Address: 3940 Meeting House Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23455-7000
Phone: 7576314455

ACCREDITED ADULT DAY HEALTH CARE, INC (NPI# 1134377674) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1134377674
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 3940 Meeting House Rd
Virginia Beach
VA 23455-7000
Practice Telephone 7576314455
Practice Fax Number 7576713345
Mailing Telephone 7576314455
Mailing Fax Number 7576713345
Enumeration Date 2008-09-08
Last Update Date 2008-09-08
Authorized Official Name MR. DAVID O ETUTE (PRESIDENT/CEO)
Authorized Official Telephone 7576314455
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 302R00000X Health Maintenance Organization Managed Care Organizations

Office Location

Street Address 3940 MEETING HOUSE RD
State VA
Zip Code 23455-7000

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1295255404 Unobs Medical Transportation Services LLC Non-emergency Medical Transport (VAN) 5812 Tajo Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 2017-06-20
1831640812 Wearefit Dietitian, Registered 4752 Hollis Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 2016-10-14
1629496633 Jamie Lauren Dermatis Podiatrist 1700 Pleasure Road, #101, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 2014-04-07
1619304664 Syed A Absar Pharmacist 4828 Lake Bradford Lane, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 2013-10-07
1851734958 Cara K Richardson Occupational Therapist 2364 Madison Ave., Virginia Beach, VA 23455 2013-04-09
1811249287 Chl & Associates Nurse Practitioner 1367 Sir Richard Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 2012-10-10
1588915425 Edward S Wilson Physician Assistant 604 Bishop Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 2012-10-01
1073886842 April Gilbrech Registered Nurse 1103 Canopy Ct, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 2012-02-09
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 302R00000X
Grouping Managed Care Organizations
Classification Health Maintenance Organization

Taxonomy Definition

(1) A form of health insurance in which its members prepay a premium for the HMO’s health services which generally include inpatient and ambulatory care. For the patient, an HMO means reduced out-of-pocket costs (i.e. no deductible), no paperwork (i.e. insurance forms), and only a small copayment for each office visit to cover the paperwork handled by the HMO; (2) A organization of health care personnel and facilities that provides a comprehensive range of health services to an enrolled population for a fixed sum of money paid in advance for a specified period of time. These health services include a wide variety of medical treatments and consults, inpatient and outpatient hospitalization, home health service, ambulance service, and sometimes dental and pharmacy services. The HMO may be organized as a group model, an individual practice association (IPA), a network model or a staff model.
Notes: Source: (1) Medical Interface: Managed Care A thru Z- Managed Care Terms published by Medicom International, Bronxville, New York Telephone (914) 337-5023, p. 20; (2) "Glossary of terms used in managed care" Developed by the Managed Care Assembly (MCA) of Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), MGM Journal, September/October 1995, p. 58

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1366728958 Golden Healthcare Advantage Corp Health Maintenance Organization 6401 Duquesne Pl, Virginia Beach, VA 23464-4430 2011-10-26
1801180443 Professional Parent Care LLC Health Maintenance Organization 317 N Rosemont Rd, Suite 103, Virginia Beach, VA 23452-3449 2011-05-31
1578721361 Accredited Healthcare Corp Health Maintenance Organization 4602 Westgrove Ct, Suite B, Virginia Beach, VA 23455-5414 2008-05-28
1053507384 Bestway Health Care, LLC Health Maintenance Organization 3707 Virginia Beach Blvd, Suite 218, Virginia Beach, VA 23452-3412 2007-09-20
1962485540 Amerigroup Corporation Health Maintenance Organization 4425 Corporation Ln, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-3103 2005-11-28
1588086177 Self Actualization Counseling Services, LLC Health Maintenance Organization 3500 Virginia Beach Blvd, Suite 210, Virginia Beach, VA 23452-4445 2014-01-15
1205161122 Morgan Vision Care, PC Health Maintenance Organization 4540 Princess Anne Rd, Suite 125, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-7962 2009-10-09
1821291964 Lymphedema Physiotherapy Health Maintenance Organization 4301 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23452-1250 2007-06-07
1245458678 Sentara Employee Assistance Program Health Maintenance Organization 816 Independence Blvd, Suite 1a, Virginia Beach, VA 23455-6010 2007-04-23
1760540561 Back To Health Chiropractic Health Maintenance Organization 256 N Witchduck Rd, Suite C, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-6544 2006-12-05
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Zip Code 23455

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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