Address: 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Gallup, NM 87301-1337
Phone: 5057221000

DHHS,PHS,NAIHS, GALLUP INDIAN MEDICAL CENTER (NPI# 1225002322) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1225002322
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd.
NM 87301-1337
Mailing Address Po Box 1337
NM 87305-1337
Practice Telephone 5057221000
Practice Fax Number 5057221310
Mailing Telephone 5057221000
Mailing Fax Number 5057221310
Enumeration Date 2006-02-15
Last Update Date 2009-05-06
Authorized Official Telephone 5057221000
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
N 311Z00000X Custodial Care Facility Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities
Y 282N00000X General Acute Care Hospital 9435 Hospitals

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
NM H5670 05

Office Location

Street Address 516 E. NIZHONI BLVD.
State NM
Zip Code 87301-1337

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1356347348 Francisca V. Lytle Specialist 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Gallup, NM 87301-1337 2005-06-23
1104271642 Alicia Slim Registered Nurse 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Gallup, NM 87301 2016-05-03
1760868681 Pamela Dennis Registered Nurse 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Gallup, NM 87301 2015-08-03
1629486808 Sarah Strehlow Registered Nurse 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Gallup, NM 87301-1337 2014-07-31
1902244288 Cheryl Morris Registered Nurse 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Gallup, NM 87301-1337 2013-06-10
1699111237 Benjamin Daniel Johnson Internal Medicine 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Gallup, NM 87301-5748 2013-05-21
1144568494 Jerita Lynn Harker Registered Nurse 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Gallup, NM 87301-1337 2013-01-22
1598028201 Eric D. Johansen Optometrist 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Gallup, NM 87301-1337 2012-06-18
1467787911 Jennie Wei Internal Medicine 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Gallup, NM 87305-1337 2009-10-15
1942435474 Mia Kristen Lozada Internal Medicine 516 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Gallup, NM 87301-1337 2009-05-28
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1154966141 Karen Marie Acuesta Arboleda Registered Nurse 516 E Nizhoni Bld., Gallup, NM 87301 2019-11-13
1811453707 Kelly Dahn Respiratory Therapist, Certified 516 E Hizhoni Blvd, Gallup, NM 87301 2019-02-15
1417411232 Frances Griego Registered Nurse 28b Alma Drive, Gallup, NM 87301 2019-01-25
1891267605 Hozho Academy Occupational Therapist 306 Nm-564, Gallup, NM 87301 2018-12-19
1922514686 Jjdac, LLC Ambulance 208 W Maloney Ave, Gallup, NM 87301 2017-12-18
1508382698 Katherine L Kuehl Pharmacist Walgreens 1870 E Historic Highway 66, Galliup, NM 87301 2017-08-21
1497285001 Jessica Kate Savant Registered Nurse 516 E Nazhoni Blvd, Gallup, NM 87301 2017-06-15
1770013385 Nicole Aline Pavy Registered Nurse 516 E. Nizhioni Blvd, Gallup, NM 87301 2017-06-15
1730612276 Camie Renee Nelson Contractor 121 Bishop Drive, Gallup, NM 87301 2017-04-11
1508216227 Marriah Silversmith Technician, Other 3426 Blue Hill Ave, Gallup, NM 87301 2016-06-14
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 282N00000X
Grouping Hospitals
Classification General Acute Care Hospital

Taxonomy Definition

An acute general hospital is an institution whose primary function is to provide inpatient diagnostic and therapeutic services for a variety of medical conditions, both surgical and non-surgical, to a wide population group. The hospital treats patients in an acute phase of illness or injury, characterized by a single episode or a fairly short duration, from which the patient returns to his or her normal or previous level of activity.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1548439268 Dhhs,phs,naihs,gallup Indian Medical Center General Acute Care Hospital 1901 Red Rock Drive, Gallup, NM 87301-5683 2008-02-27
1720084999 Rehoboth Mckinley Christian Health Care Services, Inc. General Acute Care Hospital 1901 Redrock Drive, Gallup, NM 87301-5683 2005-06-22

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1760020044 Three Crosses Regional Hospital LLC General Acute Care Hospital 2560 Samaritan Drive, Las Cruces, NM 88001 2019-12-17
1558838607 Albuquerque Er LLC General Acute Care Hospital 9310 Coors Blvd Nw, Albuquerque, NM 87114-4006 2018-10-26
1730684853 Presbyterian Healthcare Services General Acute Care Hospital 4801 Beckner Road, Santa Fe, NM 87507 2018-03-29
1770952939 Aia,pc General Acute Care Hospital 113 Adkins Ct, Clovis, NM 88101-9373 2015-09-17
1396124616 Presbyterian Medical Service General Acute Care Hospital 8109 Tangerine Pl Nw, Albuquerque, NM 87120-5587 2015-05-19
1770841728 Unm Hospital General Acute Care Hospital Unm Hospital Pediatric Neurology, 2211 Lomas Blvd., 3rd Floor, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 2012-04-27
1598056749 University of New Mexico School of Medicine General Acute Care Hospital 13305 Wilderness Pl Ne, Albuquerque, NM 87111-9221 2011-04-22
1649561986 University of New Mexico General Acute Care Hospital 9800 Bajada Dr Nw, Albuquerque, NM 87114-4365 2011-04-20
1669614947 University of New Mexico General Acute Care Hospital Dept of Radiology Msc10 5530, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 2009-04-01
1235376609 Traci Gae Blair General Acute Care Hospital 5232 Saratoga Ct Nw, Albuquerque, NM 87120-2296 2009-01-07
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Zip Code 87301

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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