Address: 471 Century Park Dr, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771
Phone: 5304439150

MISS BLAKE MACKENZIE PUTMAN I (NPI# 1124503701) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1124503701
Entity Type Individual
Practice Address 471 Century Park Dr
Yuba City
CA 95991-5771
Mailing Address 21600 Oxnard St Ste 1800
Woodland Hills
CA 91367-7807
Practice Telephone 5304439150
Mailing Telephone 8183452345
Enumeration Date 2018-09-28
Last Update Date 2018-09-28
Gender Code F
Is Sole Proprietor N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 103K00000X Behavioral Analyst CA Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers

Other Providers BLAKE PUTMAN

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1659784338 Blake Putman Family Medicine 1514 W Caro Rd, Caro, MI 48723-9260 2014-06-10

Office Location

Street Address 471 CENTURY PARK DR
State CA
Zip Code 95991-5771

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1467956581 Leslie Guadalupe Castro Fernandez Behavior Technician 471 Century Park Dr, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2018-03-22
1013476001 Sagrario Pureco Behavioral Analyst 471 Century Park Dr, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2019-03-18
1518426253 Destany Ann Lopez Behavioral Analyst 471 Century Park Dr, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2019-03-12
1497227805 Arifeh Saeidah Behavioral Analyst 471 Century Park Dr, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2018-12-23
1760958938 Katarina Marie Bowen Behavior Technician 471 Century Park Dr, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2018-10-15
1083199434 Jordan Michael Sullivan Behavior Technician 471 Century Park Dr, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2018-10-02
1770067993 Alyssa Angelica Cardenas Assistant Behavior Analyst 471 Century Park Dr, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2018-09-24
1114401064 Angel Lyn Clark Behavior Technician 471 Century Park Dr, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2018-09-17
1538641865 Lacey Jay Cooper Behavioral Analyst 471 Century Park Dr, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2018-09-04
1790276426 Mercedes Perez Resendez Behavioral Analyst 471 Century Park Dr, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2018-05-29
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1326670290 Dr. Page Hudson Dental Corporation Dentist 871 Gray Avenue, Suite B, Yuba City, CA 95991 2020-02-10
1457990756 Amar Sohail, Dds, Inc Dentist 718 W. Onstott Frontage Road, Yuba City, CA 95991 2020-01-03
1295370203 An M Vo Physical Therapist 825 Jones Road, Yuba City, CA 95991 2019-11-13
1720551021 Brittany L Adams Behavior Technician 471 Century Dr., Ste.b, Yuba City, CA 95991 2019-01-09
1124538681 Youth for Change Clinic/Center 1525 Plumas Court, Suites C & D, Yuba City, CA 95991 2017-10-10
1760902076 Licia Dering Behavior Technician 1425 Tradewind Drive, Yuba City, CA 95991 2017-06-27
1306371059 Hafiz Feezer Kassam Orthopaedic Surgery 470 Plumas Blvd Ste 201, Yuba City, CA 95991 2017-05-01
1912444357 Daniel & Max, LLC Optometrist 444 Colusa Ave., Suite A, Yuba City, CA 95991 2017-01-24
1790041556 Deanna Marie Pollock Anesthesiology 460 Plumas Blvd Ste 202, Yuba City, CA 95991 2012-04-05
1053689406 Michael Tzung-hsun Yang Pharmacist 2555 Aurora Drive, Yuba City, CA 95991 2011-12-13
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 103K00000X
Grouping Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers
Classification Behavioral Analyst

Taxonomy Definition

A behavior analyst is qualified by at least a master’s degree and Behavior Analyst Certification Board certification and/or a state-issued credential (such as a license) to practice behavior analysis independently. Behavior analysts provide the required supervision to assistant behavior analysts and behavior technicians. A behavior analyst delivers services consistent with the dimensions of applied behavior analysis. Common services may include, but are not limited to, conducting behavioral assessments, analyzing data, writing and revising behavior-analytic treatment plans, training others to implement components of treatment plans, and overseeing implementation of treatment plans.
Notes: Source: Association of Professional Behavior Analysts, www.apbahome.net and Behavior Analyst Certification Board (http://www.bacb.com) [7/1/2008: new, 1/1/2016: modified definition]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1053873679 Daysiah Hanley Behavioral Analyst 471 Century Park Dr Ste C, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2019-04-02
1700361417 Serinity Marie Gilbert Behavioral Analyst 415 Century Park Dr Ste C, Yuba City, CA 95991-5772 2018-09-27
1134616667 Jessica Ivonne Ibarra Behavioral Analyst 471 Century Park Dr Ste B, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2018-04-19
1356793103 Jaspreet Jagpal Behavioral Analyst 686 Shanghai Bend Rd, Yuba City, CA 95991-8326 2016-07-05
1053951483 Jordanah Elaine Rymel Behavioral Analyst 874 Plumas St Ste C, Yuba City, CA 95991-4023 2020-01-14
1164061271 Sabrina Minchew Behavioral Analyst 874 Plumas St Ste C, Yuba City, CA 95991-4023 2020-01-06
1194362830 Jennifer Patterson Behavioral Analyst 874 Plumas St Ste C, Yuba City, CA 95991-4023 2019-12-02
1962052910 Ariana Frances-lim Gutierrez Behavioral Analyst 874 Plumas St Ste C, Yuba City, CA 95991-4023 2019-09-11
1235793928 Meagan Sue Henderson Behavioral Analyst 874 Plumas St Ste C, Yuba City, CA 95991-4023 2019-04-28
1073075685 Haley Danielle Bryan Behavioral Analyst 471 Century Park Dr Ste B, Yuba City, CA 95991-5771 2019-04-02
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Zip Code 95991

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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