Address: 6270 Worcester Hwy, Newark, MD 21841-2224
Phone: 4106325033

WORCESTER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS (NPI# 1083768204) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1083768204
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 6270 Worcester Hwy
MD 21841-2224
Practice Telephone 4106325033
Practice Fax Number 4106323867
Mailing Telephone 4106325033
Mailing Fax Number 4106323867
Enumeration Date 2007-01-23
Last Update Date 2020-08-22
Authorized Official Telephone 4106325033
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 251300000X Local Education Agency (LEA) Agencies

Other Data Sources

Entity Type Entity Name Entity Address
System for Award Management (SAM) Entities WORCESTER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 6270 Worcester Hwy, Newark, MD 21841-2224

Office Location

Street Address 6270 WORCESTER HWY
State MD
Zip Code 21841-2224

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1376009647 Brittany Noel Brody Occupational Therapist 6270 Worcester Hwy, Newark, MD 21841-2224 2019-02-12
1225509599 Deana Lyn Yodris Speech-Language Pathologist 6270 Worcester Hwy, Newark, MD 21841-2224 2018-12-16
1316417116 Shelby Figgs Occupational Therapy Assistant 6270 Worcester Hwy, Newark, MD 21841-2224 2018-12-05
1659841468 Tanya Miller Physical Therapist 6270 Worcester Hwy, Newark, MD 21841-2224 2018-12-05
1225506405 Christine Joyce Wall Speech-Language Pathologist 6270 Worcester Hwy, Newark, MD 21841-2224 2018-11-06
1215405485 Jennifer Ann Lewandowski Occupational Therapist 6270 Worcester Hwy, Newark, MD 21841-2224 2018-11-06
1235278227 Worcester County Public Schools Infants and Toddlers Local Education Agency (LEA) 6270 Worcester Hwy, Newark, MD 21841-2224 2007-02-06

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1013488295 Grace Marie Scarfi Speech-Language Pathologist 6270 Worcester Highway, Newark, MD 21841 2018-12-16
1043241664 Newark Volunteer Fire Company Ambulance 8338 Newark Rd, Newark, MD 21841 2006-07-05
1114275013 Go-getters, Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 7033 Worcester Hwy, Newark, MD 21841-2149 2012-08-27
1669907333 Go-getters, Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 7033 Worcester Hwy, Newark, MD 21841-2149 2017-05-01

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 251300000X
Grouping Agencies
Classification Local Education Agency (LEA)

Taxonomy Definition

The term local education agency means a public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within a State to either provide administrative control or direction of, or perform a service function for public schools serving individuals ages 0 - 21 in a state, city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision including a combination of school districts or counties recognized in a State as an administrative agency for its public schools. An LEA may provide, or employ professional who provide, services to children included in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), such services may include, but are not limited to, such medical services as physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
Notes: Source: Portions of IDEA Regulations Part B (34 CFR Part 300.18, Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities) [1/1/2006: new]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1972076404 Maria L. Varisco-rogers Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) 243 Woodside Ave, Newark, NJ 07104-3113 2019-01-08
1043724149 University Heights Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) 74 Hartford St, Newark, NJ 07103-2832 2017-11-28
1881120707 Kipp Cooper Norcross, A New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation Local Education Agency (LEA) 60 Park Pl Ste 802, Newark, NJ 07102-5508 2017-05-11
1902339179 People's Preparatory Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) 321 Bergen St, Newark, NJ 07103-2639 2017-04-05
1306394762 Newark Prep Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) 570 Broad St, Newark, NJ 07102-4532 2016-09-14
1477962801 Marion P. Thomas Charter High School Local Education Agency (LEA) 88-108 Shipman St, Newark, NJ 07102-1212 2014-08-11
1174955736 Las Americas Aspira Academy Local Education Agency (LEA) 326 Ruthar Dr, Newark, DE 19711-8017 2013-08-06
1629312970 North Star Academy Local Education Agency (LEA) 10 Washington Pl, Newark, NJ 07102-3106 2012-11-26
1760787089 Par Excellence Academy Local Education Agency (LEA) 96 Maholm St, Newark, OH 43055-3906 2011-01-18
1548422322 Newark Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) 2001 Patriot Way, Newark, DE 19711-1809 2008-07-02
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Zip Code 21841

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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