1384 Nelson Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452

Address: 1384 Nelson Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452

1384 Nelson Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 (Parcel #2025200032) is a property assessed by City of New York, Department of Finance (DOF). The owner is TAUBER RACHELA. The assessed value is 548537.

Property Overview

Borough-Block-Lot-Easement (BBLE) 2025200032
Borough: 2 (Bronx), Block: 2520, Lot: 32
Property Address 1384 Nelson Avenue
New York, NY 10452
House Number Range 1384 - 1405
Property Tax Class 4 (ALL OTHERS)
Lot Width 122
Number of Stories 1
Assessment Year 2017/18
Estimated Market Value 1218972
Actual Assessed Total Value 548537
(45% of estimated market value)
Transitional Assessed Total Value 386083
Assessment Period When File Created FINAL
Parent Lot BBLE 2025200032
Borough: 2 (Bronx), Block: 2520, Lot: 32
Apportionment Date 02/03/2015

Assessment Information (year 2016)

Description Land Value Total Value
(Current) (Tentative) (New) (Current) (Tentative) (New)
Estimated Market Value 342000 743000 342000 1218972
Actual Assessed Value 153900 334350 334350 153900 548537 548537
Actual Exempt Value 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transitional Assessed Value 129775 171896 171896 129775 386083 386083
Transitional Exempt Value 0 0 0 0 0 0
Estimated market value changed on 01/06/2017. Tentative assessed value changed on 01/06/2017. Final assessed value changed on 01/06/2017.

Property Assessment History

Year Estimated Market Value Increase % Assessed Land Value Assessed Total Value
2009/10 92100 0.00% 41445 38700
2010/11 92100 0.00% 41445 38925
2011/12 92000 -0.11% 41400 40050
2012/13 92000 0.00% 41400 40050
2013/14 95858 4.19% 43136 40050
2014/15 101000 5.36% 45450 40050
2015/16 335980 232.65% 151191 123744
2016/17 342000 1.79% 153900 153900
2017/18 1218972 256.42% 548537 334350

Property Location

Borough-Block-Lot-Easement (BBLE) 2025200032
Borough: 2 (Bronx), Block: 2520, Lot: 32
Property Address 1384 Nelson Avenue
New York, NY 10452
House Number Range 1384 - 1405
Borough Bronx
Zip Code 10452

Properties in the same block

Value Address Owner
906300 1350 Shakespeare Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 JITA REALTY CORP
4666 79 West 170 Street, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 ADAMES, GLENIS
6326 1340 Nelson Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 PARKS AND RECREATION
192150 1344 Nelson Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 HIGHBRIDGE COMMUNITYE
349650 1360 Nelson Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 1360 NELSON AVE HDFC
373500 1372 Nelson Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 1372 NELSON LLC
263700 1355 Grant Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10456 1401 ELG DEVELOPMENT
568800 1345 Shakespeare Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 HIGHBRIDGE COMMUNITY

Properties in the same zip code

Value Address Owner
1139400 1170 Walton Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 TUDOR PLACE ASSOCIATE
1111500 1176 Walton Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 TUDOR PLACE ASSOCIATE
1029600 112 Tudor Place, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 TUDOR PLACE ASSOCIATE
928800 1173 Grand Concourse, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 ROCHEL GINSBERG, AS T
873900 1153 Grand Concourse, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 HELBOR REALTY CORP
508950 115 Mc Clellan Street, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 115 MCCLELLAN RLTY IN
550350 1184 Walton Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 BRONX 1184 WALTON AVE
1203750 1192 Walton Avenue, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 WALTON APARTMENTS LLC
985500 112 East 167 Street, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 167 HOLDING CORP
1123200 1197 Grand Concourse, Bronx, New York, NY 10452 SPA CREEK PROPERTIES

Owner Overview



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Zip Code 10452

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Dataset Information

Data Provider City of New York, Department of Finance (DOF)
Jurisdiction New York

This dataset includes 1.07 million properties assessed by City of New York, Department of Finance (DOF). The data contains property, or parcel, ownership together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of New York taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with parcel id, address, owner, mailing address, assessed value, etc.

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