149-59 Raleigh Street, Queens, New York, NY 11417

Address: 149-59 Raleigh Street, Queens, New York, NY 11417

149-59 Raleigh Street, Queens, New York, NY 11417 (Parcel #4115550057) is a property assessed by City of New York, Department of Finance (DOF). The owner is SCHWARTZ MARTIN. The assessed value is 16838.

Property Overview

Borough-Block-Lot-Easement (BBLE) 4115550057
Borough: 4 (Queens), Block: 11555, Lot: 57
Property Address 149-59 Raleigh Street
New York, NY 11417
Property Tax Class 1 (1-3 UNIT RESIDENCES)
Lot Width 24
Extension Indicator E
Number of Stories 2
Assessment Year 2017/18
Estimated Market Value 430000
Actual Assessed Total Value 16838
(4% of estimated market value)
Actual Exempt Total Value 1470
Exemption Code 1017 - SCHOOL TAX RELIEF - Legal Reference: RPTL § 425
Building Width 14
Building Depth 24
Assessment Period When File Created FINAL

Assessment Information (year 2016)

Description Land Value Total Value
(Current) (Tentative) (New) (Current) (Tentative) (New)
Estimated Market Value 176000 176000 392000 430000
Actual Assessed Value 7364 6892 6892 16402 16838 16838
Actual Exempt Value 1550 1550 1470 1550 1550 1470
Transitional Assessed Value 7364 6892 6892 16402 16838 16838
Transitional Exempt Value 1550 1550 1470 1550 1550 1470
Estimated market value changed on 12/08/2016. Tentative assessed value changed on 12/08/2016. Final assessed value changed on 05/19/2017.

Property Assessment History

Year Estimated Market Value Increase % Assessed Land Value Assessed Total Value
2009/10 338000 0.00% 12192 7034
2010/11 302000 -10.65% 12896 8327
2011/12 300000 -0.66% 13669 8885
2012/13 268000 -10.67% 14032 10210
2013/14 282000 5.22% 14032 9703
2014/15 338000 19.86% 14630 8440
2015/16 373000 10.36% 15475 8090
2016/17 392000 5.09% 16402 7364
2017/18 430000 9.69% 16838 6892

Property Location

Borough-Block-Lot-Easement (BBLE) 4115550057
Borough: 4 (Queens), Block: 11555, Lot: 57
Property Address 149-59 Raleigh Street
New York, NY 11417
Borough Queens
Zip Code 11417

Owner Overview


Properties with the same owner

Value Address Owner
121505 253 West 73 Street, Manhattan, New York, NY 10023 SCHWARTZ MARTIN
29610 1934 53 Street, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11204 SCHWARTZ MARTIN
40896 41-06 221 Street, Queens, New York, NY 11361 SCHWARTZ MARTIN


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Zip Code 11417

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Dataset Information

Data Provider City of New York, Department of Finance (DOF)
Jurisdiction New York

This dataset includes 1.07 million properties assessed by City of New York, Department of Finance (DOF). The data contains property, or parcel, ownership together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of New York taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with parcel id, address, owner, mailing address, assessed value, etc.

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