Occupational Therapist

Address: 26 Colette Dr., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

DENISE M FERRIER (Credential# 775471) is licensed (Occupational Therapist) with Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection. The license effective date is July 30, 2001. The license expiration date date is July 31, 2003. The license status is INACTIVE.

Business Overview

DENISE M FERRIER is licensed with the Department of Consumer Protection of Connecticut. The credential number is #48.002637. The credential type is occupational therapist. The effective date is July 30, 2001. The expiration date is July 31, 2003. The business address is 26 Colette Dr., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. The current status is inactive.

Basic Information

Credential ID 775471
Credential Number 48.002637
Credential Type Occupational Therapist
Business Address 26 Colette Dr.
NY 12601
Business Type INDIVIDUAL
Issue Date 2001-07-30
Effective Date 2001-07-30
Expiration Date 2003-07-31
Refresh Date 2009-07-08

Office Location

Street Address 26 colette dr.
City poughkeepsie
State NY
Zip Code 12601

Licenses in the same zip code

Licensee Name Office Address Credential Effective / Expiration
Dudley A Watson 246 Mansion St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Asbestos Abatement Supervisor 2020-06-01 ~ 2021-05-31
Craig M Shannon 47 Kingwood Dr, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Physician/surgeon 2020-07-01 ~ 2021-06-30
Maxwell Risch 6 Marwood Dr, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Registered Nurse 2020-05-01 ~ 2021-04-30
Chazen Engineering, Land Surveying & Landscape Architecture Ct LLC 21 Fox St, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Joint Practice 2020-05-01 ~ 2021-04-30
Paul Wright 21 Reade Pl, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Controlled Substance Registration for Practitioner 2020-02-20 ~ 2021-02-28
Faiz Y Bhora 45 Reade Place, Dyson Cancer Center, 3rd Floor, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Physician/surgeon 2020-04-01 ~ 2021-03-31
David M Quinn 45 Reade Pl, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Physician/surgeon 2020-05-01 ~ 2021-04-30
Kelly Lynn Philiba 12 Hanscom Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Naturopathic Physician 2020-02-01 ~ 2021-01-31
Danielle Williams 2678 South Road, Suite 202, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Physician/surgeon 2020-04-01 ~ 2021-03-31
Laura M Baird 350 Violet Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Registered Nurse 2020-02-01 ~ 2021-01-31
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City poughkeepsie
Zip Code 12601
License Type Occupational Therapist
License Type + County Occupational Therapist + poughkeepsie

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection
Jurisdiction Connecticut
Related Datasets Connecticut Business Registrations, Connecticut Child Care Facilities

This dataset includes 1.41 million licenses issued wtih Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection (TDLR).

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