Child Care Centers

Jurisdiction: USA
Source: Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), Homeland Infrastructure Foundation - Level Data (HIFLD)

This dataset includes 111.2 thousand day care centers of 50 states of the USA, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico. The dataset only includes center based day care locations (including schools and religious institutes) and does not include group, home, and family based day cares. All the data was acquired from respective states departments or their open source websites and contains data only provided by these sources. The containes a common classification of day care which classifies every day care into Center Based, School Based, Head Start, or Religious Facility. Each day care is registered with name, address, type, phone, etc.

Poway · Search Result

Name Address Type
Discovery Isle Child Development Center 14521 Ted Williams Parkway, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Discovery Isle Child Development Center 11740 Creek Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Montessori Child Development Center of California 14911 Espola Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Big Future Preschool 15010 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Chai Altman Preschool 16934 Chabad Way, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Hillside Village Head Start Child Development 12979 A. Community Road, Poway, CA 92064 Head Start
Kiddies Korner 12334 Oak Knoll Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Skills Learning Center 13942 Chancellor Way, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Lutheran Church of The Incarnation 16889 Espola Road, Poway, CA 92064 Religious Facility
My Room To Grow Preschool 13613 Cynthia Lane, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Chinmaya Mission San Diego 12249 9th Street, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Resurrection Preschool 12730 Elmpark Lane, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Country Montessori School of Poway 12642 Monte Vista Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Capslo Boys & Girls Club Head Start 12988 Bowron Road, Poway, CA 92064 Head Start
St. Michael's Preschool 15542 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Hilltop Preschool 12348 B Casa Avenida, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Poway Country Preschool 14411 Norwalk Lane, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Growing Place Montessori, The 13242 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Pomerado Christian Preschool 12708 Stone Canyon Rd, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Saint Bartholomew's Preschool 16275 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Legacy Montessori School 12310 Ninth Street, Poway, CA 92064 School Based
North City Preschool 11717 Poway Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Temple Adat Shalom-ganon Gil Preschool 15905 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA 92064 Religious Facility
Children's Preschool Learning Center 13168 Poway Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Elm Park Preschool 13604 Midland Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Poway Unified School District - Valley Elementary 13000 Bowron Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Mt. Olive Lutheran Preschool 14280 Poway Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Capslo Midland Head Start 13910 Midland Road, Poway, CA 92064 Head Start
Community Christian Preschool 13501 Community Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Chai Altman Infant Center 16934 Chabad Way, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Discovery Isle Child Development Center-infant 14521 Ted Williams Parkway, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Discovery Isle Child Development Center-infant 11740 Creek Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Poway Country Infant 14411 Norwalk Lane, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Children's Preschool Learning Ctr-school Age Prog. 13168 Poway Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Growing Place Montessori Inc., The 13242 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Poway Country Preschool-infant 14411 Norwalk Lane, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Hilltop Preschool - Infant 12348 B Casa Avenida, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Children's Preschool & Learning Center 13168 Poway Road, Poway, CA 92064 Center Based
Temple Adat Shalom Infant 15905 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA 92064 Religious Facility