652 Dorchester Av, Boston, MA 02127

Address: 652 Dorchester Av, Boston, MA 02127

652 Dorchester Av, Boston, MA 02127 (Parcel #0702834000) is a property in the City of Boston. The owner is RUDIS STEVEN. The assessed value is 983900.

Property Overview

Parcel Number 07-02834-000
Street Address 652 Dorchester Av
Boston, MA 02127
Property Occupancy Code Residential Property
Land Use R3 - Residential 3-family
Owner Occupied Yes (whether owner receives residential exemption as an owner occupied property)
Mail Address 652 DORCHESTER AV
Assessed Land Value 188900
Assessed Building Value 795000
Total Assessed Value 983900
Gross Tax Bill Amount 1041950
Land Area SQFT 1920
Year Built 1900
Year Remodeled 2003
Commercial Gross Floor Area 4356
Living Area SQTF 2916
Number of Floors 3
Structural Classification R - Residential
Residential Building Style DK - Decker
Structure Roof Type F - Flat
Structure Exterior Finish M - Vinyl
Total Rooms 12
Bedrooms 5
Full Bathrooms 3
Residential Bath Style M - Modern
Residential Bath Style #2 M - Modern
Residential Bath Style #3 M - Modern
Kitchens 3
Residential Kitchen Style M - Modern
Residential Kitchen Style #2 M - Modern
Residential Kitchen Style #3 M - Modern
Heat Type W
Air Conditioning C

Property Assessment History

Year Total Assessed Value Increase % Land Value Building Value Tax
2014 617400 0.00% 157000 460400 7766
2015 710300 15.05% 157000 553300 8601
2016 855600 20.46% 188900 666700 941160
2017 983900 15.00% 188900 795000 1041950

Office Location

Street Address 652 DORCHESTER AV
City Boston, MA
Zip Code 02127

Properties in the same street

Value Address Owner
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344900 767 Dorchester Av, Unit #1, Boston, MA 02125 BOGUSLAWSKI RICHARD F
249500 1460 Dorchester Av, Unit #C-2, Boston, MA 02122 TRAN MINH V
0 633 Dorchester Av, Boston, MA 02127 SIX-33 DORCHESTER AV CONDO
1482500 655 Dorchester Av, Boston, MA 02125 ROMAN CATH ARCH OF BOSTN
140100 378 Dorchester St, Unit #5, Boston, MA 02127 MEI YA XIN EMILY CHEN
642700 975 Dorchester Av, Boston, MA 02125 TRUONG NAM H
55650900 2100 -2150 Dorchester Av, Boston, MA 02124 STEWARD CARNEY HOSPITAL INC
581300 556 A Dorchester Av, Unit #C2, Boston, MA 02127 DODD MARK G
1229500 648 650 Dorchester Av, Boston, MA 02127 WINTERSON MICHAEL

Owner Overview

Mail Address 652 DORCHESTER AV


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Zip Code 02127

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Dataset Information

Data Provider City of Boston, Assessing Department
Jurisdiction Boston

This dataset includes 168 thousand properties assessed by City of Boston, Assessing Department. The data contains property, or parcel, ownership together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of Boston taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with parcel id, address, owner, mailing address, assessed value, etc.

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