1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-21, Boston, MA 02135

Address: 1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-21, Boston, MA 02135

1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-21, Boston, MA 02135 (Parcel #2102013076) is a property in the City of Boston. The owner is ZHOU ZHIYAN. The assessed value is 331300.

Property Overview

Parcel Number 21-02013-076
Condo Main Parcel Number 21-02013-000
Street Address 1662 Commonwealth Av
Unit #62-21
Boston, MA 02135
Property Occupancy Code Residential Property
Land Use CD - Residential condominium unit
Owner Occupied Yes (whether owner receives residential exemption as an owner occupied property)
Mail Address C/O ZHIYAN ZHOU
Assessed Building Value 331300
Total Assessed Value 331300
Gross Tax Bill Amount 350846
Land Area SQFT 819
Year Built 1925
Year Remodeled 1985
Commercial Gross Floor Area 819
Living Area SQTF 819
Number of Floors 1
Base Floor of Condo Unit 2
Located in Building Corner N
Orientation of Condo Unit F
Number of Rooms in Condo Unit 5
Number of Bedrooms in Condo Unit 2
Number of Full Baths in Condo Unit 1
Type of Heating W
Air Conditioning N

Property Assessment History

Year Total Assessed Value Increase % Land Value Building Value Tax
2014 234400 0.00% 0 234400 2948
2015 258000 10.07% 0 258000 3124
2016 304000 17.83% 0 304000 334400
2017 331300 8.98% 0 331300 350846

Office Location

Street Address 1662 COMMONWEALTH AV
Unit Number 62-21
City Boston, MA
Zip Code 02135

Properties in the same building

Value Address Owner
251000 1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-24, Boston, MA 02135 WANG MING-QUIANG
253800 1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-55, Boston, MA 02135 REGAN KEVIN
250500 1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-34, Boston, MA 02135 LIEM DJO CHEN
284100 1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-65, Boston, MA 02135 MCLAUGHLIN SHEILA M
250500 1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-44, Boston, MA 02135 QUINN JOHN
210900 1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-23, Boston, MA 02135 ZAINOUN WAJDI
250500 1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-54, Boston, MA 02135 PANG MICHAEL
210900 1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-33, Boston, MA 02135 MISSEL BERNARD ETAL
280000 1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-64, Boston, MA 02135 MIKULIN YELENA
210900 1662 Commonwealth Av, Unit #62-43, Boston, MA 02135 NAGY PETER C

Properties in the same street

Value Address Owner
187000 1625 Commonwealth Av, Unit #1625-3, Boston, MA 02135 WETSTEIN JENNIFER
224000 2000 Commonwealth Av, Unit #706, Boston, MA 02135 TRUSTEES OF BOSTON COLLEGE
0 1666 1662 Commonwealth Av, Boston, MA 02135 CONDOMINIUM AT 1662-1666
238900 1677 Commonwealth Av, Unit #19, Boston, MA 02135 ELBRUS MIKHAIL
384300 1661 Commonwealth Av, Unit #1661-4, Boston, MA 02135 RUSSELL DOYLE
181500 1669 Commonwealth Av, Unit #1669-5, Boston, MA 02135 CUNHA RICHARD
374800 1661 Commonwealth Av, Unit #1661-1, Boston, MA 02135 CHANG PEN-HAU B
4225000 1686 Commonwealth Av, Boston, MA 02135 ONE686 COMMONWEALTH REALTY
287800 1657 Commonwealth Av, Unit #1657-B, Boston, MA 02135 CHRISTIANSEN CINDY
380000 1661 Commonwealth Av, Unit #1661-2, Boston, MA 02135 DONG SIZHONG

Owner Overview

Mail Address C/O ZHIYAN ZHOU


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Zip Code 02135

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Dataset Information

Data Provider City of Boston, Assessing Department
Jurisdiction Boston

This dataset includes 168 thousand properties assessed by City of Boston, Assessing Department. The data contains property, or parcel, ownership together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of Boston taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with parcel id, address, owner, mailing address, assessed value, etc.

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