New York State Registered Attorneys

Jurisdiction: New York State
Source: New York State, Office of Court Administration

This dataset includes 357 thousand attorneys registered with New York State, Office of Court Administration. Each attorney is registered with registration number, full name, company name and address, phone number, email, year admitted, etc.

NORTHPORT · Search Result

Name Company / Organization Address Admitted
James Hughes Baxley CREEDON & GILL, P.C. Northport, NY 11768-2878, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2023
Anthony J. Farina SOUNDVIEW LAW GROUP, P.C. Northport, NY 11768-1738, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2021
Emil Phillip Albanese Emil Albanese, Esq. Northport, NY 11768-0156 2015
Justine Jena-ann Cefalu Stiene & Associates, P.C. Northport, NY 11768-1746 2014
Mark R. Guarriello Mark R. Guarriello PLLC Northport, NY 11768 2012
Jason Browne Law Office of Jason Browne Northport, NY 11768-1120 2012
Amarilda B. Fligstein LAW OFFICE OF AMARILDA B. FLIGSTEIN, ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-1958 2011
Jessica D. Sparacino SPARACINO & SPARACINO , PLLC Northport, NY 11768-2917 2009
James John Kenny James J. Kenny Law, P.C. Northport, NY 11768-1620 2008
Brian John Wilson U.S. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Northport, NY 11768-2200 2008
Shawn Phillip Kelleher Law Offices of Shawn P. Kelleher, PLLC Northport, NY 11768-1738 2008
Amanda Marie Burns DEPT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Northport, NY 11768-2200 2007
Carrie Beth Pearlman Carrie Beth Pearlman, Esq. LLC Northport, NY 11768-3446 2007
Brian Michael Giehl ATTORNEY AT LAW Northport, NY 11768-1501 2007
Robert Charles Polizzo Jr ST. JOHNS UNIVERSITY Northport, NY 11768-1501 2006
Susan Elizabeth Perry EMORY UNIVERSITY Northport, NY 11768-1337 2005
Melissa Katherine Corrao Law Office of Melissa K. Corrao, PC Northport, NY 11768-1933 2005
John Andrew Kay TOURO Northport, NY 11768-0599 2005
David P. Badanes BADANES LAW OFFICE Northport, NY 11768-2266 2004
John Michael Mooney LAW OFFICE OF JOHN MOONEY Northport, NY 11768-1324 2003
Maryann T. Reiss MARYANN T. REISS, ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-0703 2003
Gail Marie Berkowitz GAIL BERKOWITZ ATTORNEY AT LAW Northport, NY 11768-2904 2002
Michael Aaron Korshin LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL A. KORSHIN Northport, NY 11768-1171 2002
Frank J. Sparacino Jr. SPARACINO & SPARACINO PLLC Northport, NY 11768-2917 2002
Margaret Jean Greenlees margaret greenlees Northport, NY 11768-1168 2002
Michael Lanzillotta Lanzillotta Law Firm, PLLC Northport, NY 11768-3130 2001
Claire Margaret Talwar Talwar Law office Northport, NY 11768-2602 2000
Amy B. Levins AMY B. LEVINS, ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-1501 1999
Sharmila G. Narain Aibara Reed Law Group, LLC Northport, NY 11768-1726 1999
Mark Douglas Trucios MARK D. TRUCIOS, ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-2309 1999
Alison Rohme TOURO LAW CENTER Northport, NY 11768-2823 1998
Brian P. Keifer BRIAN P. KEIFER Northport, NY 11768-0245 1998
Peter Sweitzer Smith LAW OFFICES OF PETER S. SMITH, PLLC Northport, NY 11768-0669 1997
Aisha K. Brosnan BRODY, O'CONNOR & O'CONNOR Northport, NY 11768-1501 1997
Moriah Anne Heuer ST JOHNS UNIVERSITY Northport, NY 11768-1016 1997
Michael I. Feiner Brody OConnor & OConnor Northport, NY 11768-1501 1997
Traci Elizabeth Sarnataro TRACI SARNATARO ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-3228 1997
Hugh Emmet O'rourke Jr HUGH EMMET O' ROURKE Northport, NY 11768-2738 1997
Christine Marie Walsh CHRISTINE HEALY WALSH, P.C. Northport, NY 11768-1512 1997
Maryann Hayes NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Northport, NY 11768-0573 1997
Dean P. Geiler BARRISTER KITCHEN SALES Northport, NY 11768-1406 1996
Lauren Elizabeth Atkinson LAUREN ATKINSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Northport, NY 11768-1350 1996
Gregory Leigh Thorne THORNE & HALAJIAN, LLP Northport, NY 11768-5021 1996
Paul Arthur Boronow LAW OFFICES OF PAUL A. BORONOW Northport, NY 11768-5003 1995
James Patrick Clark LAW OFFICES OF JAMES P. CLARK, P.C. Northport, NY 11768-1751 1995
Dicran Halajian THORNE & HALAJIAN, LLP Northport, NY 11768-5021 1995
