Address: 1133 Lincoln St, Denver, CO 80203-2110
Phone: 3038326622

THIRD WAY CENTER, INC. (NPI# 1184763864) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1184763864
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name THIRD WAY CENTER, INC.
Practice Address 1133 Lincoln St
CO 80203-2110
Mailing Address Po Box 61385
CO 80206-8385
Practice Telephone 3038326622
Practice Fax Number 3038630705
Mailing Telephone 3037809191
Mailing Fax Number 3037809192
Enumeration Date 2007-02-06
Last Update Date 2020-08-22
Authorized Official Telephone 3037809191
Authorized Official Credential MA
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 322D00000X Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 77810 CO Residential Treatment Facilities

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
CO 08437335 05

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1225263593 Third Way Center, Inc. Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 9100 E Lowry Blvd, Lowry Sprout, Denver, CO 80230-6935 2009-05-15
1841473915 Third Way Center, Inc. Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 9100 E Lowry Blvd., Denver, CO 80230-6935 2007-12-12
1114066859 Third Way Center, Inc. Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 1295 York St, Denver, CO 80206-3008 2007-02-06
1992844625 Third Way Center, Inc. Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 1735 Pontiac St, Denver, CO 80220-1831 2007-02-06

Office Location

Street Address 1133 LINCOLN ST
State CO
Zip Code 80203-2110

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1396091740 Demitra Jamette Goodloe Counselor 1133 Lincoln St, Denver, CO 80203-2110 2012-08-02

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
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1821581471 Foot Tracks Physical Therapist 1120 N Lincoln St Ste 907, Denver, CO 80203 2018-06-08
1558870840 Rene C. Katial Registered Nurse Suncrest Hospice, 777 E. Speer Blvd, Denver, CO 80203 2017-09-29
1295253946 Katherine Longley Counselor 852 N Broadway Ste 200, Denver, CO 80203 2017-09-01
1679097125 Alyssa Miller Case Manager/Care Coordinator 745 Sherman St, Denver, CO 80203 2017-07-26
1861922817 Cara Jaffee Nutritionist 990 Logan St, Apt 701, Denver, CO 80203 2017-06-13
1285168583 State of Colorado Point of Service 1575 Sherman Street, Cdhs, Denver, CO 80203 2017-04-13
1205388931 Molly Dyer Acupuncturist 852 Broadway St., Ste. 200, Denver, CO 80203 2016-10-28
1164897997 Jennifer Holt Dietitian, Registered 1935 Pearl St, Apt 3430, Denver, CO 80203 2015-12-04
1073985131 Ashley Frances Nelson Social Worker 758 Sherman Street, Denver, CO 80203 2015-10-28
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 322D00000X
Grouping Residential Treatment Facilities
Classification Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children

Taxonomy Definition

A provider facility or distinct part of the organization which renders an interdisciplinary program of mental health treatment to individuals under 21 years of age who have persistent dysfunction in major life areas. The dysfunction is of an extent and pervasiveness that requires a protected and highly structured therapeutic environment. These organizations, or distinct part of organizations, exclude those that provide acute psychiatric care, partial hospitalization, group living, therapeutic schooling, primary diagnosis substance abuse disorder treatment, or primary diagnosis mental retardation or developmental disability treatment.
Notes: Source: U.S. Department of Defense Regulation 6010.8-R, Chapter 6.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1225263593 Third Way Center, Inc. Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 9100 E Lowry Blvd, Lowry Sprout, Denver, CO 80230-6935 2009-05-15
1841473915 Third Way Center, Inc. Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 9100 E Lowry Blvd., Denver, CO 80230-6935 2007-12-12
1326269390 Court House Inc. Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 3640 W Princeton Cir, Denver, CO 80236-3109 2007-05-01
1356471718 Friends of Children Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 2950 Tennyson St, Denver, CO 80212 2007-03-06
1114066859 Third Way Center, Inc. Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 1295 York St, Denver, CO 80206-3008 2007-02-06
1992844625 Third Way Center, Inc. Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 1735 Pontiac St, Denver, CO 80220-1831 2007-02-06
1801900238 Mount St. Vincent Home Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 4159 Lowell Blvd, Denver, CO 80211-1658 2006-08-19
1467469312 Denver Children's Home Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 1501 Albion St, Denver, CO 80220-1028 2006-08-02
1821479122 Individual Provider Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 4159 Lowell Blvd, Denver, CO 80211-1658 2015-06-11
1902298284 Elizabeth O'brodo Residential Treatment Facility, Emotionally Disturbed Children 2950 Tennyson St, Denver, CO 80212-3029 2015-02-24
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Zip Code 80203

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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