10 Brook Av, Boston, MA 02119

Address: 10 Brook Av, Boston, MA 02119

10 Brook Av, Boston, MA 02119 (Parcel #0803144000) is a property in the City of Boston. The owner is DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC. The assessed value is 18800.

Property Overview

Parcel Number 08-03144-000
Street Address 10 Brook Av
Boston, MA 02119
Property Occupancy Code Exempt Ownership
Land Use EA - Tax-exempt (121A)
Owner Occupied No (whether owner receives residential exemption as an owner occupied property)
Mail Address 10 BROOK AVE
Assessed Land Value 18800
Total Assessed Value 18800
Land Area SQFT 4431

Property Assessment History

Year Total Assessed Value Increase % Land Value Building Value Tax
2014 14400 0.00% 14400 0 0
2015 15500 7.64% 15500 0 0
2016 17700 14.19% 17700 0 0
2017 18800 6.21% 18800 0 0

Office Location

Street Address 10 BROOK AV
City Boston, MA
Zip Code 02119

Properties in the same street

Value Address Owner
296100 Brook Av, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
626100 1 3 Brook St, Boston, MA 02131 SPECTRUM PROPERTIES
231900 8 Brook Av, Boston, MA 02119 BARROS MARIA J
329000 Brook Av, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
405500 11 Brook Av, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
295800 Brook Av, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
392700 12 Brook St, Unit #12, Boston, MA 02131 ETHEART ERNST
392700 6 Brook St, Unit #6, Boston, MA 02131 MOHAMED AHMED ABANUR
21200 Brook Av, Boston, MA 02125 DNI 4 INC
392700 8 Brook St, Unit #8, Boston, MA 02131 LAU TROUNG JESSICA T

Owner Overview

Mail Address 10 BROOK AVE

Properties with the same owner

Value Address Owner
316500 492 Dudley St, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
56500 13 Dennis St, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
11900 26 Huckins St, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
297400 Huckins St, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
300700 Huckins St, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
406600 16 Huckins St, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
373200 Huckins St, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
351900 1 Lewis Pl, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
354100 3 Lewis Pl, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC
85500 4 8 Lewis Pl, Boston, MA 02119 DUDLEY NEIGHBORS INC


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Zip Code 02119

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Dataset Information

Data Provider City of Boston, Assessing Department
Jurisdiction Boston

This dataset includes 168 thousand properties assessed by City of Boston, Assessing Department. The data contains property, or parcel, ownership together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of Boston taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with parcel id, address, owner, mailing address, assessed value, etc.

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