Florida Corporations
Zip 95128

Jurisdiction: Florida State
Source: Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations

This dataset includes 1.6 million business entities (corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, and trademarks) registered with Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations. Each business is registered with business name, principal address, mailing address, agent name, agent address, entity status, type, officer, and creation date.

95128 · Search Result

Entity Name Office Address Agent Start Date Status
Si-Bone, Inc. 3055 Olin Avenue, Suite 2200, San Jose Registered Agent Solutions, Inc. 2015-08-03 Active
Inside Secure Corp. 3031 Tisch Way, 701, San Jose C T Corporation System 2012-11-29 Active
Ketera Technologies, Inc. 3055 Olin Avenue, Suite 2200, San Jose C T Corporation System 2010-10-01 Inactive
Alternative Financing Corp. 3031 Tisch Way Ste 502, Sanjosi Paracorp Incorporated 2006-10-11 Inactive
Polka Incorporated 11 Via Luigi Pirandello, Catania Business Filings Incorporated 2001-12-05 Inactive
The Harold Lee And Vernita Ruth McEachern Family Foundation, Inc. 900 Wainwright Dr, San Jose Kerr, James E 2000-02-02 Active
Pacific Sun Industries, Inc. 2045 Redbush Terrace, San Jose 2000-01-10 Inactive
Recom Technologies, Inc. 1245 S. Winchester Blvd., Suite 201, San Jose C T Corporation System 1992-09-29 Inactive

What factors are not distinguishable for Florida business entity names? Florida law does not consider the following factors distinguishable for business entity names:
  • Suffixes (e.g., Corporation/Corp., Incorporated/Inc., Company/Co., Limited Liability Company/LLC).
    • For example, Business Enterprises, Inc. and Business Enterprises, LLC are not considered different.
    • Do not include suffixes when searching for availability.
  • Definite and indefinite articles (e.g., the, a, an).
    • For example, The Kitchen, Ltd., Kitchen, Inc. and A Kitchen, LLC are not considered different.
  • The word “and” and the ampersand symbol (&).
    • For example, Cheese and Crackers, LLC and Cheese & Crackers, Inc. are not considered different.
  • The singular, plural, and possessive forms of a word.
    • For example, Tallahassee Sport, Inc., Tallahassee Sports, LLC and Tallahassee’s Sports, LP are not considered different.
  • Punctuation and symbols.
    • For example, Cookies ’n Cupcakes, Inc., Cookies-n-Cupcakes, Inc. and Cookies n Cupcakes! Inc. are not considered different.