Address: 87 Washington St., Boxford, MA 01921-1240
Phone: 9783526349

DIANE ROBERTS STOLER EDD, LLC (NPI# 1164662219) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1164662219
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 87 Washington St.
MA 01921-1240
Mailing Address P.o. Box 148
MA 01833-0148
Practice Telephone 9783526349
Practice Fax Number 9783522835
Mailing Telephone 9783526349
Mailing Fax Number 9783522835
Enumeration Date 2009-03-03
Last Update Date 2009-03-03
Authorized Official Name DIANE R STOLER (CEO)
Authorized Official Telephone 9783526349
Authorized Official Credential EDD
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
N 103TE1100X Psychologist
Specialization: Exercise & Sports
2229 MA Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers
N 103TH0100X Psychologist
Specialization: Health Service
2229 MA Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers
Y 103G00000X Clinical Neuropsychologist 2229 MA Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers

Office Location

Street Address 87 WASHINGTON ST.
State MA
Zip Code 01921-1240

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1578015293 Jessie Beaton Counselor 167 Georgetown Road, Boxford, MA 01921 2016-10-28
1245661404 Kendell Longo Point of Service 7a Spofford Road, Boxford, MA 01921 2013-12-12
1275878498 Joseph Peter Lamanna Legal Medicine 4 Stanton Circle, Boxford, MA 01921 2012-11-28
1508131038 Gerald J Bargman Pediatrics 39 B Adams Road, Boxford, MA 01921 2012-03-16
1326236787 Carole Anne Harris Dietitian, Registered 29 Brookview Road, Boxford, MA 01921 2007-10-11
1639379415 Christine M. Guarnieri Speech-Language Pathologist 4 King William Court, Boxford, MA 01921 2007-07-20
1487710489 Paul Lutz Emergency Medicine 80 Porter Road, Boxford, MA 01921 2006-12-28
1487769907 Adam E. Thurlow Social Worker 20 Endicott Rd, Boxford, MA 01921 2006-08-21
1275554644 Sandra J. Madruga Counselor 24 Georgetown Road, A Clearlight Center, Inc., Boxford, MA 01921 2006-07-21
1477660363 James D. Tollman Hospitalist 200 Washington St, Boxford, MA 01921 2006-08-24
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 103G00000X
Grouping Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers
Classification Clinical Neuropsychologist

Taxonomy Definition

An individual with a doctorate degree, licensure in clinical psychology and specialized training or board certification in neuropsychology who practices or adheres to the principles of neuropsychology; a specialty within the field of psychology focusing primarily on neurobehavioral functioning.
Notes: Source: American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 1997. [1/1/2007: title modified]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1003965534 Diane Stoler Clinical Neuropsychologist 87 Washington St, Boxford, MA 01921-1240 2007-01-10

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1154949873 Erica Rose Appleman Clinical Neuropsychologist 134 Horace St, Boston, MA 02128-1581 2020-07-09
1578187613 Nancy Schneider-pruett Clinical Neuropsychologist The Neuropsychology Service, 100 Cummings Center, Beverly, MA 01982 2020-06-04
1194365312 Erin Grace Kitchener Clinical Neuropsychologist 1 Wells Ave Fl 4, Newton, MA 02459-3211 2020-01-15
1407330509 Coastal Psychological Center, LLC. Clinical Neuropsychologist 36 Woburn St Ste 6, Reading, MA 01867-2903 2018-09-24
1881102515 Matthew S Conway Clinical Neuropsychologist 26 Chestnut St Ste 2e, Andover, MA 01810-3600 2018-01-16
1811415326 Francesca Lavecchia Clinical Neuropsychologist Brockto Area Multi Service, Inc. 10 Christy Dr., Brockton, MA 02301 2017-09-05
1346792637 Margaret Alice Mcphee Clinical Neuropsychologist 29 Regina Dr, Chelmsford, MA 01824-4540 2016-11-02
1154870814 Jessica Pan Clinical Neuropsychologist 1 Bowdoin St, 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02114-4201 2016-09-22
1508217506 Donald Bearden Clinical Neuropsychologist 30 Iroquois St, Unit 33, Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120-2848 2016-06-30
1497115612 Susan Magocsi Clinical Neuropsychologist 13 Meetinghouse Ln, Milton, MA 02186-2415 2016-03-01
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Zip Code 01921

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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