This dataset includes 357 thousand attorneys registered with New York State, Office of Court Administration. Each attorney is registered with registration number, full name, company name and address, phone number, email, year admitted, etc.
Name | Company / Organization | Address | Admitted |
Jason Edward Tauches | Manchel & Brennan, P.C. | Norwood, MA 02062-5041 | 2015 |
Matthew Robert Macdonald | Simoni Companies LLC | Norwood, MA 02062-5060 | 2015 |
Claire Rebecca Rollor | Analog Devices | Norwood, MA 02062-2634 | 2014 |
David S. Hong | Modern Testing Services, LLC | Norwood, MA 02062-3677 | 2010 |
Michael Evan Wellikoff | M.S. Walker, Inc. | Norwood, MA 02062-2643 | 2005 |
Benjamin Berkowitz | Pointe Group Care LLC | Norwood, MA 02062-4659 | 2003 |
David Michael Turchetta | TURCHETTA & ASSOCIATES | Norwood, MA 02062-3515 | 2000 |
Mark Francis Murphy | MARK MURPHY LAW OFFICES, LLC | Norwood, MA 02062-3356 | 1996 |
Michael J. Powers | POWERS LAW OFFICES, P.C. | Norwood, MA 02062-2343 | 1984 |
Joshua M. Jacobs | WINDSOR HEALTHCARE COMMUNITIES | Norwood, NJ 07648-1555 | 2015 |
Paul Stuart Haberman | LAW OFFICES OF PAUL S. HABERMAN LLC | Norwood, NJ 07648-0167 | 2006 |
Harlan J Hollander | NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL | Norwood, NJ 07648-1220 | 2005 |
Glenn Matthew Rametta | BUCK,SEIFERT & JOST, INC. | Norwood, NJ 07648-1334 | 1997 |
Odalys Perez Dines | MITSUI FOODS, INC. | Norwood, NJ 07648-2003 | 1996 |
Steven Gary Friedberg | STEVEN FRIEDBERG & ASSOCIATES | Norwood, NJ 07648-2407 | 1986 |
Robert Howard Ballan | ROBERT H. BALLAN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW | Norwood, NY 13668-3206 | 1982 |