50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #903, Boston, MA 02116

Address: 50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #903, Boston, MA 02116

50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #903, Boston, MA 02116 (Parcel #0501278076) is a property in the City of Boston. The owner is ROBERTS GARY BOYD. The assessed value is 850900.

Property Overview

Parcel Number 05-01278-076
Condo Main Parcel Number 05-01278-000
Street Address 50 Commonwealth Av
Unit #903
Boston, MA 02116
Property Occupancy Code Residential Property
Land Use CD - Residential condominium unit
Owner Occupied Yes (whether owner receives residential exemption as an owner occupied property)
Mail Address 50 COMMONWEALTH AV 903
Assessed Building Value 850900
Total Assessed Value 850900
Gross Tax Bill Amount 901103
Land Area SQFT 795
Year Built 1900
Year Remodeled 1985
Commercial Gross Floor Area 795
Living Area SQTF 795
Number of Floors 1
Base Floor of Condo Unit 9
Located in Building Corner N
Orientation of Condo Unit T
Number of Rooms in Condo Unit 4
Number of Bedrooms in Condo Unit 2
Number of Full Baths in Condo Unit 1
Type of Heating W
Air Conditioning N

Property Assessment History

Year Total Assessed Value Increase % Land Value Building Value Tax
2014 627000 0.00% 0 627000 7887
2015 701300 11.85% 0 701300 8492
2016 782800 11.62% 0 782800 861080
2017 850900 8.70% 0 850900 901103

Office Location

Street Address 50 COMMONWEALTH AV
Unit Number 903
City Boston, MA
Zip Code 02116

Properties in the same building

Value Address Owner
1198600 50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #902, Boston, MA 02116 CLAY BRIAN C
1163700 50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #904, Boston, MA 02116 HAYAO GEORGE
922300 50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #905, Boston, MA 02116 HUFF-ROUSSELLE MARGARET
1300900 50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #901, Boston, MA 02116 LINDERMAN ARREL P
788600 50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #803, Boston, MA 02116 MCWHINNEY PATRICK M
1204400 50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #801, Boston, MA 02116 KINGSBERY MARY
1056700 50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #302, Boston, MA 02116 SHANE SHARON GROSSMAN
1157300 50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #502, Boston, MA 02116 MCKAY ANDREW
1179600 50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #301, Boston, MA 02116 LU SHAN
773000 50 Commonwealth Av, Unit #303, Boston, MA 02116 SPRECHER LEO T

Properties in the same street

Value Address Owner
588500 50 52 Commonwealth Av, Unit #STE 2, Boston, MA 02116 GOTSATE LLC
6029187 49 -51 Commonwealth Av, Unit #B, Boston, MA 02116 AGEL RONALD C
1073300 90 Commonwealth Av, Unit #5, Boston, MA 02116 JOHNSON BRADFORD J
0 14 8 Commonwealth Ct, Boston, MA 02135 COMMONWEALTH SQUARE CONDO TR
0 34 Commonwealth Av, Boston, MA 02116 THIRTY 4 COMMONWEALTH AV
2778900 49 -51 Commonwealth Av, Unit #D, Boston, MA 02116 CASEY J ROBERT TS
763200 46 Commonwealth Av, Unit #9, Boston, MA 02116 MOAKLER KATHERYN E
4037400 49 -51 Commonwealth Av, Unit #H, Boston, MA 02116 SULLIVAN DANIEL J
259600 14 Commonwealth Ct, Unit #14-15, Boston, MA 02135 EXARKHOPOULO PAVEL A
572000 386 Commonwealth Av, Unit #33, Boston, MA 02215 TRAVIS LEO A TS

Owner Overview

Mail Address 50 COMMONWEALTH AV 903


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Zip Code 02116

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Dataset Information

Data Provider City of Boston, Assessing Department
Jurisdiction Boston

This dataset includes 168 thousand properties assessed by City of Boston, Assessing Department. The data contains property, or parcel, ownership together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of Boston taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with parcel id, address, owner, mailing address, assessed value, etc.

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