1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #3B, Boston, MA 02135

Address: 1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #3B, Boston, MA 02135

1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #3B, Boston, MA 02135 (Parcel #2101770084) is a property in the City of Boston. The owner is HARTLEY JOHN H. The assessed value is 241500.

Property Overview

Parcel Number 21-01770-084
Condo Main Parcel Number 21-01770-000
Street Address 1480 Commonwealth Av
Unit #3B
Boston, MA 02135
Property Occupancy Code Residential Property
Land Use CD - Residential condominium unit
Owner Occupied No (whether owner receives residential exemption as an owner occupied property)
Mail Address 1480 COMMONWEALTH AV #3B
Assessed Building Value 241500
Total Assessed Value 241500
Gross Tax Bill Amount 255749
Land Area SQFT 635
Year Built 1910
Year Remodeled 1985
Commercial Gross Floor Area 635
Living Area SQTF 635
Number of Floors 1
Base Floor of Condo Unit 1
Located in Building Corner N
Orientation of Condo Unit A
Number of Rooms in Condo Unit 3
Number of Bedrooms in Condo Unit 1
Number of Full Baths in Condo Unit 1
Type of Heating W
Air Conditioning N

Property Assessment History

Year Total Assessed Value Increase % Land Value Building Value Tax
2014 201900 0.00% 0 201900 2539
2015 222200 10.05% 0 222200 2690
2016 221600 -0.27% 0 221600 243760
2017 241500 8.98% 0 241500 255749

Office Location

Street Address 1480 COMMONWEALTH AV
Unit Number 3B
City Boston, MA
Zip Code 02135

Properties in the same building

Value Address Owner
223100 1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #4-B, Boston, MA 02135 DUMANIS DANIEL
213000 1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #2-B, Boston, MA 02135 AGATHON EQUITY PARTNERS LLC
231200 1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #10-B, Boston, MA 02135 LEE YORK L
262800 1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #5-B, Boston, MA 02135 STOWELL MARCIA F
241800 1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #1-B, Boston, MA 02135 YAFFE JENNIFER B
212200 1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #6-B, Boston, MA 02135 DECKER WILLIAM F
242300 1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #7-B, Boston, MA 02135 SHENSON LESLIE E
326700 1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #17-B, Boston, MA 02135 HOHNE PATRICK
219300 1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #14-B, Boston, MA 02135 KAMBOURIS PANAGIOTA
220700 1480 Commonwealth Av, Unit #8-B, Boston, MA 02135 VINSON KYLE

Properties in the same street

Value Address Owner
435200 1933 Commonwealth Av, Unit #103, Boston, MA 02135 MARGOLIN HELEN K
203100 1607 Commonwealth Av, Unit #14, Boston, MA 02135 ROMANOFF DAPHNE
31000 1501 Commonwealth Av, Boston, MA 02135 N&M PROPERTY LLC
25000 1501 Commonwealth Av, Boston, MA 02135 HAMMERGREN KAYLA
1549300 254 Commonwealth Av, Unit #1, Boston, MA 02116 FRIEDHOLM GREG A
426100 1474 Commonwealth Av, Unit #1474-2, Boston, MA 02135 WELENSKY C F
185900 1330 Commonwealth Av, Unit #24, Boston, MA 02134 ZHANG LI
25000 1501 Commonwealth Av, Boston, MA 02135 JAMMAL JARED H
229800 1625 Commonwealth Av, Unit #16, Boston, MA 02135 WELENSKY C FRED TS
202800 1607 Commonwealth Av, Unit #1, Boston, MA 02135 STEPHEN KE

Owner Overview

Mail Address 1480 COMMONWEALTH AV #3B


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Zip Code 02135

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Dataset Information

Data Provider City of Boston, Assessing Department
Jurisdiction Boston

This dataset includes 168 thousand properties assessed by City of Boston, Assessing Department. The data contains property, or parcel, ownership together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of Boston taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with parcel id, address, owner, mailing address, assessed value, etc.

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