Address: 301 N. Main, Buhler, KS 67522
Phone: 6205432168

BUHLER EMS (NPI# 1265509566) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1265509566
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name BUHLER EMS
Practice Address 301 N. Main
KS 67522
Mailing Address Po Box 317
KS 67522
Practice Telephone 6205432168
Practice Fax Number 6205436460
Mailing Telephone 6205432168
Mailing Fax Number 6205436460
Enumeration Date 2006-11-29
Last Update Date 2010-03-02
Authorized Official Name KARI L. BANNING (DIRECTOR)
Authorized Official Telephone 6205432168
Authorized Official Credential MICT, BSN
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 341600000X Ambulance 200 KS Transportation Services

Office Location

Street Address 301 N. MAIN
State KS
Zip Code 67522

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1699862995 Buhler Dental Care, LLC Dentist 115 N. Main, Buhler, KS 67522 2006-10-06
1932161130 Steven P Miller Od Pa Optometrist 121 Old Mill Lane, Buhler, KS 67522 2006-04-04
1679729347 Dalton L. Hunt Dentist 115 N. Main, Buhler, KS 67522 2008-08-14
1861937161 Grene Vision Group LLC Optometrist 121 Old Mill St, Buhler, KS 67522-2228 2016-12-23
1558915462 Kariann L. Banning Nurse Practitioner 11110 E 82nd Ave, Buhler, KS 67522-2236 2019-07-29
1225445299 Kimberly Jo Combs Occupational Therapist 151 E 4th Ave, Apt A, Buhler, KS 67522-2261 2014-07-22
1063417079 Buhler Sunshine Home, Inc Assisted Living Facility 400 S Buhler Rd, Buhler, KS 67522-8133 2005-06-16
1568861847 Alta Hawkins Occupational Therapy Assistant 400 S Buhler Rd, Buhler, KS 67522-8133 2014-08-22
1962608232 Jennifer Suzanne Ewing Physical Therapy Assistant 400 S Buhler Rd, Sunshine Meadows, Buhler, KS 67522-8133 2007-06-25
1114154721 Buhler Usd 313 Local Education Agency (LEA) 406 W 7th St, Buhler, KS 67522-8152 2009-06-22
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 341600000X
Grouping Transportation Services
Classification Ambulance

Taxonomy Definition

An emergency vehicle used for transporting patients to a health care facility after injury or illness. Types of ambulances used in the United States include ground (surface) ambulance, rotor-wing (helicopter), and fixed-wing aircraft (airplane).
Notes: Source: Lexikon: Dictionary of Health Care Terms, Organizations and Acronyms for the Era of Reform, The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois: 1994, p. 37.

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1053880005 County of Bourbon Ambulance 1604 S National Ave, Fort Scott, KS 66701-2645 2018-11-20
1083125280 County of Riley Ambulance 2011 Claflin Rd, Manhattan, KS 66502-3415 2017-10-16
1497265615 Juliana M Petro Ambulance 7323 E 31st Ct N, Wichita, KS 67226-2212 2017-10-02
1912444118 City of Stockton Ambulance 109 Sw 9th St, Plainville, KS 67663-3501 2017-01-25
1215354923 City of Edwardsville Kansas Ambulance 698 S 4th St, Edwardsville, KS 66111-1390 2014-03-20
1043527575 Haskell County Ambulance 300 S Inman, Haskell County Court House, Sublette, KS 67877-0980 2010-09-03
1548411069 County of Gray Ambulance 101 W. Ave D., Cimarron, KS 67835-0568 2008-10-02
1477681617 County of Hamilton Ambulance 609 N Barton, Syracuse, KS 67878 2007-03-01
1538227327 Sublette Hospital Dist Ambulance 101 N Cody, Sublette, KS 67877 2006-12-05
1124192901 County of Clay Ambulance 603 4th St, Clay Center, KS 67432 2006-11-20
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Zip Code 67522

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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