Address: 1 Pinckney Blvd, Beaufort, SC 29902-6122
Phone: 8282572333

CHARLESTON VAMC (NPI# 1194776807) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1194776807
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name CHARLESTON VAMC
Other Organization Name BEAUFORT VA CLINIC
Practice Address 1 Pinckney Blvd
SC 29902-6122
Mailing Address Po Box 89425
OH 44101-6425
Practice Telephone 8282572333
Mailing Telephone 8282572333
Enumeration Date 2006-05-15
Last Update Date 2018-04-13
Authorized Official Name ERIN POTTER (NPI TEAM MEMBER)
Authorized Official Telephone 2023822579
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 261QV0200X Clinic/Center
Specialization: VA
Ambulatory Health Care Facilities

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
BEAUFORT VA CLINIC Other Name - Individual/Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1083099444 Charleston Vamc Clinic/Center 2424 City Hall Lane, North Charleston, SC 29406-9998 2015-07-28
1851339451 Charleston Vamc Clinic/Center 1170 Shawnee Street, Savannah, GA 31419-1618 2006-06-03
1164810297 Charleston Vamc Clinic/Center 1101 Johnson Ave, Suite R-2a, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577-1893 2014-12-23
1255729398 Charleston Vamc Clinic/Center 9229 University Blvd, North Charleston, SC 29406-9150 2014-12-23
1437566528 Charleston Vamc Clinic/Center 9237 University Blvd, North Charleston, SC 29406-9189 2014-07-21
1427344308 Charleston Vamc Clinic/Center 500 E Oglethorpe Hwy, Hinesville, GA 31313-2804 2011-06-20
1235286741 Charleston Vamc Clinic/Center 2418 Nnptc Circle, Goose Creek, SC 29445-9998 2007-01-05
1649286972 Charleston Vamc General Acute Care Hospital 109 Bee Street, Charleston, SC 29401 2006-07-31
1821036286 Charleston Vamc Clinic/Center 3381 Phillis Blvd, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577-1533 2006-06-04
1659320620 Charleston Vamc General Acute Care Hospital 109 Bee St, Charleston, SC 29401-5703 2006-05-08

Office Location

Street Address 1 PINCKNEY BLVD
State SC
Zip Code 29902-6122

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1457352643 Terry Lynn Elliott Family Medicine 1 Pinckney Blvd, Beaufort, SC 29902-6122 2005-08-10
1366042327 Selena Damiano Physician Assistant 1 Pinckney Blvd, Beaufort, SC 29902-6122 2020-10-29
1023620150 Duy Thien Vinh Truong Dentist 1 Pinckney Blvd, Beaufort, SC 29902-6122 2020-08-19
1366060071 Christopher Taylor Davis Dentist 1 Pinckney Blvd, Beaufort, SC 29902-6122 2020-07-09
1942828884 Abraham Kim Dentist 1 Pinckney Blvd, Beaufort, SC 29902-6122 2020-07-07
1205468907 Maurice Jones Nurse Practitioner 1 Pinckney Blvd, Beaufort, SC 29902-6122 2020-02-10
1629610134 Alicia Lynn Weaver Dietitian, Registered 1 Pinckney Blvd, Beaufort, SC 29902-6122 2019-10-16
1710529995 Jules C Martowski Psychologist 1 Pinckney Blvd, Beaufort, SC 29902-6122 2019-10-09
1053968784 John Claiborne Millar Dentist 1 Pinckney Blvd, Beaufort, SC 29902-6122 2019-08-19
1043866049 Celeste Roberts Dentist 1 Pinckney Blvd, Beaufort, SC 29902-6122 2019-08-15
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1063024578 Beaufort County Memorial Hospital Family Medicine Beaufort Memorial Preoperative Assessment Clinic, 989 Ribaut Road Suite 370, Beaufort, SC 29902 2020-08-18
1750992475 Fayth Polite Social Worker 2210 Salem Drive East, Beaufort, SC 29902 2020-08-14
1417509530 Andrew Grant Miner Dentist Naval Hospital Beaufort, 1 Pinckney Blvd., Fpo, AA 29902 2019-07-09
1376029777 Edward Dela Fuente Counselor Coastal Empire Mental Health Center, 1050 Ribaut Road, Beaufort, SC 29902 2018-07-18
1114440419 Kristin Webb Registered Nurse 607 Wilmington Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 2017-07-19
1326582081 Annemarie Gierling Gault Nurse Practitioner Beaufort Memorial Medical Oncology Infusion Center, 989 Ribaut Rd, Ste 103, Beaufort, SC 29902 2016-12-14
1114396579 Jacquelyn Faith Proulx Dentist 1 Pickney Blvd., Naval Hospital Beaufort, Beaufort, SC 29902 2015-09-16
1386028413 Howard Family Dental - Beaufort, Pllc Dentist 35 Robert Smalls Pkwy, Beaufort, SC 29902 2015-07-18
1598018103 Lisa Marie Johnson Occupational Therapist 9555 Ribaut Road, Beaufort Memorial Hospital, Beaufort, SC 29902 2012-10-19
1134497860 Jeremy Michael Simmons Pharmacist 2127 Boundary Street, Suite 19, Beaufort, SC 29902 2011-12-08
Find all providers in zip 29902

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 261QV0200X
Grouping Ambulatory Health Care Facilities
Classification Clinic/Center
Specialization VA

Taxonomy Definition

Definition to come...

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1083099444 Charleston Vamc Clinic/Center 2424 City Hall Lane, North Charleston, SC 29406-9998 2015-07-28
1306014113 Augusta Vamc Clinic/Center 950 Millbrook Ave, Aiken, SC 29803-0602 2008-02-14
1972542983 Columbia Vamc Clinic/Center 407 N Salem Ave, Sumter, SC 29150-4115 2006-06-05
1588617815 Columbia Vamc Clinic/Center 1822 Sally Hill Farms Blvd, Florence, SC 29501-6987 2006-05-18
1215988480 Columbia Vamc Clinic/Center 1702 E Greenville St, Anderson, SC 29621-2009 2006-05-13
1053786228 Columbia Vamc Clinic/Center 6439 Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia, SC 29209-1638 2015-12-14
1164810297 Charleston Vamc Clinic/Center 1101 Johnson Ave, Suite R-2a, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577-1893 2014-12-23
1255729398 Charleston Vamc Clinic/Center 9229 University Blvd, North Charleston, SC 29406-9150 2014-12-23
1437566528 Charleston Vamc Clinic/Center 9237 University Blvd, North Charleston, SC 29406-9189 2014-07-21
1861643181 Columbia Vamc Clinic/Center 279 N Grove Medical Park Dr, Spartanburg, SC 29303-4222 2008-10-06
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Zip Code 29902

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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