Address: 5825 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90036
Phone: 3239339022

ASIAN AMERICAN DRUG ABUSE PROGRAM, INC (NPI# 1174958359) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1174958359
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name AADAP, INC
Practice Address 5825 W. Olympic Blvd.
Los Angeles
CA 90036
Mailing Address 2900 Crenshaw Blvd
Los Angeles
CA 90016-4265
Practice Telephone 3239339022
Practice Fax Number 3239334029
Mailing Telephone 3232936284
Mailing Fax Number 3232954075
Enumeration Date 2013-09-06
Last Update Date 2020-04-29
Authorized Official Telephone 3232936284
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 324500000X Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility Residential Treatment Facilities

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
AADAP, Inc Doing Business As Name - Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1477161149 Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 4625 Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90043-1209 2020-07-20
1699100487 Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc Community/Behavioral Health 14112 S. Kingsley Dr., Gardena, CA 90249 2013-09-11
1194150375 Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc Community/Behavioral Health 1360 E Anaheim St Ste 205, Long Beach, CA 90813-5517 2013-09-06
1437492659 Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 5318 Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90043-1810 2013-04-05
1518097229 Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc Community/Behavioral Health 1088 S. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90019 2007-03-06
1902233398 Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc Community/Behavioral Health 2900 Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90016-4265 2013-10-01
1326388745 Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc Community/Behavioral Health 520 N La Brea Ave, Inglewood, CA 90302-3049 2013-02-21
1124272067 Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc Community/Behavioral Health 13931 Van Ness Ave, Gardena, CA 90249-2941 2008-11-05

Office Location

Street Address 5825 W. OLYMPIC BLVD.
State CA
Zip Code 90036

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1174140198 Stephanie N Carter Dietitian, Registered 460 Burnside Ave, Apt 8k, Los Angeles, CA 90036 2020-06-26
1609492107 Katherine Niemela Registered Nurse 5619 W 4th St, Suite 5, Los Angeles, CA 90036 2020-06-19
1508384330 Matthew Milstein Psychologist 5675 West Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90036 2017-08-31
1912423963 John Allen Ostlund Counselor 5675 W. Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036 2017-08-21
1306376629 Scott William Wilson Case Manager/Care Coordinator 1891 N. Gaffey Street Suite 219 & 221, San Pedro, CA 90036 2017-06-19
1205382298 Janice Payson Marriage & Family Therapist 801 South Spaulding Avenue, Suite A, Los Angeles, CA 90036 2016-08-30
1134577281 Parul A Desai Registered Nurse 5800 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036 2016-05-31
1477914604 Sarah Frank Jarvis Marriage & Family Therapist 7421 Beverly Blvd Ste 2, Los Angeles, CA 90036 2016-03-16
1558747162 Paul Oberon, Psy.d, Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 7421 Beverly Blvd., #10, Los Angeles, CA 90036 2015-08-05
1235543117 Benjamin Maixner Behavioral Analyst 441 1/2 N Curson Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90036 2014-06-18
Find all providers in zip 90036

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 324500000X
Grouping Residential Treatment Facilities
Classification Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility

Taxonomy Definition

A facility or distinct part of a facility that provides a 24 hr therapeutically planned living and rehabilitative intervention environment for the treatment of individuals with disorders in the abuse of drugs, alcohol, and other substances.
Notes: [7/1/2003: modified title, modified definition]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1467051672 Spearhead Health Centers, LLC. Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 11704 Wilshire Blvd Ste 226, Los Angeles, CA 90025-1504 2020-10-19
1396354577 First Step Forward, Inc Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 7523 S Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047-2430 2020-07-23
1619598208 Conquer Recovery Centers, Inc. Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 1324 Keniston Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90019-1713 2020-05-05
1417595547 Forward Recovery Solutions, LLC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 1428 Roxbury Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90035-2815 2019-12-19
1245878917 Profound Treatment, LLC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 1990 Westwood Blvd Ste 305, Los Angeles, CA 90025-6596 2019-12-12
1245883594 Vivian C Aranda Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 4617 Zane St, Los Angeles, CA 90032-2039 2019-07-16
1770141764 310 Recovery Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 1741 Hauser Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90019-5111 2019-06-04
1689132284 Mama and Papa Bear's Innovations, Inc Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 5324 Fountain Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029-1005 2019-03-04
1053884775 Melrose Recovery, LLC. Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 1253 N Commonwealth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029 2019-01-04
1669941811 Cnv Detox Inc. Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 5919 W 74th St, Los Angeles, CA 90045-1601 2018-11-16
Find all providers in LOS ANGELES


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Zip Code 90036

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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