Social Worker 711 Sullivan St., Elmira, NY 14901 2013-01-04
1144594946 Brian Mustico Occupational Therapist 512 West Clinton Street, Apartment B, Elmira, NY 14901 2012-02-27
1063780880 Deidre Ann Callaghan Physical Therapy Assistant 555 St.josephs Blvd, Elmira, NY 14901 2011-12-07
1972889467 Arnot Health General Acute Care Hospital 1 St.joseph's Blvd., Elmira, NY 14901 2011-10-27
Find all providers in zip 14901

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 261QD1600X
Grouping Ambulatory Health Care Facilities
Classification Clinic/Center
Specialization Developmental Disabilities

Taxonomy Definition

An entity, facility, or distinct part of a facility providing comprehensive, multidiscipline diagnostic, treatment, therapy, training, and counseling services to children with congenital disorders that precipitate developmental delays and in many instances mental deficiencies (e.g., Cerebral Palsy, metabolic disorders, Sturge-Weber Syndrome, etc.).
Notes: [7/1/2003: new]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1396195095 State of New York Comptrollers Office Clinic/Center 164 Sullivan Street, Elmira, NY 14901 2016-06-14
1174146401 Chemung-schuyler Counties Chapter, Nysarc, Inc. Clinic/Center 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2020-05-21
1659405157 Finger Lakes Ddso Chemung Clinic/Center 711 Sullivan St, Elmira, NY 14901-2322 2007-03-15

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1861009839 Always By Your Side, Inc. Clinic/Center 102 Beaumont Street, Brooklyn, NY 11235-4119 2020-09-24
1942861042 Sensory Tot Spot Occupational Therapy Pllc Clinic/Center 24 Conifer Dr, Burnt Hills, NY 12027-9706 2019-06-28
1972084366 State of New York Comptrollers Office Clinic/Center Fineson Ddsoo Clinic, 80-45 Winchester Blvd Bldg 80, Queens Village, NY 11428 2018-08-24
1750877783 Meaningful Occupational Therapy, P.C. Clinic/Center 21405 18th Ave Apt 3, Bayside, NY 11360-1604 2018-07-02
1396195079 State of New York Comptrollers Office Clinic/Center 40 Bermar St, Rochester, NY 14624 2016-06-14
1033569736 State of New York Comptrollers Office Clinic/Center 144 W Main St, Phelps, NY 14532 2016-06-14
1588014260 State of New York Comptrollers Office Clinic/Center 2059 E Henrietta Rd, Rochester, NY 14623-3922 2016-06-14
1306291521 Richmond Children Center Clinic/Center 1291 Saw Mill River Rd, Yonkers, NY 10710-2700 2016-04-25
1780099606 Sensory Heights Occupational Therapy, P.C. Clinic/Center 1275 81st St, Brooklyn, NY 11228-3003 2014-06-30
1740525856 Anderson Center for Autism Clinic/Center 4889 Route 9, Staatsburg, NY 12580 2012-11-29
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Zip Code 14901

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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