Address: 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345
Phone: 5752578200

LINCOLN COUNTY RADIOLOGY LLC (NPI# 1124039235) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1124039235
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 211 Sudderth Dr
NM 88345
Mailing Address 205 W Boutz Rd
Bldg 1
Las Cruces
NM 88005
Practice Telephone 5752578200
Mailing Telephone 5755327000
Enumeration Date 2006-08-11
Last Update Date 2009-06-30
Authorized Official Name DONALD A. WOLFEL (PRESIDENT)
Authorized Official Telephone 5755327000
Authorized Official Credential MD
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 2085R0202X Radiology
Specialization: Diagnostic Radiology
Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
NM 22285 05

Office Location

Street Address 211 SUDDERTH DR
State NM
Zip Code 88345

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1376545418 Michael David Noltensmeyer Nurse Anesthetist, Certified Registered 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345-6002 2005-06-01
1144843491 Presbyterian Healthcare Services Medicare Defined Swing Bed Unit 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345-6002 2020-05-21
1285253682 Presbyterian Healthcare Services Medicare Defined Swing Bed Unit 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345-6002 2020-04-15
1144791435 Michael Padilla Pharmacist 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345-6002 2018-12-11
1932659000 Natalie Mcelhany Nurse Practitioner 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345-6002 2016-10-12
1184170185 Francisco J Vargas Nava Emergency Medicine 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345-6002 2016-08-30
1396802864 Presbyterian Healthcare Services Emergency Medicine 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345-6002 2007-01-03
1932209822 Charles L Pfaff Radiology 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345-6002 2006-09-22
1376552810 Paul S Gulbas Ophthalmology 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345-6002 2006-08-05
1407890643 Bradford Lee Cambron Emergency Medicine 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345-6002 2006-06-16
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1295386373 Angela Louise Chavez Physical Therapy Assistant 143 El Paseo Road, Ruidoso, NM 88345 2019-09-20
1740744630 Aspen Creek Counseling, PC Community/Behavioral Health 212 Hidalgo St, Ruidoso, NM 88345 2019-01-25
1659729960 Clinical Counseling, Rebekah Stephens LLC Community/Behavioral Health 105 Socorro Circle, Ruidoso, NM 88345 2016-05-26
1013288208 Emily Jane Fleming Counselor 2904 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345 2012-01-19
1376810572 Ronald Lee Annala Specialist 101 Annala Lane, Ruidoso, NM 88345 2011-11-17
1801171731 Felicia Yelena Fontenot Dentist 127 El Paso Road, Ruidoso, NM 88345 2011-10-11
1497072730 Richard G Leveque Counselor 206 Porr Dirve, Ruidoso, NM 88345 2010-04-27
1871827899 Delcia Maurice Gudgel Counselor 1400 Sudderth Drive, La Frontera, Ruidoso, NM 88345 2009-09-23
1740413541 Yolanda Nelson Case Manager/Care Coordinator 208 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345 2009-08-26
1164697280 Elizabeth Urban Candelaria Social Worker 1400 Sudderth Dr., Ruidoso, NM 88345 2008-04-29
Find all providers in zip 88345

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 2085R0202X
Grouping Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Classification Radiology
Specialization Diagnostic Radiology

Taxonomy Definition

A radiologist who utilizes x-ray, radionuclides, ultrasound and electromagnetic radiation to diagnose and treat disease.
Notes: Source: American Board of Medical Specialties, 2007. [7/1/2007: definition added, source added; 7/1/2011: modified source]
- Additional Resources: American Board of Radiology, 2007. American Osteopathic Board of Radiology, 2007.
- Board certification for Medical Doctors (MDs) is provided by the American Board of Radiology. Board certification for Doctors of Osteopathy (DOs) is provided by the American Osteopathic Board of Radiology.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1932209822 Charles L Pfaff Radiology 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345-6002 2006-09-22
1033160866 Donald Wolfel Radiology 211 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, NM 88345 2006-05-15

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1124658299 City Mobile Ultrasound, LLC Radiology 524 Richmond Dr Se, Albuquerque, NM 87106-2328 2020-01-17
1013407964 Erika Jane Starks Radiology Radiology Msc 10-5530 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-5040 2018-05-16
1700331196 Joseph B. Furlong, P.a. Radiology 190 Howard Place, Suite A, Las Cruces, NM 88011 2016-08-16
1588028393 Prime Digital Radiology, PC Radiology 9 W Alary Ln, Corrales, NM 87048-8396 2016-04-07
1700229523 Martha F Terrazas Radiology Msc 10 5530 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 2013-04-11
1922341585 Katherine Nicole Epstein Radiology Msc10 5530 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 2013-04-02
1962745869 Joshua Eric Rider Radiology Unmh, 2211 Lomas Blvd Ne, Albuquerque, NM 87106 2013-03-29
1346506904 Andrew Bruner Radiology Msc 10-5550 1, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 2012-04-09
1942576145 Douglas James Alden Radiology 373 Big Horn Ridge Dr Ne, Albuquerque, NM 87122-1424 2012-04-02
1689947921 Robert Johnson Radiology 804 Piedra Vista Rd Ne, Albuquerque, NM 87123-1954 2012-02-16
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Zip Code 88345

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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