Address: 1601 Center St Ste 1s, Mobile, AL 36604-1541
Phone: 2514105437

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA (NPI# 1225499700) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1225499700
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 1601 Center St Ste 1s
AL 36604-1541
Mailing Address Po Box 40480
AL 36640-0480
Practice Telephone 2514105437
Practice Fax Number 2514343876
Mailing Telephone (251) 434-3626
Mailing Fax Number 2514452464
Enumeration Date 2016-03-11
Last Update Date 2017-08-04
Authorized Official Name GLEN OWEN BAILEY (CEO)
Authorized Official Telephone 2514717118
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 2080P0210X Pediatrics
Specialization: Pediatric Nephrology
Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
USA Nephrology- Pediatrics Doing Business As Name - Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1962862078 University of South Alabama Internal Medicine 75 S University Blvd Ucom 6000 B, Mobile, AL 36688-0002 2016-03-02
1972963064 University of South Alabama Internal Medicine 2451 Fillingim St, Mastin Bldg 102, Mobile, AL 36617-2238 2016-03-02
1992013593 University of South Alabama Clinic/Center 1119 Hahn, 5721 Usa North Drive, Mobile, AL 36688-0002 2010-09-16
1689995748 University of South Alabama General Acute Care Hospital 251 Cox St Ste 100, Mobile, AL 36604-3302 2010-06-11
1235290628 University of South Alabama Case Management 1714 Center St, Mobile, AL 36604-3301 2006-12-12
1992746838 University of South Alabama Internal Medicine 5870 Alumni Cir, Mobile, AL 36688-0001 2006-06-10
1972138022 University of South Alabama General Acute Care Hospital 2451 University Hospital Dr, Mobile, AL 36617-2300 2020-03-10
1760959613 University of South Alabama Clinic/Center 1610 Center St Ste B, Mobile, AL 36604-1512 2018-10-30
1205303153 University of South Alabama Clinic/Center 1610 Center St Ste B, Mobile, AL 36604-1512 2018-10-30
1295202141 University of South Alabama Clinic/Center 1610 Center St Ste B, Mobile, AL 36604-1512 2018-10-30

Other Data Sources

Entity Type Entity Name Entity Address
System for Award Management (SAM) Entities UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA 307 Univeristy Blvd 380 Administration Bldg, Mobile, AL 36688-3053
Alabama Business Registrations University of South Alabama Health Care Authority 307 University Blvd N Ad 170, Mobile, Al 36688-2,

Office Location

Street Address 1601 CENTER ST STE 1S
State AL
Zip Code 36604-1541

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1528055753 Roger L Berkow Emergency Medicine 1601 Center St Ste 1s, Mobile, AL 36604 2005-10-03
1568946101 Amanda Lee Wood Nurse Practitioner 1601 Center St Ste 1s, Mobile, AL 36604-1541 2018-09-19
1508343112 Kelly Marie Murray Physician Assistant 1601 Center St Ste 1s, Mobile, AL 36604-1541 2018-07-26
1730699513 Tricia Kenny Huey Nurse Practitioner 1601 Center St Ste 1s, Mobile, AL 36604-1541 2017-10-05
1477914950 University of South Alabama Ophthalmology 1601 Center St Ste 1s, Mobile, AL 36604-1541 2016-03-11
1679934145 University of South Alabama Pediatrics 1601 Center St Ste 1s, Mobile, AL 36604-1541 2016-03-11
1134580608 University of South Alabama Pediatrics 1601 Center St Ste 1s, Mobile, AL 36604-1541 2016-03-11
1124489604 University of South Alabama Pediatrics 1601 Center St Ste 1s, Mobile, AL 36604-1541 2016-03-11
1033570502 University of South Alabama Pediatrics 1601 Center St Ste 1s, Mobile, AL 36604-1541 2016-03-11
1760843239 University of South Alabama Pediatrics 1601 Center St Ste 1s, Mobile, AL 36604-1541 2016-03-11
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1013551449 John F Kilpatrick Social Worker 1156 Springhill Avenue, Mobile, AL 36604 2019-10-29
1477036986 Rachel Schneider Specialist/Technologist 1601 Center St Ste B, Mobile, AL 36604 2018-09-11
1891218194 Transitional Care LLC Nurse Practitioner 1725 Springhill Avenue, Mobile, AL 36604 2017-07-19
1427404722 Precision Orthotics & Prosthetics,llc Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies 1557 Springhill Avenue, Mobile, AL 36604 2016-05-05
1851737746 Robert P. Kobelja Psychiatry & Neurology 1601 Center St Ste 2s, Mobile, AL 36604 2013-05-17
1619233970 Lisa Brown Bailey Nurse Practitioner 1700 Center Street--, Division of Neonatology, Mobile, AL 36604 2012-04-11
1023341773 Rebecca Blankenhorn Audiologist 1610 Center St., Suite A, Mobile, AL 36604 2009-09-14
1700062684 William-glenn Langley Hollingsworth Counselor 1156 Springhill Ave, Mobile, AL 36604 2008-01-10
1972715415 Allison May Chung Pharmacist 1504 Springhill Dr, Rm 5225, Mobile, AL 36604 2007-05-04
1265504716 Geriatric Specialists LLC Internal Medicine 1059 Palmetto St, Mobile, AL 36604 2006-11-13
Find all providers in zip 36604

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 2080P0210X
Grouping Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Classification Pediatrics
Specialization Pediatric Nephrology

Taxonomy Definition

A pediatrician who deals with the normal and abnormal development and maturation of the kidney and urinary tract, the mechanisms by which the kidney can be damaged, the evaluation and treatment of renal diseases, fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, hypertension and renal replacement therapy.
Notes: Source: American Board of Medical Specialties, 2007. [7/1/2007: definition added, source added; 7/1/2011: modified source]
- Additional Resources: American Board of Pediatrics, 2007. American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics, 2007.
- Board certification for Medical Doctors (MDs) is provided by the American Board of Pediatrics. Board certification for Doctors of Osteopathy (DOs) was provided by the American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics. The Certification is no longer offered.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1013575455 Usa Health Physician Billing Services LLC Pediatrics 1601 Center St, Mobile, AL 36604-1541 2019-05-31

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1942380290 Daniel Feig Pediatrics 1600 7th Ave S # Acc516, Birmingham, AL 35233-1711 2006-10-17
1811004245 Mark R Benfield Pediatrics 1425 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd S, Suite 206, Birmingham, AL 35205-3898 2006-08-23
1033187505 Sahar Aboul Rahim Fathallah-shaykh Pediatrics 1600 7th Ave So, Acc 516, Birmingham, AL 35233-1711 2006-03-10
1033643556 Kyle Alexander Deville Pediatrics 1600 7th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233-1711 2017-04-12
1245546993 Pediatric Nephrology of Alabama, P.C. Pediatrics 1425 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd S, Suite 206, Birmingham, AL 35205-3898 2010-08-19
1861509226 William Frank Tenney Pediatrics 1600 7th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233-1711 2006-08-23


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Zip Code 36604

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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