Address: 286 N Gateway Dr, Providence, UT 84332-9733
Phone: 4357559184

IDAHO PAIN CENTER AND ANESTHESIA PC (NPI# 1255520037) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1255520037
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name RAYMOND L. BEDELL, DO
Practice Address 286 N Gateway Dr
UT 84332-9733
Mailing Address 286 N Gateway Dr
Ste 201
UT 84332-5602
Practice Telephone 4357559184
Practice Fax Number 4357559148
Mailing Telephone 4357559174
Enumeration Date 2007-10-17
Last Update Date 2013-07-18
Authorized Official Telephone 4357550964
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
N 208VP0014X Pain Medicine
Specialization: Interventional Pain Medicine
329116-1204 UT Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Y 208VP0000X Pain Medicine
Specialization: Pain Medicine
329116-1204 UT Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
RAYMOND L. BEDELL, DO Doing Business As Name - Organization

Office Location

Street Address 286 N GATEWAY DR
State UT
Zip Code 84332-9733

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1508943135 Primrose Home Care Inc. Home Health 286 N Gateway Dr, Ste 101, Providence, UT 84332-5602 2006-11-01
1922246487 Jeanette C Hepburn Nurse Practitioner 286 N Gateway Dr, Providence, UT 84332-9733 2009-01-21
1487863353 Mount Ogden Pain Medical Center Pain Medicine 286 N Gateway Dr, Ste A, Providence, UT 84332-9733 2007-05-21
1215057955 Intermountain Spine and Pain Center Clinic/Center 286 N Gateway Dr, Providence, UT 84332-9733 2007-03-29
1891841482 Primrose Hospice Inc. Hospice Care, Community Based 286 N Gateway Dr, Ste 101, Providence, UT 84332-5602 2007-01-26

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1881292167 3bc Incorporated Pharmacy 435 North Gateway Drive #802, Providence, UT 84332 2020-10-09
1962049932 Wholelife Family Wellness Clinic of Providence Pllc Counselor 169 N Gateway Dr. Suite 170, Providence, UT 84332 2019-12-09
1033503420 Spring Creek Surgical Center, LLC Clinic/Center 65 North Gateway Drive, Suite 3, Providence, UT 84332 2015-03-24
1558751438 Naturopathic Medical, P.C. Naturopath 565 W. 465 N., Suite 150, Providence, UT 84332 2015-01-29
1821421710 Erin Campbell Physical Therapist 267 West Spring Creek Parkway, Providence, UT 84332 2013-08-14
1285981530 Jordan Joseph Hansen Dentist 169 N Gateway Drive, Suite 200, Providence, UT 84332 2012-08-06
1598086720 Cory B Maughan Dermatology 169 N Gateway Dr Ste 100, Providence, UT 84332 2010-06-22
1528299245 South Valley Eyecare Center, Inc. Optometrist 276 Springcreek Pkwy, Providence, UT 84332 2009-07-29
1316134356 Heather Saxton Maughan Speech-Language Pathologist 344 E Edgehill Dr, Providence, UT 84332 2007-10-03
1902021538 Brad L Thomas Physical Therapist 169 Spring Creek Park Way, Suite 140, Providnce, UT 84332 2007-04-17
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 208VP0000X
Grouping Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Classification Pain Medicine
Specialization Pain Medicine

Taxonomy Definition

Pain Medicine is a primary medical specialty based on a distinct body of knowledge and a well-defined scope of clinical practice that is founded on science, research and education. It is concerned with the study of pain, the prevention of pain, and the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of persons in pain. A comprehensive evaluation incorporates the physical, psychological, cognitive and socio-cultural contributions to pain. The treatment protocol may include pharmacological, invasive, behavioral, cognitive, rehabilitative and complementary strategies provided in a concurrent focused and patient specific manner. The pain medicine physician often serves the patient as a frontline physician regarding their pain, but also may serve as a consultant to other physicians, direct an interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary treatment team, conduct research, or advocate for the patient’s pain care with public and private agencies. The Pain Medicine physician may work in variety of settings including office, clinic, hospital, university, or governmental/public agencies.
Notes: Source: American Academy of Pain Medicine,
- Additional Resources:The American Board of Pain Medicine provides Board Certification.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1609053347 Us Care Inc Pain Medicine 955 Chalkstone Ave, Providence, RI 02908-4220 2008-01-24
1487863353 Mount Ogden Pain Medical Center Pain Medicine 286 N Gateway Dr, Ste A, Providence, UT 84332-9733 2007-05-21

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1992342414 Interventional Spine & Pain Management Pain Medicine 1276 Wall Ave Ste 2, Ogden, UT 84404-5673 2019-12-03
1487999488 Bryan Hainsworth Pain Medicine 2850 N 2000 W # 203, Farr West, UT 84404-9219 2012-12-01
1801131156 Wasatch Pain and Hormone Pain Medicine 1513 N Hill Field Rd, Suite 5, Layton, UT 84041-2162 2012-11-27
1891054771 Lynx Medical Services Organization Pain Medicine 777 E 2100 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84106-1829 2012-05-11
1295028603 Spero Pain Relief Therapy, LLC Pain Medicine 249 E Tabernacle St Ste 301, Saint George, UT 84770-2995 2011-05-17
1811220304 Advanced Pain Management, LLC Pain Medicine 620 S 400 E Ste 201, St George, UT 84770-7060 2009-09-15
1043299357 Scott Werner Pain Medicine 2850 N 2000 W Ste 203, Farr West, UT 84404 2006-01-13
1073512745 Richard M Rosenthal Pain Medicine 3585 N University Ave Ste 150, Provo, UT 84604-6630 2005-07-15
1851399141 Mark M Passey Pain Medicine 5810 S 300 E, #300, Murray, UT 84107 2005-07-11
1336637263 Summit Medical Pain & Spine Pain Medicine 4465 S 900 E Ste 275, Millcreek, UT 84124-2644 2018-04-26
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Zip Code 84332

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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