Address: 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646-0787
Phone: 8287377000

CHARLES A. CANNON, JR. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC. (NPI# 1083845390) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1083845390
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 434 Hospital Drive
NC 28646-0787
Practice Telephone 8287377000
Practice Fax Number 8287377709
Mailing Telephone 8287377000
Mailing Fax Number 8287377709
Enumeration Date 2009-08-04
Last Update Date 2009-08-04
Authorized Official Telephone 8282624133
Authorized Official Credential RHIA-CPMSM
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 208M00000X Hospitalist H0037 NC Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1477006385 Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital, Inc. Nuclear Medicine 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646-0787 2016-07-27
1437541984 Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital, Inc. Clinical Medical Laboratory 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646-0787 2015-02-20
1821403957 Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital, Inc. Hospitalist 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646-0787 2014-06-27

Office Location

Street Address 434 HOSPITAL DRIVE
State NC
Zip Code 28646-0787

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1245221555 Kristine Welborn Occupational Therapist 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646-0787 2005-11-04
1891271888 Melissa Keith Davis Social Worker 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646 2018-07-13
1477006385 Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital, Inc. Nuclear Medicine 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646-0787 2016-07-27
1316397920 Melissa Sinclair Freeman Social Worker 434 Hospital Drive, Behavioral Health Services, Linville, NC 28646 2016-06-14
1891187605 Dana Renee Watson Physical Therapist 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646-0787 2015-03-03
1255723318 Charles Hypes Physical Therapist 434 Hospital Drive, Charles A Cannon Memorial Hospital, Linville, NC 28646-0787 2015-02-26
1588056626 Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hosptial, Inc. Clinic/Center 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646-0787 2015-02-26
1437541984 Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital, Inc. Clinical Medical Laboratory 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646-0787 2015-02-20
1821403957 Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital, Inc. Hospitalist 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646-0787 2014-06-27
1790009397 Appalachian Regional Medical Associates, Inc. Family Medicine 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646-0787 2010-03-25
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1679831135 Graystone Ophthalmology Associates, Pa Ophthalmology 436 Hospital Dr Suite #110, Linville, NC 28646 2012-05-02
1255417358 Mountain Laurel Internal Medicine,pa Clinic/Center 2139 Linville Falls Hwy, Linville, NC 28646 2006-10-31
1912002189 Charles A. Cannon Jr. Memorial Hospital Clinic/Center 436 Hospital Dr, Sloop Medical Office Plaza, Suite 210, Linville, NC 28646 2006-09-13
1033147327 Joe L Hawkins Specialist/Technologist 340 Wahoo Lane, Linville, NC 28646 2006-06-28
1104869288 Heidi Aldridge Emergency Medicine 434 Hospital Dr, Linville, NC 28646 2006-06-14
1881681856 Tate Clinic Pa Surgery 436 Hospital Dr, Ste 200, Linville, NC 28646 2005-10-04
1750378725 Thomas M Haizlip Jr. Surgery 436 Hospital Drive, Suite 200, Linville, NC 28646 2005-10-04
1558975219 Appalachian Regional Behavioral Healthcare Inc Psychiatric Hospital 432 Hospital Dr, Linville, NC 28646 2020-09-01
1760017826 Susan Ulricke Schleith Nurse Practitioner 434 Hospital Dr, Suite 235, Linville, NC 28646 2020-03-10
1528537552 Jennie Goodwin Nurse Practitioner 436 Hospital Dr, Unit 230, Linville, NC 28646 2018-11-20
Find all providers in zip 28646

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 208M00000X
Grouping Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Classification Hospitalist

Taxonomy Definition

Hospitalists are physicians whose primary professional focus is the general medical care of hospitalized patients. Their activities include patient care, teaching, research, and leadership related to Hospital Medicine. The term 'hospitalist' refers to physicians whose practice emphasizes providing care for hospitalized patients.
Notes: Source: American Society of Hospital Medicine, 2007. [7/1/2009: definition aded] Additional Resources: Hospitalist is a recognized fellowship specialty program offered by many medical institutions. There is no board certification for the specialty at this point.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1821403957 Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital, Inc. Hospitalist 434 Hospital Drive, Linville, NC 28646-0787 2014-06-27

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1497377683 David W. Emison Hospitalist 6524 Donnegal Farm Rd, Charlotte, NC 28270-0888 2020-05-11
1477086445 Patrick Aaron Mccann Hospitalist Medical Center Blvd Watlington Hall 3rd Floor, Winston Salem, NC 27157-0001 2017-04-06
1548656150 Jesse David Rhodes Hospitalist Hospital Medicine, Duke University Hospital, 40 Duke Medicine Circle, Durham, NC 27710 2015-04-09
1477942613 Optimed Hospitalists, Pllc Hospitalist 108 S Main St Ste E, Davidson, NC 28036-8096 2015-01-12
1235543356 Philip Chu Hospitalist 2301 Erwin Rd Cb 2918, Durham, NC 27710 2014-06-17
1245676808 Sandra Beth Brown Hospitalist 2301 Erwin Road Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710-7160 2013-05-22
1710278155 Elias Ashame Md Pllc Hospitalist 5306 Millstone Ct, Belmont, NC 28012-7528 2011-04-19
1619206133 Knd Development 59 LLC Hospitalist 2401 Southside Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27406-3311 2009-12-11
1871756890 Robin Edwin Hospitalist 1900 Kildaire Farm Rd Dept Of, Cary, NC 27518-6616 2008-07-09
1154583664 Nishant Dhungel Hospitalist 101 Shorelake Dr, Apt# 112 F, Greensboro, NC 27455-2487 2008-06-26
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Zip Code 28646

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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