634 Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11238

Address: 634 Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11238

634 Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11238 (Parcel #3011490052) is a property assessed by City of New York, Department of Finance (DOF). The owner is WEEKSVILLE COMMONS AS. The assessed value is 117644.

Property Overview

Borough-Block-Lot-Easement (BBLE) 3011490052
Borough: 3 (Brooklyn), Block: 1149, Lot: 52
Property Address 634 Franklin Avenue
New York, NY 11238
Building Class C3 (FOUR FAMILIES)
Property Tax Class 2A (APARTMENTS WITH 4-6 UNITS)
Lot Width 27
Number of Stories 3
Assessment Year 2017/18
Estimated Market Value 1026000
Actual Assessed Total Value 117644
(11% of estimated market value)
Actual Exempt Total Value 117644
Exemption Code 1301 - 420C HOUSING - Legal Reference: RPTL § 420-C
Building Width 27
Building Depth 70
Assessment Period When File Created FINAL

Assessment Information (year 2016)

Description Land Value Total Value
(Current) (Tentative) (New) (Current) (Tentative) (New)
Estimated Market Value 306000 306000 931000 1026000
Actual Assessed Value 37836 35087 35087 115115 117644 117644
Actual Exempt Value 37836 35087 35087 115115 117644 117644
Transitional Assessed Value 37836 35087 35087 115115 117644 117644
Transitional Exempt Value 37836 35087 35087 115115 117644 117644
Estimated market value changed on 10/18/2016. Tentative assessed value changed on 10/18/2016. Final assessed value changed on 10/18/2016.

Property Assessment History

Year Estimated Market Value Increase % Assessed Land Value Assessed Total Value
2009/10 1080000 0.00% 81195 44582
2010/11 1110000 2.78% 87690 48348
2011/12 493000 -55.59% 88550 54962
2012/13 647000 31.24% 90496 42800
2013/14 647000 0.00% 97735 46224
2014/15 704000 8.81% 105553 45879
2015/16 780000 10.80% 113997 44722
2016/17 931000 19.36% 115115 37836
2017/18 1026000 10.20% 117644 35087

Property Location

Borough-Block-Lot-Easement (BBLE) 3011490052
Borough: 3 (Brooklyn), Block: 1149, Lot: 52
Property Address 634 Franklin Avenue
New York, NY 11238
Borough Brooklyn
Zip Code 11238

Owner Overview


Properties with the same owner

Value Address Owner
36487 264 St Marks Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11238 WEEKSVILLE COMMONS AS
230630 581 Prospect Place, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11238 WEEKSVILLE COMMONS AS
2250 581a Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11238 WEEKSVILLE COMMONS AS
210343 637 Park Place, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11238 WEEKSVILLE COMMONS AS
198000 1057 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11216 WEEKSVILLE COMMONS AS
181827 645 Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11238 WEEKSVILLE COMMONS AS
152100 152 Albany Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11213 WEEKSVILLE COMMONS AS
204300 162 Albany Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11213 WEEKSVILLE COMMONS AS
233550 164 Albany Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11213 WEEKSVILLE COMMONS AS
417 Albany Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, NY WEEKSVILLE COMMONS AS


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Dataset Information

Data Provider City of New York, Department of Finance (DOF)
Jurisdiction New York

This dataset includes 1.07 million properties assessed by City of New York, Department of Finance (DOF). The data contains property, or parcel, ownership together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of New York taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with parcel id, address, owner, mailing address, assessed value, etc.

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