Address: 4465 Park Blvd, Montgomery, AL 36116-1635
Phone: 3342136653

DR. LESLEY BRADFORD BARRY (NPI# 1124236567) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1124236567
Entity Type Individual
Credential PHARM D
Practice Address 4465 Park Blvd
AL 36116-1635
Mailing Address 8447 Marsh Pointe Dr
AL 36117-7474
Practice Telephone 3342136653
Mailing Telephone 3342772268
Enumeration Date 2007-05-18
Last Update Date 2007-07-08
Gender Code F
Is Sole Proprietor N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 1835P1200X Pharmacist
Specialization: Pharmacotherapy
8098 AL Pharmacy Service Providers

Other Providers LESLEY BARRY

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1639425739 Lesley Ann Barry Speech-Language Pathologist 133 N Main St, Beebe, AR 72012-3045 2012-07-26

Office Location

Street Address 4465 PARK BLVD
State AL
Zip Code 36116-1635

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1508421827 My Care Alabama Central, Inc. Case Management 4465 Park Blvd, Montgomery, AL 36116-1635 2019-05-02

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1275153892 Sayyeda Ann Uz Zahra Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 2055 East South Blvd. Suite 202, Uab Montgomery, Montgomery, AL 36116 2020-04-23
1861958241 Tameka Lene' Myles Nurse Practitioner 2905 East South Boulevard, Montgomery, AL 36116 2019-02-11
1750869814 Nina Yvette Massey Family Medicine Baptist South Uab Multi Specialty Clinic, 2119 E. South Blvd, Montgomery, AL 36116 2018-08-01
1336635697 Briana Lynn Adair Speech-Language Pathologist 2185 Normandie Rd., Montgomery, AL 36116 2018-07-10
1790201770 Rinka Ravi Pahwani Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 4371 Narrow Lane Road, Suite 100, Montgomery, AL 36116 2017-08-21
1982052015 Kevin J Jones Pharmacist 4385 Narrow Lane Rd, Montgomery, AL 36116 2016-05-31
1891153284 Wal-mart Stores East Lp Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies 8035 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, AL 36116 2016-02-01
1871917583 E Dental Dentist 6956 Vaughn Rd, Montgomery, AL 36116 2014-02-17
1033545199 Jennings Professional Services LLC Home Health 2921 Martin Lane, Montgomery, AL 36116 2013-09-20
1750721973 Joseph Alan Taylor Counselor 8104 Seaton Place, Montgomery, AL 36116 2013-07-02
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 1835P1200X
Grouping Pharmacy Service Providers
Classification Pharmacist
Specialization Pharmacotherapy

Taxonomy Definition

A licensed pharmacist who has demonstrated specialized knowledge and skill in optimizing pharmacotherapeutic care of patients, by developing, implementing, monitoring, and modifying complex treatment plans, providing advanced level education and consultation, and collaborating with other health professionals in the management of therapy.
Notes: Source: Specialty certification and recertification program administered by Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties, www.bpsweb.org [7/1/2006: modified definition]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1598851065 Baochau Nguyen Salvador Pharmacist 215 Perry Hill Rd Gd119, Montgomery, AL 36109 2006-10-04
1730273277 Addison P Ragan Pharmacist 215 Perryhill Rd, Montgomery, AL 36109 2006-10-02
1538167085 Kelly Hester Pharmacist 820 W South Blvd, Montgomery, AL 36105-3019 2005-07-08
1508959057 Phelicia Berry Bush Pharmacist 215 Perry Hill Road, Montgomery, AL 36109-3725 2006-10-02
1902903792 Jessica D Parker Pharmacist 215 Perry Hill Rd, Montgomery, AL 36109-3725 2006-09-20
1821108242 Lisa Joy Thornton Pharmacist 215 Perry Hill Rd, Montgomery, AL 36109-3725 2006-08-30

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1346850914 James Edwin Underwood Jr. Pharmacist 411 Cahaba River Est, Hoover, AL 35244-4431 2020-08-07
1730540402 Machelle C. Stiles Pharmacist 225 Wildflower Ct, Huntsville, AL 35811-8008 2016-03-09
1679981534 Wesley Lindsey Pharmacist 1330 Walker Building, Auburn, AL 36849-0001 2014-07-23
1043628035 Bernie Ralph Olin IIi Pharmacist 362 W Thach Concourse, 1323 Walker Building, Auburn, AL 36849-0001 2014-07-23
1487061644 Anna Dennis Solomon Pharmacist 1315 Walker Building, Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn, AL 36849-0001 2014-07-18
1780091199 Amber Martin Hutchison Pharmacist 4201f Walker Building, Auburn University, AL 36849-0001 2014-07-17
1699181511 Phillip Henry Lee Pharmacist 4201a Walker Building, Auburn, AL 36849-0001 2014-07-11
1528471612 Margaret Williamson Pharmacist 1202 A Walker Building, Auburn University, AL 36849-0001 2014-06-05
1821393554 Larry Finn Pharmacist 91 Mt Laurel Ave, Birmingham, AL 35242-1800 2011-01-11
1972715415 Allison May Chung Pharmacist 1504 Springhill Dr, Rm 5225, Mobile, AL 36604 2007-05-04
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Zip Code 36116

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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