Address: 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3509
Phone: 9414875400

GULF CENTRAL EARLY STEPS (NPI# 1215036637) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1215036637
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name EARLY STEPS
Practice Address 1700 S Tamiami Trl
FL 34239-3509
Practice Telephone 9414875400
Practice Fax Number 9414875430
Mailing Telephone 9414875400
Mailing Fax Number 9414875430
Enumeration Date 2006-09-22
Last Update Date 2008-09-29
Authorized Official Telephone 9414875400
Authorized Official Credential MED
Is Organization Subpart Y


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
N 282N00000X General Acute Care Hospital FL Hospitals
Y 252Y00000X Early Intervention Provider Agency FL Agencies

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
FL 010176105 05

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Early Steps Other Name - Individual/Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1376608554 Gulf Central Early Steps Case Management 3223 Old Oak Dr, Sarasota, Sarasota, FL 34239-5020 2006-12-27
1073877031 Gulf Central Early Steps Social Worker 4630 17th St, Sarasota, FL 34235-1843 2012-06-25
1144470196 Gulf Central Early Steps General Acute Care Hospital 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3509 2008-09-26
1326298373 Gulf Central Early Steps General Acute Care Hospital 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3509 2008-09-26
1235389289 Gulf Central Early Steps General Acute Care Hospital 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3509 2008-09-26

Office Location

Street Address 1700 S TAMIAMI TRL
State FL
Zip Code 34239-3509

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1588661185 Wayne S Blake Internal Medicine 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239 2005-06-28
1386244937 Bradley Bramante Inzalaco Registered Nurse 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3555 2020-10-31
1235739293 Kevin Lekawa Nurse Practitioner 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3509 2020-10-29
1295334449 Sarah Spivey Stephenson Surgery 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3555 2020-10-20
1043829435 Samer Bassam Taher Khader Internal Medicine 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3555 2020-07-30
1578172623 Martin Dean Faile Pharmacist 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3509 2020-07-24
1194333674 Dana Devine Gau Nurse Practitioner 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3509 2020-07-21
1063020121 Erica Warkus Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3509 2020-07-15
1336767904 Kevin Gil Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3509 2020-07-10
1558989103 Stephanie Murphy Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3509 2020-07-10
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1588203327 All-in-one Medical Clinic Chiropractor 3436 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota, FL 34239 2019-12-26
1134782295 Kafayat Adebukola Busari Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program Florida State University/ Sarasota Memorial Hospital, 1700 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34239 2019-04-15
1235600495 Karen Andrea Gonzalez Speech-Language Pathologist 1524 East Ave South, Sarasota, FL 34239 2018-12-16
1659852101 Tori Alexandra Phelps Behavioral Analyst 2324 Prospect Street, Sarasota, FL 34239 2018-08-23
1518450519 Love To Care4u Homecare Adult Companion 3800 Tamiami Trail Ste 105, Sarasota, FL 34239 2018-06-13
1881119691 Life Awaits Acupuncture Acupuncturist 3030 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34239 2017-08-14
1275084600 Srq Acupuncture & Massage Acupuncturist 1810 South Tuttle Ave, Sarasota, FL 34239 2016-10-20
1609253178 Sumeet Bhanot Md Pa Otolaryngology 2038 Bee Ridge Road, Suite A, Sarasota, FL 34239 2015-05-04
1407246093 Rhett Ethan Bogacz Chiropractor 3400 Bee Ridge Rd Ste 100, Sarasota, FL 34239 2015-02-03
1023436136 Sarah J. Somer Obstetrics & Gynecology 1921 Waldemere St Ste 307, Sarasota, FL 34239 2014-04-04
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 252Y00000X
Grouping Agencies
Classification Early Intervention Provider Agency

Taxonomy Definition

Early intervention services are an effective way to address the needs of infants and toddlers who have developmental delays or disabilities. The services are made available through a federal law known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA provides states and territories with specific requirements for providing early intervention services to infants and toddlers with special needs. In turn, each state and territory develops its own policies for carrying out IDEA and its requirements. Broadly speaking, early intervention services are special services for eligible infants and toddlers and their families. These services are designed to identify and meet children’s needs in five developmental areas. These areas are: physical development, cognitive development, communication, social or emotional development, and adaptive development.
Notes: Source: National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities [7/1/2007: new]

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1770018483 Florida Center for Attachment & Trauma, LLC Early Intervention Provider Agency 2100 Constitution Blvd Ste 115, Sarasota, FL 34231-4146 2017-05-01
1740373158 Rebekah Greer Pa Early Intervention Provider Agency 3341 Fauna St, Sarasota, FL 34235-6606 2006-09-30
1528351335 Easter Seals Southwest Florida Early Intervention Provider Agency 350 Braden Ave, Sarasota, FL 34243-2001 2011-05-26
1770738775 Florida Center for Child & Family Development Early Intervention Provider Agency 4620 17th St, Sarasota, FL 34235-1843 2008-11-19
1902085509 Early Steps Early Intervention Provider Agency 1700 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34239-3509 2007-10-31

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1750980561 Paola Marisela Hernandez Early Intervention Provider Agency 6207 River Fruit Ct, Windermere, FL 34786-7325 2020-10-22
1770182966 Maitelyn Salgado Sr. Early Intervention Provider Agency 145 Nw Central Park Plz Ste 104, Port St Lucie, FL 34986-2482 2020-10-20
1861007593 Zena Figueroa Rios Early Intervention Provider Agency 4240 Prima Lago Dr, Lakeland, FL 33810-3063 2020-09-10
1679183974 Impact Rehab LLC Early Intervention Provider Agency 10104 Sandywood Dr, Sanford, FL 32771-7246 2020-08-03
1235752460 Wheat L L C Early Intervention Provider Agency 2627 Ne 203rd St Ste 109, Miami, FL 33180-1945 2020-05-21
1699397570 Baruch Shem LLC Early Intervention Provider Agency 27802 Sw 134th Ct, Homestead, FL 33032-8256 2020-05-13
1710513023 Lacy Bussey Early Intervention Provider Agency 700 N Courtenay Pkwy Apt 527, Merritt Island, FL 32953-5401 2020-03-18
1790310605 Courtney M Lopez Early Intervention Provider Agency 6719 Ne 33rd Ct, Ocala, FL 34479-1423 2020-03-11
1942835152 Robin M Boshnick Early Intervention Provider Agency 8540 Briar Rose Pt, Boynton Beach, FL 33473-7819 2020-03-08
1447884663 Emily Garratt Early Intervention Provider Agency 8624 Primrose Dr, Kissimmee, FL 34747-1648 2020-02-26
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Zip Code 34239

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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