Kelly Marie Judd KELLY M. JUDD Northport, NY 11768-1351 1995
Melanie Miele Vandermeer BROOKLYN LAW SCHOOL Northport, NY 11768-3214 1994
Winter Brook Ryan ST JOHNS UNIVERSITY Northport, NY 11768-1721 1994
Brian John Gucciardo HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY Northport, NY 11768-1751 1994
John Richard Petrowski Brody O'Connor & O'Connor Northport, NY 11768-1501 1994
David Abramowicz DAVID ABRAMOWICZ Northport, NY 11768-1421 1994
Jonathan Floyd Banks BRODY, O'CONNOR & O'CONNOR Northport, NY 11768-1501 1994
Glenn Elliot Gucciardo GLENN GUCCIARDO ATTORNEY AT LAW Northport, NY 11768-1751 1993
Jean Marie Lawry JEAN M. LAWRY ATTORNEY AT LAW Northport, NY 11768-2555 1993
Laure Collins Nolan LAURE C. NOLAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Northport, NY 11768-3165 1993
Patricia A. O'connor BRODY, O'CONNOR & O'CONNOR, ESQS. Northport, NY 11768-1501 1993
Grover Francis Fuller Jr NEW ENGLAND SCHOOL OF LAW Northport, NY 11768-1829 1992
Peter Dennin ST JOHNS Northport, NY 11768-1034 1992
Helene Fields HELENE FIELDS ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-1957 1992
Hugh Havener Lowery TOURO Northport, NY 11768-1721 1992
George Stephen Sutton Touro College Fuchsberg Law Center Northport, NY 11768-1836 1991
Steven Martin Errick TWELVE TABLES PRESS Northport, NY 11768-2357 1991
Susan E. Badia X-GEN PHARMACEUTICALS Northport, NY 11768-0150 1991
Eileen Ann Morgan EILEEN MORGAN, ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-2328 1991
Christopher Andrew Mcpartland Christopher McPartland. Esq Northport, NY 11768-0205 1991
Tanya Demaio BRODY, O'CONNOR & O'CONNOR Northport, NY 11768-1501 1991
John James Drake JOHN J. DRAKE, P.C. Northport, NY 11768-2237 1990
Kellie Ann Tripodi KELLIE ANN CORRIGAN, ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-2225 1990
Jonathan Spencer Press BENJAMIN N CARDOZO Northport, NY 11768-1145 1989
John C. Henninger Ellenberg Gannon Henninger Fitzmaurice & Lim Northport, NY 11768-2701 1989
Lester Edward Ozimkowski LESTER E. OZIMKOWSKI ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-0219 1989
Maureen Monica Murphy MAUREEN M. MURPHY, ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-1155 1989
Nancy Anne Brennan NANCY ANNE BRENNAN ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-3450 1989
Jonathan O'neill Gill CREEDON & GILL, P.C. Northport, NY 11768-2878 1989
Thomas M. O'connor BRODY, O'CONNOR & O'CONNOR, ESQS. Northport, NY 11768-1501 1989
Jean Marie Pagliughi JEAN M. PAGLIUGHI, ESQ. P.C. Northport, NY 11768-2340 1988
Linda A. Henninger LINDA A. HENNINGER ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-2701 1988
Patricia Marie Gaug PATRICIA M. GAUG ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-2231 1987
Martin J. Moran Jr Northport, NY 11768-3245 1987
Andrea G. Savoca Andrea G. Savoca, Esq. Northport, NY 11768-1810 1987
John Thomas Rieger RIEGER & WALSH, LLP Northport, NY 11768-2878 1987
Kathleen Mary Mahoney KATHLEEN M MAHONEY Northport, NY 11768-1501 1987
Stephen A. Brown LAW OFFICE OF STEPHEN A. BROWN Northport, NY 11768-1980 1987
Kevin Brian Campbell KEVIN B.CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Northport, NY 11768-1259 1986
Richard Gabriel Mclaughlin RICHARD G. MCLAUGHLIN, ESQ Northport, NY 11768-3214 1986
David A. Scro SCRO & SCRO ATTORNEYS AT LAW Northport, NY 11768-2735 1986
Marie Elaina Knapp ST JOHNS LAW SCHOOL Northport, NY 11768-3322 1986
Charles G. Stiene Stiene & Associates, P.C. Northport, NY 11768-1746 1986
Lisa Fortunato Scro SCRO & SCRO Northport, NY 11768-2735 1985
Jeffrey Stuart Eisenberg jeffrey s. eisenberg attorney at law Northport, NY 11768-2001 1985
Timothy J. Dennin TIMOTHY J. DENNIN, PC Northport, NY 11768-1766 1984
Mark Daniel Kleczka BUSHELL & KLECZKA Northport, NY 11768-1501 1984
Mitchell Allen Stein STEIN LAW, P.C. Northport, NY 11768-2878 1984
Michael C. Sordi MICHAEL C. SORDI, ESQ. Northport, NY 11768-0759 1984
Peter J. Creedon Jr CREEDON & SILL PC Northport, NY 11768-2878 1983
George William Ostrander GEORGE W OSTRANDER Northport, NY 11768-2315 1983
Larry John Bonchonsky CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY Northport, NY 11768-1577 1983
Paul H. Senzer PAUL H. SENZER ESQ Northport, NY 11768-2968 1981
Jane Louise Dillof New York Law School Northport, NY 11768-2614 1981