Address: 3725 Rivers Ave, Suite 2, North Charleston, SC 29405-7038
Phone: 8437458631

CHARLESTON VA CMOP (NPI# 1063460137) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1063460137
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name CHARLESTON VA CMOP
Practice Address 3725 Rivers Ave
Suite 2
North Charleston
SC 29405-7038
Practice Telephone 8437458631
Practice Fax Number 8437476841
Mailing Telephone 8437458631
Mailing Fax Number 8437476841
Enumeration Date 2006-05-04
Last Update Date 2013-12-02
Authorized Official Telephone 9137584750
Authorized Official Credential R.PH., MPA
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 332100000X Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy Suppliers

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
SC DEA# 4226153 01
SC NCPDP# 4226153 01

Office Location

Street Address 3725 RIVERS AVE
State SC
Zip Code 29405-7038

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1295195121 Amanda Nichole Gonzalez Pharmacy Technician 3725 Rivers Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405-7038 2016-03-04
1578981965 Rhonda Kay Sweatman Pharmacist 3725 Rivers Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405-7038 2014-04-02
1851638522 Brian W. Boone Pharmacist 3725 Rivers Ave, Suite 2, North Charleston, SC 29405-7038 2013-01-14
1326293341 Robert Reginald Ray Pharmacist 3725 Rivers Ave, Suite 2, North Charleston, SC 29405-7038 2008-11-18
1053561563 Robert John Redzikowski Pharmacist 3725 Rivers Ave, Suite 2, North Charleston, SC 29405-7038 2008-09-22
1700041571 Barry Mark Bonk Pharmacist 3725 Rivers Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405-7038 2008-07-22
1053573550 Donald Lee Abrams Pharmacist 3725 Rivers Ave, Suite 2, North Charleston, SC 29405-7038 2008-06-26
1689835423 Patricia Kaye Hudgens Pharmacist 3725 Rivers Ave, Suite 2, North Charleston, SC 29405-7038 2008-06-24
1932367265 Lydia Arnold Pharmacist 3725 Rivers Ave, Suite #2, North Charleston, SC 29405-7038 2008-05-22
1780856005 James Allen Neipp Pharmacist 3725 Rivers Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405-7038 2008-03-26
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1134720535 Detyens Medical Center Pharmacy 1670 Drydock Avenue, Building 10, Suite A, North Charleston, SC 29405 2020-11-03
1013422674 Caroline Rae Speech-Language Pathologist 3100 Carner Avenue, Charleston, SC 29405 2017-12-05
1245685171 Ethel Jane Amerson Registered Nurse 3180 Thomasena Mcpherson Blvd, Nursing Module, Charleston County School Districe, North Charleston, SC 29405 2016-04-28
1750755468 Diane Levesque Registered Nurse 4050 Bridgeview Drive, Suite 600, North Charleston, SC 29405 2015-11-18
1063813111 Trident Medical Center, LLC Clinic/Center 5249 Emmett I. Davis Jr. Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29405 2014-09-09
1114344504 Bonita Davies Registered Nurse 3180 Thomasina Mcpherson Boulevard, North Charleston, SC 29405 2014-03-24
1427493261 Melissa Hancock D'arcy Registered Nurse 3750 Dorchester Road, N. Charleston, SC 29405 2013-05-07
1427308824 Terri Timmerman Pharmacist 1506 Montague Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405 2012-09-12
1649414285 Roper Saint Francis Physicians Network Clinical Medical Laboratory 4450 Leeds Place West, Suite A, North Charleston, SC 29405 2009-04-27
1891940649 Earnestine Roberts Registered Nurse 3605 Meeting Street Rd., Ste.b1, North Charleston, SC 29405 2008-11-20
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 332100000X
Grouping Suppliers
Classification Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy

Taxonomy Definition

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy means any place under VA jurisdiction where drugs are dispensed and Pharmaceutical Care is provided to enrolled Veterans, by licensed pharmacists. The Pharmacy is reviewed by JCAHO, utilizes the VA hospital’s DEA number, and has a designated NCPDP number. VA facility pharmacies include Inpatient (Institutional), Outpatient, Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacies (CMOPs), Research, Addiction Treatment Centers, Long Term Care and Community Based Outpatient Clinics Pharmacies. The VHA Pharmacy Benefits Management - Strategic Healthcare Group has oversight for professional and practice activities of VA Pharmacies. Each pharmacy is under the direct supervision of a U.S. or U.S. territory licensed pharmacist, and has staffing to meet its designated scope of service.
Notes: Source: Pharmacy Benefits Management – Strategic Healthcare Group, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs [1/1/2006: new]

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1265490155 Columbia Vamc Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy 41 Park Creek Drive, Greenville, SC 29605-4270 2006-05-02
1083006258 Orpro, Inc. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy 12b Boardwalk Pl, The Commons, Seneca, SC 29678-2671 2015-02-25
1760627319 Dominion Health Care LLC Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy 510 Hickory Grove Cir, Florence, SC 29501-0810 2008-12-11
1265490262 Charleston Vamc Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy 109 Bee St, Charleston, SC 29401-5703 2006-05-02
1104884014 Columbia Vamc Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy 6439 Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia, SC 29209-1638 2006-05-02


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Zip Code 29405

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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