7 Union Pk, Boston, MA 02118

Address: 7 Union Pk, Boston, MA 02118

7 Union Pk, Boston, MA 02118 (Parcel #0306900000) is a property in the City of Boston. The owner is WILSON WILLIAM F. The assessed value is 2089500.

Property Overview

Parcel Number 03-06900-000
Street Address 7 Union Pk
Boston, MA 02118
Property Occupancy Code Apartment Property
111 - APT 4-6 UNITS
Land Use R4 - Residential 4 or more family
Owner Occupied Yes (whether owner receives residential exemption as an owner occupied property)
Mail Address 7 UNION PARK
Assessed Land Value 506100
Assessed Building Value 1583400
Total Assessed Value 2089500
Gross Tax Bill Amount 2212780
Land Area SQFT 2719
Year Built 1899
Year Remodeled 2012
Commercial Gross Floor Area 4885
Living Area SQTF 3908
Number of Floors 4
Structural Classification C - Brick/Concrete

Property Assessment History

Year Total Assessed Value Increase % Land Value Building Value Tax
2014 1654500 0.00% 372200 1282300 20813
2015 1682000 1.66% 416800 1265200 20369
2016 1940000 15.34% 467500 1472500 2134000
2017 2089500 7.71% 506100 1583400 2212780

Office Location

Street Address 7 UNION PK
City Boston, MA
Zip Code 02118

Properties in the same street

Value Address Owner
26300 7 11 Union Av, Boston, MA 02130 SULLIVAN TIMOTHY
1997800 11 Hf Union Pk, Unit #3, Boston, MA 02118 MACCULLOCH BRAD
507200 21 Union Av, Boston, MA 02130 SPEARS RICHARD WELLS
0 9 Union Pk, Boston, MA 02118 NINE UNION PARKSIDE
601000 99 101 Union St, Boston, MA 02135 QIU FEI HUA
0 23 Union St, Boston, MA 02129 TWENTY 3 UNION STREET
0 20 Union Pk, Boston, MA 02118 TWENTY UNION PARK CONDO TR
865700 41 Union Pk, Unit #5, Boston, MA 02118 HAYNES CHRISTOPHER B
1178632 29 Union Pk, Unit #1, Boston, MA 02118 MAYER VINCENT
543600 9 Union Pk, Unit #2, Boston, MA 02118 GORDON RICHARD

Owner Overview

Mail Address 7 UNION PARK


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Zip Code 02118

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Dataset Information

Data Provider City of Boston, Assessing Department
Jurisdiction Boston

This dataset includes 168 thousand properties assessed by City of Boston, Assessing Department. The data contains property, or parcel, ownership together with value information, which ensures fair assessment of Boston taxable and non-taxable property of all types and classifications. Each property is disclosed with parcel id, address, owner, mailing address, assessed value, etc.

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