Address: 10708 Magnolia Blvd, N Hollywood, CA 91601-4056

ADRIANA YARITZA NUNEZ PINEDA (Account# 0002869449-0001-3) is a business registered with City of Los Angeles, Office of Finance. The business location start date is November 24, 2015.

Business Overview

Location Account Number 0002869449-0001-3
Business Address 10708 Magnolia Blvd
N Hollywood
CA 91601-4056
Business Activity Code NAICS 722300 - Special food services (including food service contractors & caterers)
Location Start Date 2015-11-24
Council District 2

Property Information

Assessor Identification/Parcel Number (AIN/APN) 2419-012-005
Tax Rate Area 00042 - LOS ANGELES
Street Address 10708 Magnolia Blvd
Zip 91601-4056
General Use Type Commercial
Specific Use Type Store
Year Built 1949
Main Structure Area 4,080 SQFT
Recording Date 2016-02-26
Total Value 1122000.00
Net Taxable Value 1122000.00

Office Location

Street Address 10708 MAGNOLIA BLVD
Zip Code 91601-4056

Business entities in the same location

Entity Name Office Address Start/End Date
Martha E Abadio / Alfredo Antonio Menendez Galindo 10708 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 2016-10-01 ~ 2017-10-30
Mauricio Ernesto Moran Melendez 10708 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 2014-01-01 ~ 2016-12-31
Grace Arong Kim 10708 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 2012-03-28
John Lim 10708 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 2011-02-15 ~ 2011-12-31
Judy Eng 10708 Magnolia Blvd, N Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 2009-11-18 ~ 2011-01-01
Otilio Mendoza/ Rosalia Mendoza 10708 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 2007-07-09 ~ 2009-11-22
Myong Ok Lee 10708 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 2005-12-05 ~ 2007-12-31
Chung Sook Kim 10708 Magnolia Blvd, N Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 2005-02-15 ~ 2005-12-15
Jong U/kyu D Chun 10708 Magnolia Blvd, N Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 2001-07-01 ~ 2007-12-31
Stephen A. Bay Trust 10708 Magnolia Blvd, N Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 1999-01-01
Find all businesses in the same address

Business entities in the same zip code

Entity Name Office Address Start/End Date
Naz Motorsport Inc 10702 Magnolia Blvd Unit #c, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 2018-07-17
Miguel O/susana Heredia 10716 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 2004-01-01
Robert Eghiazarian 10702 Magnolia Blvd #c, N Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 1993-07-01 ~ 2019-12-31
Gabriel Torrez 10702 Magnolia Blvd #b, N Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 1991-01-01
Kirkor Kocar 10702 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 1988-08-28
Josefina Miranda 10708 Magnolia Blvd, N Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 1996-01-01 ~ 2010-12-31
Benjamin Valle 10716 Magnolia Blvd, N Hollywood, CA 91601-4056 1990-07-02

Business entities in nearby locations

Entity Name Office Address Start/End Date
Nelson A Aguilar / Xiomara G Henriquez 10652 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4055 2018-03-13
Jacob A Dilley 5160 Denny Avenue Apt #15, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4046 2015-01-01
Sonja Granillo 5240 1/2 Denny Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601-6506 2014-03-18
Digital Dungeon Inc 5227 Denny Avenue #305, North Hollywood, CA 91601-3548 2013-09-16
Kristian Adway 10654 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4055 2013-02-01
David Huey 10654 1/2 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4092 2011-05-11
Donna Lee 5160 Denny Avenue #3, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4071 2011-03-01
North Hollywood Cartography LLC 5161 Cartwright Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4075 2010-08-04
Josephine Salvador 5227 Denny Avenue #103, North Hollywood, CA 91601-3547 2010-01-01
Joseph James 10736 Magnolia Blvd #11, North Hollywood, CA 91601-4036 2009-07-04 ~ 2011-12-31


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Dataset Information

Data Provider City of Los Angeles, Office of Finance
Jurisdiction Los Angeles

This dataset includes 509 thousand business entities registered with Los Angeles City, Office of Finance. Each business is registered with location account number, legal business name, doing business as (DBA) name, location, mailing address, industry code, business start date, etc.

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