Address: 716 Denbigh Blvd, Suite C1, Newport News, VA 23608-4414
Phone: 7578746501

RONALD TANKERSLEY DDS NUMA RAY LEE DDS JEFFREY N KENNEY DDS W LES (NPI# 1295930097) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1295930097
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 716 Denbigh Blvd
Suite C1
Newport News
VA 23608-4414
Mailing Address 732 Thimble Shoals Blvd
Suite 202b
Newport News
VA 23606-4218
Practice Telephone 7578746501
Practice Fax Number 7578748741
Mailing Telephone 7575958961
Mailing Fax Number 7575954784
Enumeration Date 2007-06-20
Last Update Date 2012-04-04
Authorized Official Name DR. RONALD L TANKERLSEY (PARTNER)
Authorized Official Telephone 7575958964
Authorized Official Credential DDS
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 1223S0112X Dentist
Specialization: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
0401003791 VA Dental Providers

Office Location

Street Address 716 DENBIGH BLVD
State VA
Zip Code 23608-4414

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1184607731 Kenneth Lee Tankersley Dentist 716 Denbigh Blvd, Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2005-11-28
1770988644 J. F. Foretich, Jr., D.d.s. Dentist 716 Denbigh Blvd, Ste B-4, Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2014-11-04
1619312782 Clear Speech Now Speech-Language Pathologist 716 Denbigh Blvd, Bldg B Suite B., Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2013-05-02
1831476886 Tdt Oms Dentist 716 Denbigh Blvd, Suite C1, Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2011-11-04
1922303049 Ray A. Dail Dentist 716 Denbigh Blvd, Suite A4, Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2011-01-20
1942333919 Renee Delahoussaye, M.d., P.C. Internal Medicine 716 Denbigh Blvd, Suitec4, Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2007-03-13
1164561684 Daniel W Lee Family Medicine 716 Denbigh Blvd, Suite C3, Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2007-02-05
1285703363 Jerome Francis Foretich Jr. Dentist 716 Denbigh Blvd, Ste B - 4, Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2006-11-06
1801979539 Colonial Ob-gyn Associates Ltd Obstetrics & Gynecology 716 Denbigh Blvd, Suite E-2, Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2006-10-24
1669560140 Ray A. Dail, D.d.s., P.C. Dentist 716 Denbigh Blvd, Suite A 4, Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2006-10-10
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1669943932 Marian Elizabeth Green Registered Nurse 628 Aylesbury Dr., Newport News, VA 23608 2018-12-16
1255707113 Global Counseling Services LLC Counselor 393 Denbigh Blvd. Suite 5, Newport News, VA 23608 2015-08-14
1720463128 Nurturing Hearts Services In Home Supportive Care 926 Verline Ct, Newport News, VA 23608 2015-07-27
1508253949 Morrison, Hartley, & Sanchez, P.C. Dentist 710 Denbigh Boulevard, Bldg. 1, Suite C, Newport News, VA 23608 2015-04-23
1033543459 First Choice Solutions Home Health Aide 710 Denbigh, 4b, Newport News, VA 23608 2013-08-22
1366888042 Megan Paige Dotson Occupational Therapist 655 Denbigh Blvd Newport News, Morning Side of Newport News, Newport News, VA 23608 2013-05-21
1194098848 Riverside Retirement Service PACE Provider Organization 439 Oriana Road, Newport News, VA 23608 2012-02-10
1427340876 Teawanna Cooper Home Health Aide 360 Roseman Ct, Apt 3d, Newport News, VA 23608 2011-05-04
1265763528 Just Us Kidz Incorporated Community/Behavioral Health 393 Denbigh Blvd, Suite 1, Newport News, VA 23608 2010-01-26
1174656862 Peninsula Institute for Community Health Inc Clinic/Center 15425h Warwick Blvd, Newport News, VA 23608 2007-03-13
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 1223S0112X
Grouping Dental Providers
Classification Dentist
Specialization Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Taxonomy Definition

The specialty of dentistry which includes the diagnosis, surgical and adjunctive treatment of diseases, injuries and defects involving both the functional and esthetic aspects of the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region.
Notes: Source: Council on Dental Education and Licensure, American Dental Association

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1184902553 John Morgan Dentist 11842 Rock Port Landing, Suite 105, Newport News, VA 23606 2011-08-02
1922239250 Peter Cervenka Dentist Spencer Dental 14346 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, VA 23602 2009-08-04
1184607731 Kenneth Lee Tankersley Dentist 716 Denbigh Blvd, Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2005-11-28
1588647366 Numa Ray Lee Dentist 11842 Rock Landing Dr, Newport News, VA 23606-4437 2005-11-25
1265823272 Hampton Roads Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Pllc Dentist 220 Nat Turner Blvd S, Newport News, VA 23606-2998 2015-02-12
1831476886 Tdt Oms Dentist 716 Denbigh Blvd, Suite C1, Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2011-11-04
1326323254 Jeffrey N Kenney Dds Pllc Dentist 12420 Warwick Blvd, Suite 2a, Newport News, VA 23606-3001 2011-10-11
1083993935 Numa Ray Lee Dds Pllc Dentist 11842 Rock Landing Dr, Suite 105, Newport News, VA 23606-4437 2011-08-10
1831130400 Jeffrey N. Kenney Dentist 12420 Warwick Blvd, 2-a, Newport News, VA 23606-3001 2006-06-08
1053394585 Ronald L Tankersley Dentist 716 Denbigh Blvd, Newport News, VA 23608-4414 2005-11-29
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Zip Code 23608

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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