9989 Tujunga Canyon Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 91042-2835

Address: 9989 Tujunga Canyon Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 91042-2835

9989 Tujunga Canyon Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 91042-2835 (Parcel #2568017011) is a property in the County of Los Angeles. The assessed value is 201958.

Property Overview

Assessor Identification/Parcel Number (AIN/APN) 2568-017-011
Tax Rate Area 00013 - LOS ANGELES
Street Address 9989 Tujunga Canyon Blvd
Los Angeles
CA 91042-2835
Zip 91042-2835
Property Use Type SFR - Single Family Residence
Property Use Code 0100
General Use Type Residential
Specific Use Type Single Family Residence
Building Data Lines 1
Year Built 1950
Effective Year Built 1950
Main Structure Area 836 SQFT
Bedrooms 2
Bathrooms 1
Units 1
Recording Date 2002-10-31
Total Value 201958.00
Total Exemption Value 7000.00
Net Taxable Value 194958.00
Land Value 161573.00
Land Base Year 2003
Improvement Value 40385.00
Improvement Base Year 2003
Total Land Improvement Value $201958.00
Homeowners Exemption $7000.00
Real Estate Exemption $0.00
Fixture Value $0.00
Fixture Exemption $0.00
Personal Property Value $0.00
Personal Property Exemption $0.00
Taxable Parcel Y
Administrative Region 03
Cluster 03177
Parcel Boundary Description TRACT NO 3484 LOTS 16 AND LOT 17

Property Assessment History

Year Total Value Increase % Land (Base Year) Improvement (Base Year) Total Exemption Taxable Value
2006 171526 0.00% 137222 (2003) 34304 (2003) 7000 164526
2007 174956 2.00% 139966 (2003) 34990 (2003) 7000 167956
2008 178454 2.00% 142765 (2003) 35689 (2003) 7000 171454
2009 182022 2.00% 145620 (2003) 36402 (2003) 7000 175022
2010 181589 -0.24% 145274 (2003) 36315 (2003) 7000 174589
2011 182955 0.75% 146367 (2003) 36588 (2003) 7000 175955
2012 186613 2.00% 149294 (2003) 37319 (2003) 7000 179613
2013 190344 2.00% 152279 (2003) 38065 (2003) 7000 183344
2014 191207 0.45% 152970 (2003) 38237 (2003) 7000 184207
2015 195026 2.00% 156026 (2003) 39000 (2003) 7000 188026
2016 197999 1.52% 158405 (2003) 39594 (2003) 7000 190999
2017 201958 2.00% 161573 (2003) 40385 (2003) 7000 194958
2018 205996 2.00% 164804 (2003) 41192 (2003) 7000 198996
2019 210115 2.00% 168100 (2003) 42015 (2003) 7000 203115
2020 214317 2.00% 171462 (2003) 42855 (2003) 7000 207317
2021 216536 1.04% 173238 (2003) 43298 (2003) 7000 209536


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Zip Code 91042

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Dataset Information

Data Provider County of Los Angeles, Office of the Assessor
Jurisdiction Los Angeles County

This dataset includes 2.06 million properties assessed by County of Los Angeles, Office of the Assessor. The data contains property, or parcel, together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of Los Angeles County taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with parcel id, address, owner, mailing address, assessed value, etc.

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